
iPad 2網店極速斷貨 街舖排長龍 炒家即日轉售 先達日收百台

iPad 2網店極速斷貨 街舖排長龍 炒家即日轉售 先達日收百台
 (明報)2011年4月30日 星期六

【明報專訊】萬眾期待的iPad 2終於登陸香港,蘋果公司昨日凌晨在網站率先接受公開認購,但僅維持了短短一小時便「斷貨」,蘋果公司發言人拒絕公開銷量,又對網站缺貨不予置評。各大特許零售點早上接棒銷售,部分直至下午仍有存貨,大批市民通宵輪候選購。


iPad 2自上月在美國    、加拿大    及歐洲國家公開發售後,昨日終於登陸香港,連同韓國    、新加坡    等約10個國家同步開售。香港蘋果公司網站昨日凌晨1時開始接受網上訂購,但有網民表示,開售僅一小時,不同型號的iPad 2已被掃光。記者向蘋果公司查詢,發言人拒絕公開網上發售數量,對網站缺貨一事不予置評,又不肯說明下批貨到港時間,僅叫市民到零售商店查詢。

Computers Hardware


蘋果網站缺貨,昨早開始發售的約50個特許零售點,吸引大批市民通宵輪候選購。在旺角    區的零售點,排頭位的市民前晚8時便到場輪候,為買心頭好等足14小時。不少炒家買得正價貨後,立即到水貨熱點轉售。先達廣場水貨店G.World Mobile店主劉志剛表示,收購價較正價高出200至600元,昨日共收到150台iPad 2,即日轉賣出40餘台,一日淨賺超過4000元。網上傳出消息指先達不再收購iPad 2,但劉志剛表示會繼續收購,預料炒賣熱潮可持續約兩星期。

銅鑼灣    豐澤百老匯售罄

豐澤發言人表示,全線共有20多間分店售賣iPad 2,各分店早上9時開始派籌,10時開始讓市民入內選購,每人限買1台,售價與蘋果網站一樣,客人可買入淨機,毋須購買附件或參與任何數據服務計劃。發言人指市民反應熱烈,但直至下午2時旺角荷里活中心零售點仍有存貨。

銅鑼灣時代廣場亦是購買熱點,豐澤、百老匯及Designer Group(DG)都有人龍。其中DG因為容許一人購兩台,所以特別多人排隊,職員派籌再讓客人分批上樓購買。記者下午約4時走訪銅鑼灣的豐澤及百老匯,兩大零售商都表示全日的存貨已售罄。

英國一名幸運男子中獎2億網上尋愛 住舊屋駕舊車

英漢中獎2億網上尋愛 住舊屋駕舊車
 (明報)2011年4月30日 星期六

【明報專訊】中了巨額獎金後,許多人可能會立即買大屋去旅行,但英國    一名幸運男子自7個星期前中了1800萬鎊( 約2.3億港元)彩票獎金以來,生活沒有太大改變,依然住舊屋,駕舊車,並正在網上尋真愛。

37歲的布里奇(Matthew Breach)上月買彩票連中6個號碼,獲得巨額累積獎金,但中獎後數個星期,仍舊住在東薩塞克斯一間只有一房的公寓。他說,中獎後最大的嗜好就是睡覺。雖然他將這筆獎金存到一個利率非常低的戶口,但利息已纍計7500鎊。他正在找新屋,但卻不想太大間,「我希望繼續住在當地,毋須太大地方」。

Dating Personals

辭去司機工作 正找不大新屋


兩次被「撇」 母:須訂婚前協議




批官方救援不實 張博崴白姑大山失蹤 山難家屬要國賠

批官方救援不實 張博崴白姑大山失蹤 山難家屬要國賠

直擊廣東茂名斬樹黨偷渡客西貢搶灘 斬光香港沉香樹

This Devastating Mistake Can Wreck Your Immune System...
Vaccines can contain live or killed lab altered microorganisms, and also carcinogens, heavy metals, and mutated proteins. Recent news can give you an indication of the unsuspected results that can occur when you inject such a cocktail into your body.

Symptoms of Six Common Cancers

Is Our Food Contaminated with Radiation (Radiation Update) : Exclusive Renegade Health Article

10 Non-Toxic Ways to Control Bed Bugs

India’s Sexiest Vegetarian
Shahid Kapoor, a thirty year-old Bollywood actor, has been selected by PETA as India’s sexiest vegetarian. 
He has appeared in about twenty Indian films, and is also a trained dancer. 







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Periodic fasting increases fat burning and reduces the risk of disease

湖南長沙市婚宴近300人 瘦肉精中毒 頭痛嘔吐心跳加速

斷樹砸翻嘉義縣阿里山森林鐵路小火車 5死107傷

Japanese philosopher and farmer greened deserts without pesticides or fertilizer

CDC vaccine scientist who downplayed links to autism indicted by DOJ in alleged fraud scheme

(Part I) Overcome arthritis naturally

Part I, Restore and Maintain Good Vision and Eye Health Naturally

Botched surgery: Doctors operate on wrong eye of five-year-old boy

Periodic fasting increases fat burning and reduces the risk of disease

Echinacea purpurea proven effective against radiation
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水產濫用抗生素避孕藥違禁藥 養殖場追求利潤 罔顧人類健康

水產濫用抗生素避孕藥違禁藥 養殖場追求利潤 罔顧人類健康

(i am not Buddhist, but this one could be interesting for sharing) 

Watermelons lower blood pressure as well as statins and provide many other benefits
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 by: Tony Isaacs

Patients who enter hospitals are at high risk of potentially deadly infections or medical mistakes

Nuclear Energy Free No Nuclear Power Plants 

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Protect your family from radiation exposure with superfoods

My iherb Health Food Natural Body Care Products Order 4/24/2011

內地菜價狂瀉 菜農血本無歸 濟南唐王鎮韓進上吊自殺死亡

Cancer-causing strawberry pesticide Under review: Tell EPA to ban methyl iodide now!

Milk Thistle promotes a healthy liver and fights cancer

Tartrazine is not just a food colourant
Tartrazine can also be seen on ingredient labels as FD&C yellow 5, E102 or C.I. 19140. It is one of a group of dyes known as azo dyes.

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The Drug Industry May Be Bad, But THIS Industry May Be Even Worse for Your Health
Processed foods <----

Power of Poop - One By One, Ton By Ton Stop Global Warming!

Famous Vegetarian Historical Figures, Politicians, Activists and Others...

10 Vegetarian Leaders







港隊足球一代名將 蔣世豪酒後墮樓亡

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The Most Colorful, Readable Radiation Dosage Chart Yet

素食新郎 黃伯俊 迎娶台灣第一美女主播 侯佩岑

登台灣百岳之一白姑大山失蹤 尋獲遺體

The Most Colorful, Readable Radiation Dosage Chart Yet

Nanoparticles destroy soil and the environment, study finds

U.S. government supports a phase-down of silver amalgam fillings

Three new studies reveal children are dumbed down by pesticide exposure in womb

Discover the health benefits of licorice

Conquer Candida naturally

Natural remedies help intestinal gas and bloating

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视频: 转基因的前世今生

愛因斯坦遊香港不知得諾貝爾物理學獎 科學館展覽披露與香港淵源

愛因斯坦 Albert Einstein 諾貝爾物理學獎科學家 素食名人

视频: 转基因的前世今生-合成

Radiation exposure chart admits cancer radiotherapy delivers fatal dose to patients

New warning: dangerous antibacterial soap chemical found in fish

Mainstream media receives millions of taxpayer dollars via Obamacare slush fund

Fluoridation makes us stupid and unhealthy

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澳門八仙飯店滅門案 人肉叉燒包 疑兇黃志恆自殺

Dangers of Blood Transfusions Documented 
By Barbara Minton | March 14, 2011

Oxygenate your body - How to restore oxygen balance and help prevent disease

Navigate the dark waters of coffee - Health claims versus reality
You could be one of many coffee drinkers suffering from adrenal fatigue brought on by daily consumption.
It depletes your supply of Vitamin B6, B2, and folic acid levels - vitamins known for their ability to enhance energy. 

CT scans used to monitor success of cancer treatments cause more cancer, study finds

Remove radiation from your produce with Calcium Bentonite Clay

Eight Remedies Treat Diabetes Naturally

Exposed: New York health officials ignore own fluoride report, continue to lie about fluoride dangers

Try safe and effective natural remedies for coughs instead of dangerous medicines

Vaccine Epidemic book a powerful weapon in fighting back against pro-vaccine propaganda

Hungry dog eats toes of diabetic man, performs role of surgeon in home amputation

Irradiating Food Linked to Neurological Disease
By Ethan Huff | March 14, 2011

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照料癱瘓網友男子雷澤軍 少女楊家群留深山3年

內地禽畜及水產養殖業濫用抗生素嚴重 80%淡水養殖場已被藥物污染


餐館廚房如染坊 菜肴由化學色素調出

The laptop at home. Vodafone

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3D肉蒲團的3D效果是我看過的亞軍,冠軍是阿凡達,由於我有一點點做3D的經驗,Avatar 中有很多是全CG畫面,如果你細看阿凡達中有較多真人部份的環境及畫面,比較一下,就知道“肉”其實已是很高的水平。

DVD Stores

這個“肉”真的很肉,比真人做愛還要更肉,從前到荷蘭旅行去看 sex show (真人表演,真做愛沒有“安全措施”),看了一小時,他及她們就在我的跟前,也沒有3D肉蒲團那麼立體,信不信由你。



3D肉蒲團有色情,有打鬥,有愛情,由於這片剛上映不久,大部份人都未看,詳細情節就不談了 ... 內容每每“去得好盡”,我只說這片十分香港,真的很香港,這就是香港,香港應該是這樣的,沒有限制,任意飛翔,一套劇中有好人有壞人,有奸的有忠的,有性格的,有沒有性格的(當然沒有性格其實也是性格的一種),3D肉蒲團編劇是個高手,人物鮮明,連淹豬籠的搬工(他是不能再配角的配角,近乎路人甲)也能有“很賤”的性格描寫,是很好的學習劇本(如果你有編劇興趣的話)。


不知是不是電檢的原故,血腥場面被刻意縮短,很多時只是在鏡頭一閃即逝,反而有點怪怪的感覺,其實以血腥的程度來說,“肉”片比幾年前的帝國驕雄 (Gladiator) 要低,3D肉蒲團反正是三級片,可以去盡一點。

本網站是談視覺藝術的,這次評一套劇,還要是三級片,皆因我有太多東西想講,除了對著馬桶大叫之外,唯有寫出來,只此一次,下不為例。最後想說原紗央莉實在太正,布袋和尚實在很有艷褔,令我太妒忌了 :)


文字 文化藝術 3d sex and zen 3D肉蒲團

捕撈或養殖的所有20種樣本鹹淡水魚 含致癌二噁英 海洋污染

捕撈或養殖的所有20種樣本鹹淡水魚 含致癌二噁英 海洋污染


Staph seen in nearly half of U.S. meat
Almost half of the meat and poultry sold at U.S. supermarkets and grocery stores contains a type of bacteria that is potentially harmful to humans, a new study estimates.
Researchers tested 136 packages of chicken, turkey, pork, and ground beef purchased at 26 grocery stores in five cities around the country, and found that 47 percent contained Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), a common cause of infection in people.
What's more, roughly half of the contaminated samples contained strains of the bacteria that were resistant to at least three antibiotics, such as penicillin and tetracycline. Some strains were resistant to a half dozen or more.

Hippocrates (960 - 377 B.C.), the father of Western Medicine said,
"Every one of us has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our
medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness."

Eat Watermelon to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

New studies reveal more health dangers from hormone replacement therapy

Radiation disease - here are the symptoms and causes

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