貧血是指單位容積血液內血紅蛋白含量及紅細胞數低於正常。正常成人血 紅蛋白含量男性是12-16克/ioo毫升,女性是11-15克/100毫升;紅細胞 數男性是400-550萬/立方毫米,女性是350-500萬/立方毫米。凡是低於上述指標的就屬於貧血。臨床表現為面色蒼白,伴有頭昏、氣急、心悸、乏 力等症狀。
紅細胞生成減少。由於不良的飲食習慣、偏食或飲食品質低,很容易產生營養不良,缺乏必要的造血原料,因而導致貧血。常見的是巨幼紅細胞性貧血和缺鐵性貧 血。此外,胃腸道吸收功能障礙也是導致造血物質缺乏,從而引起貧血的主要原因之一,如萎縮性胃炎、慢性腹瀉、胃切除術後、胃癌等,都能影響維生素B12、 鐵和其他造血物質的吸收而產生貧血。
飲食營養要合理,食物需要多樣化,不能偏食,否則會因某種營養素的缺乏而導致貧血。同時要攝入富含營養和高蛋白、高熱量、多無機鹽、維生素的食物,以利於 恢復造血功能。並且要有利於消化。平時的飲食應有節制、有規律,禁止暴飲暴食。可以多吃一些含鐵豐富的食物,如瘦肉、豬血、豬肝、豆類、乳製品、大米、綠 葉蔬菜、蘋果等。多喝茶能補充大量葉釅酸、維生素B12,這些都有利於巨細胞性貧血的治療。但缺鐵性貧血的患者不宜喝茶,因為喝茶不利於人體對鐵劑的吸 收。適當補充酸性食物會有利於鐵劑的吸收。儘量不要吃辛辣、生冷不容易消化的食物。平時可以配合滋補食療補養身體。
EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
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Excessive red meat consumption found to increase risk of stroke
Fattest Women World Record and how she could get slim and trim again?
EWG's 2012 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce™
Dr. Russell Blaylock exposes Gardasil, HPV vaccine fraud
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Woman mutates, hair follicles begin growing black fingernails
Woman mutates, hair follicles begin growing black fingernails
Why Jamaicans Are So Fast, The Truth
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Chinese health deteriorating as Western foods become more prominent
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Running with the Kenyans: Passion, Adventure, and the Secrets of the Fastest People on Earth
[Hardcover] Adharanand Finn (Author) 5/12
Heart-stopping moment as kayakers spot 20ft shark off Cornish coast... but don't worry, it's harmless
The stunned pair were within touching distance of the sea monster as they enjoyed the summer sun just off shore at Sennen in Cornwall
Olympic vegetarians: the elite athletes who shun meat
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Venus Williams, Plant-Strong at the Olympics
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一位名叫葉子僑的女孩子,因緣巧合,登上一艘帆船,做「浪人」去也,在南太平洋一去 3 年,回程時,開了眼界,更已成為母親。她執筆寫下自己的浪漫與冒險故事,書名命為【任我帆遊南半球】。
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10 Life-Threatening Mistakes You Might Make With Your Doctor
Digestive enzymes enhance nutrient absorption, gut health and longevity
Canadian firm ready to unleash genetically engineered Frankenapples in U.S
President Obama's store sells hemp from Communist China while hemp farming in America remains criminalized
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GMOs cause animals to lose their ability to reproduce, Russian scientists discover
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Determine your risk for cancer without the use of radiation
How now black and white cow? A glass of morphine milk?
A few thousand years ago, the majority of milk cows were the wholesome beta-casein A2 type until the genetically mutated beta-casein A1 strain appeared. Today, over 90 percent of US milk cows are the errant A1 type cows.
Big Pharma shifting from deadly chemical drugs to bioelectric implants
Seven toxic foods, drinks, and additives to cut out of your diet for good
Inflammation is the cause of nearly all disease - Here's how to prevent it
Flame retardants are causing autism
PBDEs have been accumulating in the environment in lock-step with the accelerating rise in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
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India government outraged at Sikh shooting deaths of six people, but says nothing about Monsanto-linked deaths of 200,000 farmers
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生態災難 市民蒙在鼓裏 致癌毒膠粒60億粒遍港海
影響健康 聚丙烯吸毒力強 顏色越深越毒
刻不容緩 毒膠粒散11海灘 籲全民救海洋
India government outraged at Sikh shooting deaths of six people, but says nothing about Monsanto-linked deaths of 200,000 farmers
Is there fluoride in your grapes?
Fluoride exposure is also problematic throughout the food supply, including in fresh food crops that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides made from fluoride compounds.
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Five -year-old girl found living with cows can only communicate by mooing
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Triathlon Live London 2012
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Five -year-old girl found living with cows can only communicate by mooing
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Jobs Search
'Be kind to wasps, they're the key to the web of life', say conservationists
Eating Garlic is very toxic for the body
'Be kind to wasps, they're the key to the web of life', say conservationists
Infographic unveiled: Top Ten GMO Foods to Avoid Eating
Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid
Corn, Soy, Sugar, Aspartame, Papayas, Canola, Cotton, Dairy, Zucchini and Yellow Squash
Cellphone and Radiation, if any, if it exists? Free App to measure and Prevent.
iPhone 4S Reportedly Emits 3X The Amount Of Radiation As The Samsung Galaxy S III
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張惠儀和張惠侶(阿琴)兩姊妹先後畢業於中大新聞系; 惠儀在香港電台電視部工作,與同事楊子江(96兼讀中英語文) 結婚,夫妻相濡以沫。阿琴下嫁英籍丈夫高田先生(Robert Highfield),此君曾任水警,7歲讀過世界地圖, 已下決心駕船環遊世界。退休後竟付諸實行,購入設備齊全雙體船, 取名「翡翠號」(Jade)。
Swimming with whales
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GMO wars - Monsanto suing DuPont to see who will dominate the world's food supply
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Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa
Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa
Watch out, Africa, Melinda Gates is coming!
Nanoparticle technology turns personal care products toxic
More athletes choose real food and reject synthetic 'high-tech' sports drinks and supplements
Dangerous levels of Fukushima radiation headed for West Coast, say scientists
Now scientists push genetically modified bacteria to fight malaria
Milk pasteurization promotes the growth of super germs, say scientists
'Lead-free' jewelry for children found to be loaded with lead
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Scientists Genetically Modify Bacteria in Mosquitoes for ‘Malaria Control’
2012 Hamburg ITU World Triathlon Series Race Video
Scientists Genetically Modify Bacteria in Mosquitoes for 'Malaria Control'
Voyage of discovery
One Hong Kong couple find that local schools are unable to match the standard of home education they provided their children on a round-the-world yacht trip
THE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR - Descendants of Lost Tribes of Israel
Scientists Propose Dumping Hundreds of Tons of Iron into Ocean to 'Stop Global Warming'
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