
6 Yoga Poses for Runners


污染防治 - 環境中的有毒有害物

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil, soybean oil used as key ingredients in pesticide products

Claim: TSA employees now developing cancer clusters from standing near body scanner machines

The true story of SV40, the cancer-causing virus hidden in polio vaccines

Simple Way to Shed Pounds and Decrease Tiredness - Stop Eating This
Refined white flour 

Hexane may be lurking in the soy protein found in popular food bars
The process to create "soy protein isolate," which is often a primary ingredient in protein bars, utilizes a toxic solvent called Hexane.

Coconut sugar quickly replacing agave nectar as natural sweetener of choice

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Tests reveal radioactive urine in Japanese residents

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Are you eating pesticides? 
Canola oil a great insect killer 

Tests reveal radioactive urine in Japanese residents

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Safe sunlight exposure has also been shown to protect against as many as sixteen different types of cancer, including breast, colon, endometrial, esophageal, ovarian, bladder, gallbladder, gastric, pancreatic, prostate, rectal, and renal cancers, as well as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Anti-foaming agent found in Chicken McNuggets
Chicken McNuggets are made with ingredients including autolyzed yeast extract (which contain free glutamate, similar to MSG), sodium phosphates and sodium aluminum phosphate. 
Chicken McNuggets are also made with "hydrogenated soybean oil with TBHQ and citric acid added to preserve freshness" and "Dimethylpolysiloxane added as an antifoaming agent."

FDA sued to halt antibiotics in animal feed

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Chinese man dies after being exposed to industrial version of common meat additive


Fukushima 'still a ticking time bomb' says physicist Kaku
Transcript Included

Chinese man dies after being exposed to industrial version of common meat additive

7 surprising things you're not supposed to know about sunscreen and sunlight exposure
Increase health with inclined bed therapy
By raising the head of the bed between 4 and 8 inches, people can increase the gravitational force on their bodies while they are sleeping (and while remaining at a level that is conducive to rest). This posture will create the opportunity for the body to improve circulation without causing discomfort.

The true history of Dole, banana plantations, chemical pesticides and human suffering
DBCP, formally known as dibromochloroproprane, is often referred to by its street name Nemagon.

FDA unfairly maligns tobacco plant with graphic new cigarette warning labels

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Federal Trade Commission FTC Approaches Google With Antitrust Hammer Swinging

FTC Approaches Google With Antitrust Hammer Swinging
By Rob Spiegel
E-Commerce Times 

If Google appears nonplussed by the FTC's attention, it doesn't have much company. Comparisons to Microsoft's long and painful antitrust saga abound. "Google seems to be making the same mistakes Microsoft made, only they're making those mistakes faster and worse," said tech analyst Rob Enderle. "Snubbing Congress was insane."

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Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) was notified by the Federal Trade Commission on Thursday that a broad formal investigation will be launched. Google respects the FTC's process, it said in a blog post, and will be working with the agency over the coming months.

The FTC's Bureau of Competition will issue subpoenas to Google within the next few days, The Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday. Its investigation will focus on Google's dominance in search advertising, and determine whether it manipulates search results to direct users to its own sites and services.

Attorneys-general in California, New York and Ohio have also launched antitrust investigations against Google, The Financial Times has reported.

While the FTC probe appears to be the most intense investigation into Google to date, the company has been targeted previously over antitrust issues.

Google and the FTC did not respond to the E-Commerce Times' requests for comments by press time.

Following Microsoft's Troubled Path

Google could be at the center of a chapter of history repeating itself. Its present position is reminiscent of Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) in the mid-90s, which led to its prolonged battle with U.S. and European regulators. One question is whether Google's long dominance of search advertising has led company officials to have a sense of entitlement, creating a climate in which they've been routinely using search as a competitive weapon.

"The FTC called up Google and said, 'You've been naughty boys,'" Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told the E-Commerce Times. "Now Google is going down the same path Microsoft went down. Congress wanted to look at them as well, and they thumbed their nose at Congress. They said, 'No, we're not coming.' Instead, they sent their chief counsel. You don't snub Congress. As rich as they are, they're not a government yet."

Right now, Google's control of the Web is formidable.

"They control the page rankings," said Enderle. "They have the power to make and break companies on the Web, and many of those companies are Google competitors. That's an enormous amount of control, and the FTC sees that as restraint of trade."

The lessons of the past don't seem to have made a sufficient impression on Google, in Enderle's view.

"Google seems to be making the same mistakes Microsoft made, only they're making those mistakes faster and worse," he said. "Snubbing Congress was insane. Microsoft blazed this trail in the United States and Europe, so I think we're going to see this happen more quickly with Google."

If Google seems cavalier about the way it wields its power, the same could be said about its concern over its public image.

"It's almost like they've decided their image doesn't matter," said Enderle. "Their image has taken a beating over the past five or six years. This will hurt their image even more."

Cracking Open Google Search

Ultimately, the FTC inquiry may have a bearing on how online searches are conducted. Will Google continue to determine how to produce the best search results, or will its competitors get a chance to weigh in?

"Google's algorithms today currently select one set; Google's competitors would like to have a different set. At issue is how gets to decide what 'best' means," Carl Howe, director of anywhere consumer research at the Yankee Group, told the E-Commerce Times.

"If the subpoenas get issued, I think this could result in litigation that goes on nearly as long as the Microsoft antitrust trial," he said -- "not because the merits of the case warrant it, but because Google's competitors have everything to gain from it going forward." 



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高考生排iPhone月賺10萬 3人等放榜「無嘢做」 聘網民出機轉售

明報 – 2011年6月23日星期四


【明報專訊】iPhone和iPad在港有價有市,3名中七學生看準賺快錢機會,在高考後等放榜期間組成「排隊黨」,在網上和手機門市外招攬「排隊員」,每天早上花兩小時排隊購買約20部白色iPhone 4,然後到先達廣場轉售圖利。



周一至五「開工」 日排2小時



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而若單以昨日計算,他在途人及排隊員協助下,於1.5小時內買到7部電話,刷卡共3萬多元。他又指此類手機產品一直有市場,「可能9月出iPhone 4S又可以再炒」。他們的「生意」約運作了20日。

在先達有收購iPhone產品的店主坦言,現時每天約收到近200部白色iPhone 4放售,不少屬剛開封的手機,「先達收購價」為5450元。


明報記者 鄭穎瑩







Zuji Hong Kong 







  記者 張一華

Genetically Engineered Rice Threatens Asian Countries


This Popular Moisturizer Applied to Mice for 17 Weeks Got 69% More Tumors
Moisturizing Creams with Mineral Oil Can be Tumorigenic
You Can Absorb MORE Toxins from Skin Care Products than Food

Genetically Engineered Rice Threatens Asian Countries
Genetically Engineered Rice is a Trojan Horse: Misled by Bill Gates and Monsanto

Pharmaceuticals are in your fish

Astaxanthin is a top natural anti-inflammatory

Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients--and Natural Ways to Restore Them 
[Paperback] Suzy Cohen RPh (Author) 2/11 

Government 'surplus' stores now selling personal items TSA steals from passengers

Phytoremediation: You can grow plants that help eliminate radiation in the soil

Bottled Water is hazardous to you and our world

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The big fraud of green homes: they suffocate their owners with indoor air poisons

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