
今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman

今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman,年齡對她來說從來不是問題,她做到的POSE令年輕人也自嘆不如。



全球中藥材市場抽檢 36 樣本幾近全含殘餘農藥

南水北調 「致癌工程」
催生癌症村 毒水入京

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Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones

How to make lab tests lie 

Supreme Court rules cops can collect your DNA if they arrest you

Find out which foods we eat in America are banned in other countries - the facts will scare you
Synthetic food colorings
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) 
Potassium bromate
Dairy hormones rBGH and rBST 
Olestra or olean

Hospitals, cancer centers now getting women drunk at 'mammogram parties' to lure them into having their breasts irradiated

Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones
June 29, 2013
.......We urge health agencies and the public to act immediately to reduce exposure to radiofrequency/ microwave radiation. This is especially important for children, who are physiologically more vulnerable to this exposure and for whom adults have a safeguarding responsibility. Children's health should be put ahead of convenience and commercial benefits. Children should not use mobile phones except in an emergency, and WiFi should be replaced with wired alternatives in schools and other settings where children spend considerable time.

How consistent hospital error is having a deadly effect on the healthcare system
July 02, 2013 

Is autism linked to air pollution?
The pregnant women living in areas that had the highest levels of diesel fuel or mercury were most at risk,

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Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy

Orangutan Pees In Own Mouth  
Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy!

Matt Monarch & The Magic Raw Cookie Paradigm Parody

The benefits of going vegetarian: Weight loss, a healthier heart, drastically reduced cancer risk and more

Studies Prove Monsanto's Roundup Is Killing You
Anthony Gucciardi speaks with scientist Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo on the massive amounts of research that shows Monsanto's #1 selling herbicide Roundup is leading to conditions like lymphoma and DNA damage. 

Over $30M spent last year on lobbying to keep GMOs hidden in foods

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