
中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!

中國非法種植基因改造木瓜 - 污染威脅所有國產木瓜!


Which Reusable Water Bottle Is Best?

What’s Lurking in Your Natural Cosmetics?

Vitamin A in Sunscreen Linked to Skin Tumors
A press release from the Environmental Working Group says the chemical retinyl palmitate, found in many sunscreens, accelerates the development of skin tumors when it is applied to skin exposed to sunlight, and that this relationship has been confirmed.

Ekadasi Prasadam
Taro cooked in coconut milk, org. potatoes fried in butter, yacon root, and buckwheat, (and avocado) 

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