
Siang Pure Oil 泰國上標油

Siang Pure Oil 泰國上標油
成份: Menthol薄荷冰、Cinnamon肉桂、Peppermint Oil薄荷油、Clove丁香、Camphor樟腦

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公元1936年,中國著名中醫師陳龍容先生隨著大批同胞由中國大陸移居至泰國,他眼見當時新移民生活困苦,醫藥缺乏,決定用其醫學專長行醫煉藥。他堅持採用中國傳統醫術及配方,煉成其獨特藥油贈送給當時求診之病人,深得人民信賴。當時一位年青人名韋炳書,為人勤奮好學,深得陳醫師寵愛,決收其為徒,時移勢易,徒兒韋炳書不負陳龍容醫師所望,將其藥油精心提煉成為現時藥業界所認同之上藥 --- 上標油

Siang Pure Oil
In 1936, a well-known Chinese traditional medical practician Mr. Chan Leng Yong immigrated to Thailand in a major emigration wave. Seeing a scarcity of basic needs as wall as medicine for the new immigrants, Mr. Chan decided to continue practicing medicine and producing his own pharmaceuticals. He persisted in adopting traditional Chinese medical methods and formulas culminating in a unique medicinal oil to give away to his patients. He became much trusted in the community. There was a young man by the name of Boonchua Eiampikul who was both hard-working eager to learn. He won the favor of Master Chan and became a student. As time went by, Boonchua lived up to his master’s expectations and refined the medicinal oil to the present from of “Siang Pure Oil”, a top-quality product recognized by the pharmaceutical industry.