
Cutting umbilical cords too early places babies at risk of anemia

Cutting umbilical cords too early places babies at risk of anemia
May 31, 2013 

Japan halts imports of U.S. wheat after USDA's shock finding of genetic pollution from GMOs

China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified Corn

Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy

What are Roundup Ready & Bt Pesticide GMO crops? You need to know! 

Who in his right mind freezes a lemon?

Nine-year-old girl grills McDonald's CEO over 'tricking kids into eating food that isn't good for them'

Your feet are full of fungi - 200 species live there, say scientists

Cancer is cured safely, in spite of widespread suppression by the "cancer industry"

Al Gore backlash: Why environmentalists are celebrating rising CO2 levels

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黃薑 -薑黃素( Curcumin)可減少大腸內息肉的體積,減少日後演變成腸癌的風險。美國霍普金斯大學醫學院進行一小型研究,五名腸內長有癌前息肉的病人,每天進食480毫克的薑黃素三次,為期半年,息肉數量減六成,息肉體積也縮半,研究員指這食物主要成份有助預防腸癌。




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湖北武漢市︰持毛像抗轉基因 左派呼「打倒漢奸」

SPORTUNES 體通體透 第47集: 戒糖食麥包
嘉賓: 必達四條「煙」黃仲文
主持: 牛英
日期: 2013-05-28
萄葡糖胺 Glucosamine - not recommended

6.3%港人暴飲酒 添患癌風險

20130527關鍵時刻之4─全球最大基因改造帝國美國〝孟山都〞!? - YouTube 

湖北武漢市︰持毛像抗轉基因 左派呼「打倒漢奸」

美國驚現 非法基因改造小麥 日本及南韓宣布暫停進口

世界第一洗腎元兇 一點就變Q彈毒澱粉風暴!?
关键时刻 (2013年05月27日) 

放近WiFi 種子枯死
白蠟樹吸收輻射 樹皮生腫瘤

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Student science experiment finds plants won't grow near Wi-Fi router

Student science experiment finds plants won't grow near Wi-Fi router
Ninth-graders design science experiment to test the effect of cellphone radiation on plants. The results may surprise you.

Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer and Radical Mastectomy—Are Women Being Misled into a False Sense of Security?
Genetic Defects Are Not a Major Contributor to Breast Cancer

Antibacterial agent in common household products shown to weaken the heart and muscles
Researchers have discovered triclosan is far from harmless. Linked to heart failure and decline in muscle strength, the agent has come under scrutiny due to its widespread use in common household products. 

Did mother raise the alarm after flushing away her own baby? 22-year-old watched in secret as rescuers plucked newborn ALIVE from the toilet pipe
Baby boy, believed to be a newborn, discovered beneath a toilet commode
Firefighters removed section of pipe and doctors cut the infant free
Emergency services called after woman heard cries coming from pipe
The baby called 'number 59' after the number of his incubator

Newborn saved from sewer pipe
May 29, 2013
A newborn baby boy was rescued from an apartment block sewage pipe after becoming stuck down a toilet in an incident that provoked shock.
The baby's mother, 22 and unmarried, hid her pregnancy from neighbors for fear of being ostracized, said a police officer in Jinhua, Zhejiang province.

Are eggs vegetarian?
By Jolinda Hackett, About.com Guide

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15 11 2010 鏗鏘集之從原產地到嘴巴的距離Part 1 of 2

15 11 2010 鏗鏘集之從原產地到嘴巴的距離Part 2 of 2

World Class Bodybuilder is RAW VEGAN- huge muscles from meatless diet

PDF 下載 (92MB): 
吳永志醫生(Dr. Tom Wu)---不一樣的自然養生法 [繁中].pdf 

Why You Should Avoid Root Canals Like the Plague

TSA security officers flunk physics

Non-Dairy? Misleading Labels

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie

2013 Huatulco ITU Triathlon World Cup Race Videos Result

Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie

March Against Monsanto (Austin, TX) - Footage from the front lines - YouTube 

The world's leading Scientists, Physicians, Attorneys, Politicians and Environmental Activists expose the corruption and dangers surrounding the widespread use of Genetically Modified Organisms in the new feature length documentary, "Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of GMOs".

Senior Executive Producer / Writer / Director: Gary Null PhD 
Executive Producer/Writer/Co-Director: Richard Polonetsky
Producers: Paola Bossola, Richard Gale, James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Valerie Van Cleve
Editors: James Spruill, Patrick Thompson, Richie Williamson, Nick Palm
Music: Kevin MacLeod (Incompetech.com), Armando Guarnera
Graphics: Jay Graygor

The Amityville horror: The boy who lived in the true-life haunted house breaks his 40-year silence  
The house where the Lutzes in Long Island lived was site of mass murder
Family lasted only 28 days in the haunted house in 1976
Daniel Lutz, who was 10 at the time of the ordeal, insists it was true
Reclusive Lutz has agreed to relive his ordeal for a new documentary

Daredevils: The Ice Man
Dutch daredevil Wim Hof is planning to run a full 26-mile marathon 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle, clad only in shorts and open sandals. Wim wont be doing any physical training. He sees this as a challenge of the power of the human mind. Wim currently holds nine world records for exposure to extreme cold but bizarre act of extreme endurance would surpass all his previous adventures and could cause serious damage to his body as he is exposed to temperatures of up to -25C for more than five hours.

His preparations in Amsterdam include taking midnight dunks in freezing canals and meditating in a meat freezer. His wife Caroline wishes Wim would dedicate more of his time towards her family and a social work project she runs in Poland which offers support to troubled teenagers. Tension is running high as Wim, his wife and their 6 year old son Noah drive from Amsterdam to Poland and on to northern Finland for the marathon attempt. Everybody knows Wim is taking on a level of exposure to cold thats twice as long as anything he has ever previously attempted.

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俗話有話:『一樣米養百樣人』,點知宜家就係『有毒大米害死人』!敢問良心何在?!話­說早前廣東省食安辦(廣東省食品安全委員會辦公室)查出市面有有毒大米之後,作為主要­基本生存嘅糧食,頃刻間搞到全城嘩然,除咗O晒嘴之外,更加多嘅係無奈!日後見面打招­呼唔興講:"您食咗飯未?",而係改口叫:"您食咗鐵未?";"今晚煲咩湯?","「­敵敵畏」(一種劇毒農藥名)煲雞..." 問你死未?


含致癌孔雀石綠 毒魚恐再襲港


台灣毒澱粉鬧大 港方跟進

英文名称:Maleic acid
(Z)-Butenedioic acid
英文别名:cis-2-Butenedioic acid; (2Z)-but-2-enedioic acid; methylidenepropanedioic acid; (2E)-but-2-enedioic acid

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我是人 我拒吃飼料級黃豆製品





廣州市大米和米製品近半鎘超標 官拒公布名單

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Medical radiation treatments fraught with technician error and fatal mishap, oversight questionable

Maca root improves libido, boosts stamina, and lowers cholesterol

Toxic Toothpaste and 4 Healthy Toothpastes That Aren't Poison

How to Prevent Gallstones Naturally Through Diet

Medical radiation treatments fraught with technician error and fatal mishap, oversight questionable
May 23, 2013 

Global warming debunked: NASA report verifies carbon dioxide actually cools atmosphere
May 22, 2013 
(NaturalNews) Practically everything you have been told by the mainstream scientific community and the media about the alleged detriments of greenhouse gases, and particularly carbon dioxide, appears to be false, according to new data compiled by NASA's Langley Research Center. As it turns out, all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating and destroying our planet are actually cooling it, based on the latest evidence.

Mycotoxins are contaminating these 10 food staples
April 01, 2013 

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登玉山扶鐵鍊遇雷擊 三人倒地

何祚庥 19.03.2013 


全馬馬拉松一姐周子雁 奧運夢不嫌遲

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Systemic pesticides are penetrating deep into plants tissues, destroying beetles, trees, bees, and human hormones

Systemic pesticides are penetrating deep into plants tissues, destroying beetles, trees, bees, and human hormones
That's why some people wash their fruit and vegetables before eating them. The sad reality is that pesticides exist not only as residue, but are also pent up and stored inside plant tissues. 

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1.3 million wrongly treated after false positives from mammograms

Turmeric compounds improve heart health as much as exercise

Super charge your health with chia seeds

Guangdong coastal water quality is declining, with worst areas around Hong Kong
Official report from Guangdong says Hong Kong taking much of the brunt of deteriorating conditions

Take Caution with Cellphones
By Conan Milner, Epoch Times | May 15, 2013

Chinese ‘Organic’ Contamination: How to Avoid Fake Organic Products

Chinese 'Organic' Contamination: How to Avoid Fake Organic Products

WiFi Laptop Emits More Microwave Radiation Than Cell Phone - YouTube 

Bizarre phenomenon of fish changing genders is happening all over the world: What's in the water?

One-month-old baby girl dies after receiving first round of childhood vaccinations

Take care of your liver in order to take care of your whole body

Does cutting out body parts really prevent a disease?

Top 5 Hardest Push Ups In The World - YouTube 

2013 World Triathlon Series Promo - YouTube 

The Ingredient Allowed in Organic Food That Can Cause Cancer

How to prevent kidney stones with everyday foods

The dangerous truth about grains

Six common causes of bloating and how to fix them

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Beetroot juice is proven remedy for increased stamina

U.S. Runner of the Year Is A Raw Vegan - YouTube 

9 Google Reader Alternatives Now That Google Reader Is Dead

Dr. Magda Havas: WiFi in Schools is Safe. True or False? - YouTube 
A student with a mouthful of braces, standing near a router is likely to have higher radiation exposure in the head than a student not wearing braces..."

One of the most powerful food documentaries ever produced, "Hungry for Change" is available to watch online

3 More Reasons to Legalize Industrial Hemp

Wash radiation, heavy metals and other health harming poisons down the drain with a detoxifying soak

Beetroot juice is proven remedy for increased stamina

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