
Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year

5 Easy Ways to Use Food Grade Activated Charcoal

Mulberry: The Ancient Super Food of Silkworms and Now, People

More Evidence that Conventional Cancer Treatments Are More Deadly than Cancer

Fasting activates your body's 'survival' mode, boosting your immune system
scientists at the University of Southern California (USC) have discovered that fasting "for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system,
even in the elderly

Irrefutable proof we are all being sprayed with poison: 571 tons of toxic lead 'chemtrailed' into America's skies every year
Lead and Halogen Contamination from Aviation Fuel Additives at Brackett Airfield.
Avgas emissions are the number one source of lead emissions into the skies of America.

Is this even America? Teen ripped from her family by medical authorities begs to go home

U.S. nuclear workers suffer severe brain damage, teeth fall out while truth is buried
Workers at the federal government's Hanford Site, a Department of Energy facility in Washington State that serves as a repository for spent nuclear power plant fuel rods, say their health has been adversely affected by what they say is toxic exposure to chemicals and radiation.

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吳亞馨 La Perla 內衣好貴 不准太激情

吳亞馨內衣好貴 不准太激情

義大利頂級內衣La Perla有「內衣界勞斯萊斯」 之稱,材質和價位都相當高檔。吳亞馨昨秀春夏新款內衣,直讚刺繡、蕾絲性感精緻。但若是激情時刻,另一半太衝動把她的昂貴內衣扯壞,吳亞馨先是半開玩笑說:「我會揍他!」又給人充滿想像空間的嬌嗔回應:「我會提醒他『Baby,這件內衣很貴,請你溫柔一點喔!』」

Intimate Apparel

Nu Bra大側露

吳亞馨昨秀La Perla春夏新款內衣,若隱若現的蕾絲讓她半露的酥胸更顯性感,但她卻坦承34C美胸最近縮水,「我過年腸胃炎,上吐下瀉瘦了2公斤,上圍也小了一個Cup。這件馬甲裡面我墊了幾個水餃墊才撐得起來。」她穿上另一款2萬1944元的蕾絲露背連身裝,鏤空設計沒辦法讓她胸部加料,露側奶還附送Nu Bra走光,不過她卻大讚:「蕾絲觸感好舒服滑順,感覺像沒穿。」

雖然全套La Perla內衣起碼要萬元起跳,吳亞馨透露她捨得投資,也表示她過年買了性感內衣迎新春:「雖然很久沒有男朋友,但以後一定用得上。」




Cacao and Chocolate - Superfood or Toxic Poison

5 Foods That Are Healthier Cooked

5 Harmful Additives in Bread

Cacao and Chocolate - Superfood or Toxic Poison

What It Means to Be Organic

'I killed and skinned a wallaby and used its fur to carry fire sticks': Incredible story of how one woman abandoned city life, soap and shampoo to live wild in the bush for 12 months
Claire Dunn, 31, lived in a self-made waterproof shelter for 12 months
She killed and ate a wallaby, diamond snake and an injured bird to survive
Roadkill of kangaroos, possum and bats were part of her regular diet
Three years on, she still finds it hard to adjust to living back in 'civilisation'

Trial hopefuls muster little to impress selectors
20 February, 1993 SCMP
Happy Valley's triathlete Wu Ka-fai.

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Chocolate and Cacao - Neurotoxin and Stimulant

Chocolate and Cacao
By Toni Clarke Allen
July 25, 2013 

Posts have been popping up a lot lately with non raw ingredients. They are very catching and even beautiful pictures and recipes.. You may not been seeing most of them as they are being deleted. If you post a recipe I am asking that you be responsible to make sure the ingredients are raw and vegan. 

Many new people come here to learn about our beautiful diet and lifestyle and do not need to be lead astray with the cashews and chocolates and honey and agave and maple syrup or whatever.. If you sun dry your own nibs yes you can have raw chocolate but most commercial growers that supply nibs just do not do this! It is not feasible for them. 

My rant here is about these ingredients but chocolate in particular. Chocolate is a neurotoxin and stimulant which effects our nervous system. The powder form is generally cut with sugars. Not a superfood as marketers promote it to be.. and it surely will never take you to the sun and back! 

But what's most important to me is that it is also very unethical. Our chocolate fix costs the lives of many. Most chocolate we consume comes from West Africa. The practice of child slave labor is a serious crisis in the chocolate industry. Just to send this commodity to the elite who seem not to care about their fellow human beings. Raw vegans we know better.... Let's Shine 

Slavery in the Chocolate Industry



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How to use the sun to improve eyesight and boost immunity

Why Popular Weight Loss Strategies Don't Work

Health Ranger calls for increased science education in America to combat scientific illiteracy

Radiation levels in tuna tripled after Fukushima

How to use the sun to improve eyesight and boost immunity

5 Facts About Farm-Raised Fish You Should Know

The Problem with 'Regular' Sunscreens, Plus a List of Safe Sunscreens

Cooked vs Raw Food

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Hey, Parents. What That IPad Is Doing to Your Kid Is Kind of Shocking.

Hey, Parents. What That IPad Is Doing to Your Kid Is Kind of Shocking.
Every parent needs to read this...

10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12

A Letter To My Boys (The Real Reason I Say No To Electronics) – Repost


Fairtrade 'fails to help poor farmers': Damning investigation says profits sent to help in Uganda and Ethiopia do not reach much of the workforce

Lies your doctor told you

Pool chemicals cause nearly 5,000 emergency room visits per year

How the nuclear industry may unintentionally obliterate humankind

Fairtrade 'fails to help poor farmers': Damning investigation says profits sent to help in Uganda and Ethiopia do not reach much of the workforce

Some women buying used pregnancy tests to entrap men

Shock study: Corn biofuels cause more global warming than fossil fuels

Ultra-clean protein breakthrough as companies announce low heavy metals powders based on Sacha Inchi, Pumpkin seed and more

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Rare plant eats toxic heavy metals in phytoremediation miracle

Report Says 50% of People are Conspiracy Theorists: You're Probably One of Them

Avoid Eating Genetically Engineered Foods

Top 10 Companies Killing the Natural World with Pesticides – Also the Biggest Seed Producers

Rare plant eats toxic heavy metals in phytoremediation miracle

Do you have poison on your plate?

Leftover hop leaves from beer production could help prevent cavities, gum disease

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Watch how this bicyclist respond when they gave him a ticket

2014 Yokohama ITU World Triathlon Series Highlights Race Videos

Watch how this bicyclist respond when they gave him a ticket
This guy tried to explain to the cops that he had to leave the bike lane for valid reasons but they did not want to listen and issued him with a $50 fine.  He made a little movie about riding his bike in the bike lane and this is the result.

3rd Grader Proves The Importance Of Organic Food

4 Things You May Not Know Are Harming Your Heart

Plants Talk. Plants Listen. Here's How

7 Most Terrifying and Bizarre Sea Monsters that Actually Exist

Why We Home School Our Kids

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美食教父蔡澜:我为何绝不吃三文鱼! 惊人内幕


氣候變化再審視 - 非政府國際氣候變化研究組報告

月講手機15小時 腦癌風險增2倍

智慧型手機世代的沉痛反思 - 抬頭看世界 (中文字幕) (HD)

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Is there such a thing as too much WiFi?

3,000 different bacteria live on U.S. dollar bills

Selective climate alarmism of White House ignores imminent threats of EMP attack, debt collapse and Fukushima catastrophe

When a microwave oven is running, you should be too

What Is 'Organic'? Groups Hash it out over Synethetic Ingredients in Organics

Is there such a thing as too much WiFi?
Though most parents and educators celebrate the move, some are raising concerns about the possible health impacts of the radio-frequency (RF) radiation on which wireless technologies operate. Exposure levels to this kind of radiation, which fall in the same frequency bandwidth on the electro-magnetic spectrum as radios, televisions and mobile phones, continue to rise as wireless technologies become more prevalent.

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Mung Bean Sprouts can Drastically Reduce Cancerous Tumors

Monsanto's RoundUp Chemicals Found to Damage Enzyme Pathways

Mung Bean Sprouts can Drastically Reduce Cancerous Tumors

New Study: Marijuana Compound Found to Prevent Blindness

Toxic Truth: Evidence GMO Foods are Far Different from Non-GMO Foods

Major Energy Breakthroughs of 2013: The Year of Clean Energy Advances

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