
Media ignores Fukushima as probable cause of declining West Coast marine populations

Media ignores Fukushima as probable cause of declining West Coast marine populations

Egyptian GM maize study shows toxic effects after just 91 days

TV: “Many young people in Fukushima who are in high school have died suddenly”; Officials “ignore all the problems” — Former Mayor: People are always told “any disease they have is not caused by radiation” (VIDEO)
There are many young people between 15 and 19 in Fukushima who are in high school who have died suddenly. For example, this morning I saw an online story that a 17-year-old died from Leukemia. In the morning when his mother came to wake him up, he was found dead in bed. Everyone says this was caused by the radiation levels from the nuclear accident. But our government never recognized it — and there are 59 children with thyroid cancer, they’ll never recognize it as being caused by the radiation.

Smartphone Use At Night Hurts Sleep And Workplace Productivity: Study

Black plum leaf extract protects against fatal effects of radiation

WiFi banned from pre-school childcare facilities in a bold move by French government

Dietary spirulina reduces copper toxicity, improves blood and growth

Hinduism in China

"The Hare Krishna Cult" - BBC London 1980

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