
Tinea Versicolor

Fungal Infection and Tinea Versicolor 變色糠疹(汗斑)

Symptoms. Although the skin normally has fungi, the fungi only become a problem when their growth exceeds the normal range. The excess fungi leads to the condition called tinea versicolor. The areas affected change color, and the discoloration manifests as white small spots on your skin. They are usually found on the back, shoulder area and chest.

Treatment. After extermination, your doctor may prescribe topical, anti-fungal creams to apply to the spots to even-out the skin color. Oral antifungal meds that include Sporanox or Nizoral can also be presribled. You can also go for OTC medications like clotrimazole and miconazole..Additionally, lotions that contain selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc and ketoconazole are very effective.


Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor or ptyriasis versicolor is another common and harmless skin condition that affects skin color.
Causes: It is caused by yeast called Malassezia, which normally exist in small numbers on the skin. Certain conditions however, can cause the overgrowth of the yeast, causing the development of white and reddish-brown spots on skin. Moist, warm, and oily skin encourages yeast overgrowth especially in the upper arms, neck, abdomen, and thighs. It is not a contagious disease.

Tinea Versicolor Remedies
