電訊商搞派對造勢 行貨料炒至萬元 iPhone4 凌晨開賣 逾千人通宵排隊
(星島日報 報道)蘋果產品一浪接一浪,繼上星期iPad襲港,萬眾期待的iPhone4今日凌晨起在港正式開售。昨晚開售前,有逾千人在中環 國金二期外排隊等買心頭好,人龍一直延至上環的信德中心。蘋果迷坦言,會購買兩部iPhone4,一部自用,另一部以九千五百元轉售。水貨電話商預期,由於開售初期行貨數量少,行貨會炒至近一萬元水平;預計水貨的售價要一個星期後才回落約兩千元。
粉絲買兩部 無懼接收差
另一家電訊服務供應商CSL旗下多間分店昨晚更延長服務時間,招待訂購了iPhone4的客戶。三十四歲的張先生,昨晚九時許便到銅鑼灣 分店外排隊,他購買兩部iPhone4,一部自用、一部炒賣,「賣九千五百元,已經聯絡了買家即時交收。」他又稱,不擔心iPhone4的訊號接收有問題,「無一部電話的網絡係完美,自己個台(電訊商)接受得好就搭夠。」
明星助陣 霍建寧親披甲
另一家水貨電話商「囍」負責人吳先生則表示,預計一星期後,蘋果官方網站發售的iPhone4正式抵港,行貨數量增加,水貨價錢才會回落約兩千元。他又指,現時水貨iPhone4的回收 價已下跌了兩千元,16GB大約七千元,32GB則約八千元,但行家已暫停接貨,但他相信水貨仍有市場,好多內地客都想買iPhone4,但又不想上台。」
記者 楊耀登 阮秀君
Computers Hardware
Softwares Warehouse
因吸毒而形象盡毀的日本 女星酒井法子,已跟引誘她吸毒的丈夫高相祐一,正式離婚。
共同社報道,日本女星酒井法子之前所屬的經理人公司Sun Music今日透露,因違反《興奮劑取締法》雙雙獲刑的酒井法子(39歲)與其丈夫高相祐一(42歲)的離婚協議已生效。
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因吸毒而形象盡毀的日本 女星酒井法子,已跟引誘她吸毒的丈夫高相祐一,正式離婚。
共同社報道,日本女星酒井法子之前所屬的經理人公司Sun Music今日透露,因違反《興奮劑取締法》雙雙獲刑的酒井法子(39歲)與其丈夫高相祐一(42歲)的離婚協議已生效。
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Horse Racing
Horse Racing
行政長官 曾蔭權 21日在地區行政高峰會批評,巿民在處理骨灰龕問題時抱有「各家自掃門前雪」心態,要求在全港18區均興建骨灰龕場。但曾蔭權的說法,被多名立法行政議員所批評,認為反顯示政府推卸責任。
身兼中西區區議員的立法會 議員甘乃威表示,曾蔭權希望各區承擔責任,興建骨灰龕場等不受歡迎設施,但相反地,卻不給予區議會 權力,興建受歡迎設施,亦不為興建骨灰龕場,提供配套作為補償,認為政府規劃失當。
另外,身兼行政會議 成員的民建聯 劉江華 表示,巿民對興建骨灰龕場有情緒反應是很正常,政府應用較忍讓的態度,跟巿民溝通。
民主黨 劉慧卿 批評政府做法差劣,認為政府要賦予區議會更多權責,讓區議員更多向巿民解釋骨灰龕場問題,立法會各黨派亦應該加強討論,建立共識。
行政長官 曾蔭權 21日在地區行政高峰會批評,巿民在處理骨灰龕問題時抱有「各家自掃門前雪」心態,要求在全港18區均興建骨灰龕場。但曾蔭權的說法,被多名立法行政議員所批評,認為反顯示政府推卸責任。
身兼中西區區議員的立法會 議員甘乃威表示,曾蔭權希望各區承擔責任,興建骨灰龕場等不受歡迎設施,但相反地,卻不給予區議會 權力,興建受歡迎設施,亦不為興建骨灰龕場,提供配套作為補償,認為政府規劃失當。
另外,身兼行政會議 成員的民建聯 劉江華 表示,巿民對興建骨灰龕場有情緒反應是很正常,政府應用較忍讓的態度,跟巿民溝通。
民主黨 劉慧卿 批評政府做法差劣,認為政府要賦予區議會更多權責,讓區議員更多向巿民解釋骨灰龕場問題,立法會各黨派亦應該加強討論,建立共識。
【明報專訊】香港正爭議興建「骨灰龕」之時,天津 前日舉行歷來規模最大的環保葬禮,工作人員把281名逝者的骨灰放在可降解的骨灰龕中,統一埋入地底或沉入水中,3至6個月就會降解「重返自然」,且對土壤和水不會造成污染。為推行環保殯葬,此項服務完全免費。
天價幻滅 天匯交易爛尾 首批25伙單位八成撻訂
天價幻滅 天匯交易爛尾 首批25伙單位八成撻訂
(明報)2010年6月16日 星期三
【明報專訊】天匯單位的天價成交幻滅。首批發售的25伙單位,最終只有1伙如期成交及4伙延期成交,而有多達20伙撻訂爛尾,佔首批單位八成,當中更包括呎價7.12萬元售出的全球最貴分層單位(68樓A)。發展商恒地主席李兆基 親自回應事件時表示,這20伙重售時不會減價,原價「多數賣得出」。
呎價7萬單位 交易取消
恒地發言人補充,撻訂是買家的選擇,一切依足合約辦事。不過,有立法會 議員表明,擬動用特權法要求政府交出調查天匯交易的資料,然後再決定是否成立專責委員會調查事件。政府發言人表示「政府會了解有關情况,以考慮下一步行動」,並說「有決心為置業人士締造更公平、高資訊透明度的交易環境」。
李兆基昨午親自在總部大堂回應事件,被問及會否擔心影響恒地賣樓的誠信,李兆基說不擔心。對是次「撻訂」事件會否不開心,他說﹕「你口地(傳媒)有份搞到大家不開心!」恒地聲明又說,恒地並無就該4個單位作出減價,亦無就樓價融資向買方提供任何協助。恒地副主席林高演補充說,交易過程中無論是殺訂、罰息,都完全依足合約,而4伙完成交易的買家要向匯豐銀行 做借貸,但不透露承按多少。
對於天匯20個單位取消交易,民主黨 議員李永達 質疑之前的交易涉嫌托價誤導市場,他已去信政府,要求公開地政總署 發給恒基的6封信及回覆,若政府不公開資料,他不排除要求動用特權法索取資料。
公民黨 立法會議員湯家驊 認為,發展商需要公開交代,為何不維護上市公司的利益向買家追討差價。若那些買賣合約原來沒有法律效力,則有誤導市場之嫌,政府應調查研究是否涉詐騙。
Acai Assault: The Acai Berry may Regulate Cholesterol
Acai Assault: The Acai Berry may Regulate Cholesterol
by Frank Mangano
(NaturalNews) The laundry list of acai berry benefits to the body just got a bit longer. According to a recent study published in the journal Nutrition, the awkward-to-pronounce berry is great for cholesterol regulation.
There's no shortage of health claims when it comes to the acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-EE, not ack-EYE), the berry that's been billed as the "Superfood of superfoods" by doctors and nutritionists alike. From better digestion to improved circulation, the acai berry could very well be the "berry best" in a family that's already bursting with nutritional heavyweights.
The latest study to tout the acai berry's benefits comes out of Brazil, the berry's native land, where the pulp of acai was fed to two groups of rats. One of the groups had a standard rat diet, while the other had a high fat diet. The remaining rats had high fat diets but without the accompanying acai (there were four groupings of rats).
After six weeks of observation, the researchers found distinct differences in the blood work of the rats that supplemented with the acai and those that didn't. Both acai supplementing groups had improvements in their cholesterol profile, but what really took the researchers by surprise was that the high fat rats had the best cholesterol profile (i.e., total cholesterol levels AND non-HDL levels dropped).
The researchers believe the acai berry was the catalyst, but it could also have been due to the fact that those fed the high fat diet consumed less food in terms of quantity (i.e., less food consumed, but more calories consumed).
Granted, this test was performed on rats, but observers of the study have every reason to suspect that the results can be translated to humans. More long-term studies are in the offing.
The acai berry is not something you'll find nestled next to blueberries or strawberries at your local farmer's market. Ninety percent of the berry is the pit, which may explain why you've seen people drinking acai berry juice but not eating the actual berry. But what an acai berry lacks in plumpness, it makes up for in nutrients. The flesh of one acai berry has 10 times the antioxidant content found in a grape, and two times the antioxidant content found in a blueberry.
What is relative humidity and how does it affect how I feel outside?
What is relative humidity and how does it affect how I feel outside?
If the air is at 100-percent relative humidity, sweat will not evaporate into the air. As a result, we feel much hotter than the actual temperature when the relative humidity is high.
Humidity is somethi ng we hear about daily in weather reports. Humidity is to blame for that muggy, steam-room feeling you experience on certain summer days.
Humidity can be measured in several ways, but relative humidity is the most common. In order to understand relative humidity, it is helpful to first understand absolute humidity.
Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor divided by the mass of dry air in a volume of air at a given temperature. The hotter the air is, the more water it can contain.
Relative humidity is the ratio of the current absolute humidity to the highest possible absolute humidity (which depends on the current air temperature). A reading of 100 percent relative humidity means that the air is totally saturated with water vapor and cannot hold any more, creating the possibility of rain. This doesn't mean that the relative humidity must be 100 percent in order for it to rain -- it must be 100 percent where the clouds are forming, but the relative humidity near the ground could be much less.
Humans are very sensitive to humidity, as the skin relies on the air to get rid of moisture. The process of sweating is your body's attempt to keep cool and maintain its current temperature. If the air is at 100-percent relative humidity, sweat will not evaporate into the air. As a result, we feel much hotter than the actual temperature when the relative humidity is high. If the relative humidity is low, we can feel much cooler than the actual temperature because our sweat evaporates easily, cooling us off. For example, if the air temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) and the relative humidity is zero percent, the air temperature feels like 69 degrees Fahrenheit (21 C) to our bodies. If the air temperature is 75 degrees Fahrenheit (24 C) and the relative humidity is 100 percent, we feel like it's 80 degrees (27 C) out.
People tend to feel most comfortable at a relative humidity of about 45 percent. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers help to keep indoor humidity at a comfortable level.
Author and Nutritionist David Wolfe Discusses Nutritional Myths
Author and Nutritionist David Wolfe Discusses Nutritional Myths
By Kevin Gianni
Kevin: Let's take another turn here and let's talk a little bit about some of the common things that people are experiencing nowadays and maybe if you can just give some suggestions on what they can do to help them out. I know that, to start, we'll start with osteoporosis. A lot of women are concerned about osteoporosis and they're concerned about calcium and taking these calcium pills. You know, what are some of the pros and cons of that?
David: Okay, well the nations that consume the most calcium, the United States, Canada and the Scandinavian countries, have the worse osteoporosis and that's because our theory of mineralization or our theory of nutrition is incorrect.
The general theory is that a hundred years ago they started looking at people's bones. They found out that, oh my god; these bones are made out of calcium. When people don't have enough bone density the thought is, oh they just have to eat more calcium because that's what builds bones.
Calcium does not build bones and that is one of the biggest misconceptions ever and it actually goes to the real core of our problems with science. And that is the human body is a complex biological machine of an unbelievable of mystery.
And there is strong evidence that indicates that if you eat some of the calcium, let's say it's calcium from coral calcium, for example, oyster shell calcium. That it is almost impossible to get that stuff into your bones to increase bone density. The amount of increasing bone density, at best, is 1 or 2%. It is not good enough.
What increases bone density? Well, it turns out it's two other minerals and that is silicon and magnesium. Now, the best natural source of magnesium is cacao and cacao is known to be good for your teeth. In fact, there are chemicals in cacao that kill the organism Streptococci mutans that cause cavities. And, in fact, those extracts of the chocolate are now going to be showing up in toothpaste all over the world.
Kevin: No kidding?
David: That's amazing. That to me is just such a dramatic irony.
Kevin: Wow.
Wolfe: All along chocolate has been good for your teeth. It's the sugar that's been bad but even then, studies have been done on people who eat chocolate even with the sugar and it's been found with a study done in Scandinavia on this.
It's been found that even then that people who eat chocolate have been teeth health than people who don't. To me that's amazing. But let's get on to silicon because this is the mineral that is difficult to get in today's diet. What is silicon? It's a mineral. You get it in the skin of cucumbers. It's in the skin of bell peppers. It's the skin of tomatoes. It's in certain special herbs, which I'm going to name and you can drink this as a tea or take it in supplemental form and you will notice that it helps with your bone density.
And here are the herbs. One of them is called horse tail, horse tail and it's not a horse's tail. It's actually an herb. Another one is nettle. Stinging nettles have been eaten by the druids in the U.K. for thousands of years and it's one of the most important foods to eat if you know how to do it or if you juice it or you can just dry it and make a tea out of it, which is what I'm recommending; horse tail, nettle, oat straw. The oat seed of the oat grass has a little straw around it. It has a little coating. It's the seed capsule. That oat straw is one of the richest sources of silicon. You can buy it in health food stores. You can get in as extracts in health food stores.
You can get it raw and make your own tea out of it. You combine those three together and you want you can add alfalfa, which is also a great source of silicon. You can either make a tea out of that or you can just eat those any way you can find them. And you will find if you do three strong teas of that per day you will start increasing your bone density but how? It's the silicon.
Now, how does silicon increase calcium? I mean that doesn't make sense. It's because our theory of minerals is incorrect. Our atomic theory is incorrect. And that is if you eat silicon rich food your body, through the power of enzymes transmutates it into calcium, turns the silicon into calcium. That was discovered by a great French researcher by the name of Louis Curvan, a Nobel prize nominee, who wrote five books and 5,000 pages of research on just this particular subject; how silicon and calcium are related to each other.
It was very well honored in France and he is very intimately entwined in the science of what's going on in France; but because of the language barrier his research really never made it to the English-speaking nations.
Kevin: Interesting when we're still taking calcium pills from, you know, sea shells and everything.
David: I recommend to god, you know, this is so engrained in our minds about calcium that if you are confused about this, get on the Internet and research exactly whose getting the results of remineralizing their bones and you'll find it's people who are not taking these forms of calcium that are toxic, which is the oyster shell calcium and to some degree even coral calcium.
Kevin: Now, bones are alkaline and doesn't the acidity of meats and sugars - does that eat away at the bone? I mean has that been proven or is that just a theory that I think I have, you know?
David: Well, that's a great question and that's the other side of the equation about osteoporosis. One is we've got to make sure we get the right nutrition to build strong bones. The other side of the equation is we've got to make sure we are doing things that aren't hurting our bones.
Eating lots of sugar is one of the worse things we can do to our overall health of our teeth, which are living bones and to the density of our bones because when we take in lots of sugar our body has to use calcium, it has to pull calcium out of the bones to buffer or neutralize the intense acidity of the sugar.
Calcium is highly alkaline, as you stated. Our bones are alkaline and, therefore, alkaline minerals are used whenever we're exposed to real strong acids. Sugar is a very strong acid. I mean, you know, we used to dissolve the corrosion on our battery terminals of our bus by dumping soda pop onto it because that sugar just dissolves and the phosphoric acid just dissolves all the corrosion right on the battery terminal. I mean you don't' want to be putting that in your body. That's dangerous.
Kevin: Let's get into supplements little bit. And you walk into a health food store and there are literally thousands of them. How do you get through them to find the ones that help with weight loss, and longevity, is really what I think the fountain of youth is all about?
Which ones of those are the best? I mean rhodiola, turmeric, cinnamon. I mean which ones are the ones that people should be focusing on, not necessarily take but should be focusing on?
David: That's such an excellent question. My job is to basically guide people into health food stores and create order out of chaos. There are so many things. Okay, well the most important thing, in my opinion, that you can buy in a health food store in that department is going to be vitamin C.
Kevin: Okay. In what form?
David: Well, there's different forms. Now, I recommend that you start experimenting, moving away from synthetic forms of vitamin C or ascorbic acid, which is still beneficial, still good for you, and moving towards powdered, really high vitamin C plants. For example, you can get acerola cherry. It's a tropical berry that is really high in vitamin C.
It's like 1 or 2% vitamin C and basically what they do is they grow these berries. They dry them and they powder them down and the encapsulate them or put them in a glass jar and sell them in health food stores as vitamin C.
Now, that's a real great way to get lots of vitamin C natural with all the cofactors. Vitamin C needs cofactors like rutin and bioflavonoids that are all naturally present in those powders, like acerola cherry. You can either take it supplementally as capsules or you add it onto your smoothies. You can literally put it in your water that you drink in your morning and it kind of sweetens the water. It sweetens the water but doesn't sugarize the water.
Kevin: Gotcha.
David: Vitamin C is sweet but not sugary. So it makes your morning water easier to drink. So that's one thing, vitamin C. The next thing is, what I believe to be, the greatest discovery in the last -- probably in the last hundred years in the field of nutrition other than vitamin C and enzymes and that is sulfur, MSM, Methylsulfonylmethane.
MSM is a biologically available form of sulfur that's naturally found in wild food, untended food. We don't really have access to that hardly at all any more. I mean, almost all our food is grown on farms for us. It's not being watered naturally by the rain. I'm talking about the natural sulfur that's produced in the oceans that helps create clouds, then drops them on the land that we need nutritionally in order to produce flexible collagen. Now that in the world does that mean? It means that sulfur produces flexible skin and flexible muscle tissue. It stops, in essence, wrinkling and increases the juiciness of the collagen and the discs, the joints that basically separate our bones from each other. On top of all that, it increases the growth of our hair, our nails, so that we have thicker, richer growth of our hair and nails. This can all be easily experienced within two weeks of taking MSM.
Kevin: It's going to grow like weeds.
David: It's really incredible and people who want thick quick growth of their hair and nails are almost always completely shocked by how powerful MSM can be. You can get it in capsule form. You can get it in a powder form. It's available in every single health food store now.
Once you start looking into it, and especially when you take it, here's what you're going to find out. You're going to find it's one of the most important things you've ever taken. I have randomly polled hundreds of people about MSM. I almost always to a T here from people who have taken it before. Oh, MSM changed my life. I've heard that dozens of times, that exact quote. Oh, MSM changed my life.
Kevin Gianni the host of Renegade Health Show - a fun and informative daily health show that is changing the perception of health across the world. His is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars about abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of The Busy Person's Fitness Solution
David Wolfe's Eating for Beauty
David Wolfe's Eating for Beauty
I recently bought this at Whole Foods, and I'm now incorporating his supplement suggestions...
On some levels, taking supplements makes me crazy. I spend a ton of money, which is fine. The only thing more important than my intake would be something like a massage or spa treatment... Sometimes I'm so full from swallowing all the stuff that there's no room for anything else, which is not that fun all the time.
I'm completely grossed out by the taste of MSM, so I'm going to put less into my water. I think I nearly poisoned myself with it today. I felt so sick! He said that one teaspoon per liter ought to be okay. I'm going to try it tomorrow. I'm also wondering if I could just put a few tablespoons into a cup of water and just chug it.
Would it still work? still help with the absorption of all the food nutrients and supplements I taken within 12 hours? I'm also trying to figure out exactly how much to take. The label says to take 1/2 teaspoon 1-2 times per day whereas David Wolfe recommends 1-3 tablespoons twice a day. Sometimes I wonder if my body needs the maximum.
I found an amla berry powder that's blended with spirulina. He recommends 2-3 tablespoons of whole-food viatmin C powder per day whereas this label recommends 1/8-1 teaspoon per day. Does anybody know if spirulina stains porcelain veneers? Amla berry seems really potent.
I picked up some tocotrienols today. He recommends 1-2 tablespoons per day which I think I'll take. The label recommends 1 rounded teaspoon per day.
He recommends 1-3 capsules of silica from horsetail extract. The label recommends 1 500 mg capsule twice per day, which what I'm going to take.
He recommends goji berries. I've become a fan of blending them into smoothies or eating them by themselves. I'm down with goji berries.
He recommends 1-3 enzyme capsules per meal. The label recommends 1 per meal. If I took 2 more would I notice? benefit? feel better? have better digestion?
He recommends 1 probiotics capsule with each meal. The label recommends only 1 per day.
I haven't found chaparral leaves, blue mangosteen, or David Wolfe's supplements yet. I haven't even made it to his website to read his information! I've got to get over there! I'd like to meet him in person. He seems like a delight. I think I'd totally jive with him.
In addition to the suggestions in the book, I'm also currently taking the Natural Calm magnesium-calcium formula, which I really like! It's a tasty raspberry-lemon flavor. Dr. Norm Shealy was a huge advocate for magnesium taurate on his radio show... I'm taking chlorella because I feel that my body is so much more flexible when I have it in my system.
Of course I'm still taking the whole food blood builder. And I'm taking alfalfa leaf juice, wheat grass juice, barley grass juice, and blue green algae.
I need your help with his topical suggestions. I bought cacao butter for my face since it's supposed to be so good for the eye region. Do you know how to soften this? It's not like coconut oil, which melts as soon as you touch it. Have you found a stone-crushed olive oil? I haven't seen at the store. I guess I'll have to get it online. I want to get some MSM lotion, too.
David Wolfe Debunks Calcium
David Wolfe Debunks Calcium
Calcium does not build bones. This is one of the biggest misconceptions ever. This statement comes from one of the world's leading authorities on nutrition. He is David Wolfe and he is here to debunk some of our nutritional myths.
But first of all let us talk a little about David Wolfe. Who is David Wolfe? David Wolfe is the author of a lot of nutrition books namely Naked Chocolate, Amazing Grace, Eating for Beauty and the Sunfood Diet Success System.
Working with the sunfood organization they have been responsible in developing, marketing and distributing some of the world's most incredible and exotic organic food items. They are also the first to deliver raw organic superfoods such as Incan berries, cacao butter, cacao powder, goji berries, maca extract, powdered encapsulated mangosteen, cacao beans and cold-pressed coconut oil into North America.
David Wolfe, having a degree in political science, mechanical and environmental engineering, a juris in doctor in law and a masters in living-food nutrition is also part of Dr. Gabriel Cousen's masters of degree program on live-food nutrition. He hosts at leasts six fitness, health and adventure retreats each year at various retreats around the world. He has already given over 1,000 health lectures and seminars in Canada, Europe, the South Pacific, Central America, South America and the United States.
David Wolfe as of now is already completing several new books and on the side is also playing drums for the raw rock and roll band called The Healing Waters.
So with that background on David Wolfe let us now talk about his debunking of calcium. David Wolfe says that calcium does not build bones. When people do not have much bone density people think that they don't have calcium but this is not true. In fact even if we eat for example oyster shell calcium, we will only take in at best 1 or 2% of increase in our bone density. And we all know that 1 or 2 % is not enough.
For David Wolfe, what increase bone density is by taking in silicon and magnesium. The best source for magnesium would be cacao. Yes, cacao or raw chocolate. Chocolate is even good for your teeth because it kills the organism Streptococcus that cause cavities. It is sugar that is bad for our teeth not chocolate.
Then the best source for silicon would be cucumber skin, bell peppers skin and skin of tomatoes. Silicon can also be found in certain special herbs like horse tail, nettle, alfalfa and oat straw.
So if you want to have bone density. Stop taking calcium. Start taking in magnesium and silicon. Hope this new information has helped you change your outlook in foods because there is till more new updates on science, food and nutrition that still needs to be discovered.
Help spread the world and start living healthy. Good luck!
長跑知識 崩潰點
長跑知識 崩潰點 一套關於 [ 崩潰點 ] 的理論. 簡單來說, 運動員在跑了一段路程之後, 體力透支, 就會突然慢下來, 甚至完全沒有意志再跑, 這就是 [ 崩潰點 ] 了. 在馬拉松比賽中, [ 崩潰點 ] 亦被稱為 [ 牆 ], 很多跑手撞 [ 牆 ] 時就會上岸, 若能支援下去, 速度亦會每公里慢三、四分鐘. [ 崩潰點 ] 來得很突然, 和普通疲倦不同. [ 崩潰點 ] 全是由每週所練的裏數決定. 將過去兩個月的裏數總和除六十, 就可以求出每日的平均裏數. 將這個平均數乘三就是 [崩潰點 ]. 在我們的訓練計劃中, C跑手在過去兩個月跑了976公里, 即是平均每日跑16公里, [ 崩潰點 ] 就在48公里, 足夠應付42 . 0195 公里的馬拉松. 測測你的崩潰點吧?
家中有人過身,要注意甚麼,辦喪禮,確是一門學問,應做甚麼,不應做甚麼;應想甚麼,不應想甚麼。 如何辦身後事。
如不想死者解剖,可以去死因研究庭同法官講,但一般情況下不會接納。 醫院會第二天將遺體移至殮房,第二天要再到殮房認屍,因為怕掉轉(事實確曾發生過)。 將手提電話上所有電話抄起 這點是很重要的,因為死者的電話,有著他/她所有親友或朋友的電話號碼,將來會很有用處。 收到電話之後,要馬上將電話裏的留言聽完,因為留言過數天就會消失,而且也可能得到更多的親友聯絡。
通知親友,朋友 有人會不想太多朋友傷心而不通知,其實不然,越通知得多越好。因為這是朋友可以為死者做的最後一件事,就是做帛金及前來悼念,參加喪禮;如不說,可能過後知道,一生都不安樂。 一家人馬上開緊急會議商量
一定要搵 Agent 這個是最重要的小秘技,無論自己怎樣知道事情都好,每事,尤其是大事都一定要問過 agent。有些人不以為然,其實我覺得佢係傻仔。好簡單,買五色果,如叫 Agent 買一定無交嘈。
但如自己以為很簡單,買到個爛蘋果,那長輩會怨一世。 Agent 最重要的作用,是有甚麼事情發生,都可以將責任推落 agent 身上。
價錢分多方面,很複雜,總會有意料不到的錢會突然出現,大致上可以分為數類: 靈堂 價錢不定,由數千元至數萬元不等。 棺木 價錢不定,但一般來說一萬元以上為合,如一萬元以下,棺木不會太靚。 雜費 包括很多東西,例如當天司儀,和尚念經,吉儀,名冊,靈堂佈置,很多雜費,也是豐儉由人,可以去到數萬,甚至乎十萬也有。
道教儀式則要道士,也是要人工的。 應紅讌 去那裏都可以,但最好有口碑。因為應紅讌有規有舉,絕不是去茶樓,叫下小菜就算。例如要八道菜,有鮮色東西,這些未必間間酒樓都知,不要自作聰明,自己發辦。 應紅讌價錢不定,但起碼也要千三元,要有預算。
利是 很多利是要派,和尚要利是,引領師要利是,司儀要利是,跟和尚的第子要利是,應紅讌又要每人派利是。 豐儉由人,這裏給你作參巧。和尚引領師每人每天一百,和尚第子每人二十,應紅讌每人十元,司儀兩百。 找 Agent 最好找相熟,不然價錢可以爭好遠。你不會看得出一副四萬銀的棺木同十萬銀棺木的分別。
基督教或天主教會簡單一點,慳番和尚念經的費用。但要死者已受洗才可以,否則神父不會接你生意。我有客人試過夾硬來,有成功的例子,但要有相熟教會。 預備相片及陪葬品 相片一定要有底片,不要想著用 photoshop 執個全體相的小頭放大,一來隔離個人雙手會阻主夾硬 cut,二來放大樣貌會化開。
火葬場 火葬如基督教,有制按,一按,棺木會進去,然後半程有閉路電視,親友可以看,是一個喊位;而佛教或道教未必有制按,棺木可能只是從門旁推進去就算。 如在柴灣哥連臣角火化,上山入柴灣,落山去到筲箕灣,所以酒樓唔好搵柴灣,很多人都不知道的。因為火化場是單程路,如應紅讌設在柴灣會兜路,費時失事。
墓地 豐儉由人,後人自己慢慢搵,不過建議儘快攪掂,免得延長傷心過程。 應有最親的拿主意,外人只能關懷問候,問有甚麼可以幫手,切忌加插意見;在這個時候,外人說甚麼,當事人都會覺得另有企圖;尤其是儀式價錢,應由當事人直系親屬決定一切,因為外人話:"唔得,咁平!" 又或者 "唔得,咁貴" 都會另到直系親屬另有想法,這些是最基本禮儀,
一定要切記;如直系親屬邀請,可以一起商量,但只能附和,價錢一概不談。 -- 如有兄弟姊妹,某個人不能即時趕來做後事(例如不在香港),我只能說,這個人已經喪失了拿主意的權利。其他兄弟姊妹商議好的事情,只能同意,否則所有細節決定好,又自己有意見,只會令事情複雜及傷感情。
死者如有遺產而沒有遺囑的話,切忌在商量喪事之時商量如何分配。提議商量那個人,只會被人掟出街。 -- 喪事可以考慮用帛金抵消,也可以考慮全數給長輩,一定要在事前說得清清楚楚,但切忌用 email 叫家人 confirm。我聽過有個客人個細佬就係咁,結果成個家散哂反面。
晚輩分擔方面,如人數多,可以不用平分,這可以用兩個角度去考量: 1. 經濟好的可以做大份,但如當事人不願意,不能勉強,因為這是心意。 2. 關係特別好的可以做大份,但如當事人不願意,也不能勉強;人情冷暖,也即時看得到,馬上解碼。
做帛金要以 1 為尾數,例如 101, 1,001, 10,001 等,帛金公價每人為 101,提議,絕不要做 101,隨非你真係未見過死者又或者不太熟。最好是 301,去喪禮則做 501,有關係或好朋友則隨意,如 501 再上,不要做 801,要做 1,001。
想慳錢,四個人做 1,001 也可以,都算好睇。 龍師傅強調一句,人熟禮不熟。參加任何婚禮,喪禮,滿月酒等,做多好過做少。你做公價,別人不會記得;但你做高價,別人可能會記你一世。
例如老闆結婚,你不到,公價人情是 300。你不如做夠 1,000,咁你升職一定有望,老闆想忘記你都好難。
有些人以為自己好聰明,做公價就算,其實不然,多三幾百,你一生既運氣,我肯定一定會改變好多好多。 又例如親人,公價 101,親人有事也是做 101,馬上又可以解碼,其實朋友,親人的性格及運氣如何,在紅事白事的人情可以看得到。
有人來,不要說多謝,要說有心。 -- 花牌可以不用立刻做,隨非有相熟鮮花公司。一來去到在樓下才做感覺穩陣,轉頭送上去,二來提防自己寫錯名,去到可以再確認一次。 花牌價錢為三百五至六百元。
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