
Fruit is Fast Food! Michael Arnstein, The Fruitarian on a high performance fruit diet!

傅聲 張景賢 香港著名電影功夫男演員 1983年致命車禍逝世

台灣環團:電磁波易致腦瘤 應立法高中職以下校園禁手機

Fruit is Fast Food! Michael Arnstein, The Fruitarian on a high performance fruit diet!
Fruit is Fast Food! I thrive off the highest quality diet, a fruit based diet! I've been a competitive runner for more than 20 years, and nothing has improved my performance more than eating tons and tons of fast food - mother natures fast food - FRUIT! It's clean, fast and efficient. I've reached all my dream running goals and feel my best on a fruitarian diet. I also happen to enjoy high performance cars along with my high performance body!