
Angelina Jolie inspires women to maim themselves by celebrating medically perverted double mastectomies

Supercharge your health for pennies a day by making your own superfood powder blend

Hundreds of patients have wrong body parts removed in UK hospitals

Angelina Jolie inspires women to maim themselves by celebrating medically perverted double mastectomies
Angelina Jolie announced yesterday that she had both of her breasts surgically removed even though she had no breast cancer. She carries the BRCA1 gene, 

Seaweed extract outperforms chemo drug in shrinking breast tumors - but without the toxic side effects

There are antibiotics in your organic apples and pears: Sign the petition to stop this common practice

Medical students interact regularly with Big Pharma reps, study shows

Sugar is the main cause of Type II diabetes, not other factors

Mango's health benefits include heart health, anemia prevention, detoxing and healthy skin

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Uganda: Immunization -- Parents to Face Arrest

2013 ITU World Triathlon Yokohama Race Videos Results

The top six fruits for energy

Uganda: Immunization -- Parents to Face Arrest

Govardhan Parikrama 2013 - YouTube 

Top Three Sources of Toxic Exposures:Traffic, Personal Care and Plastic Products

Genetically-modified humans are already walking among us

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AAP finally comes out in support of home births following surge of interest among pregnant women

The Secret Benefits of Eating Organic Brown Seaweed

Boston False Flag Goes Mainstream: Boston Bombing – What You Aren't Being Told
May 3, 2013 

Checklist for a false flag

AAP finally comes out in support of home births following surge of interest among pregnant women

Frankenbeef - It's whats for dinner

Goat Milk vs. Cow Milk: The Milk Battle

Not even good enough for dog food: Imported food from China loaded with chemicals, dyes, pesticides and fake ingredients

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MegaFood and Dr. Weil DailyFoods Balanced B Complex

MegaFood and Dr. Weil 
http://bit.ly/10wqVRJ iHerb

Dr. Weil has recently formed a partnership with Megafood to produce healthy, whole food-based nutritional options. To learn more about Megafood's partnership with Dr. Weil,

MegaFood: Introducing Dr. Andrew Weil and His Seminar at Expo West

MegaFood, Adrenal Strength, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Balanced B Complex, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, Blood Builder, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Calcium, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Calcium, Magnesium & Potassium, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Complex C, 180 Tablets
MegaFood, DailyFoods, Balanced B Complex, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, DailyFoods, E & Selenium, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, DailyFoods, LifeStyle, 180 Tablets
MegaFood, DailyFoods, Organic Greens, Revitalizing Greens for Men Over 40, 12.7 oz (360 g)
MegaFood, DailyFoods, Selenium, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, GTF Chromium, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, Kid's B Complex, 30 Tablets
MegaFood, Kid's One Daily, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, Kids N' Us MegaFlora, 60 Capsules
MegaFood, Magnesium, 60 Tablets
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MegaFood, MegaFlora, 90 Capsules
MegaFood, MegaZymes, 60 Capsules
MegaFood, Men's One Daily, Iron Free, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Men Over 55, Whole Food Multivitamin & Mineral, Iron Free, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, One Daily Iron Free, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, One Daily, 180 Tablets
MegaFood, One Daily, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, One Daily, Iron Free, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Organic Greens for Women, 12.7 oz (360 g)
MegaFood, Tension Release, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, Therapeutix, Quercetin Strength, 60 Tablets
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MegaFood, Ultra C-400, 60 Tablets
MegaFood, Un-Stress, 90 Tablets
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MegaFood, Vitamin D3, 1000 IU, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Vitamin D3, 2000 IU, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Wild Blueberry, 90 Tablets
MegaFood, Zinc, 60 Tablets


McDonald's hamburger from 1999 looks exactly the same today

Studies prove that consumption of sugar and cancer are connected

McDonald's hamburger from 1999 looks exactly the same today
May 01, 2013

GM wheat could permanently damage human genetics by silencing hundreds of genes throughout the body
May 01, 2013

Why didn't the US just attack Afghanistan with Monsanto GMOs?
May 02, 2013 

What's really in your vitamins?

Three super-easy, super-convenient, super-fun ways to prevent cavities naturally

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核能: 中國四川大地震引發核危機

專題報導 - 2013-04-29

PM2.5 讓任何人都無可避免「吸」入重金屬
你看過微博一張「在天安門前看不見毛主席」的照片嗎?猶記得去年的 12 月至今年 1 月期間,北京的空氣污染異常嚴重,整個城市變得一片灰濛,令人看不清眼前的景物。



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Needle-less vaccine trial on the way - Soon you can get a toxic chemical infusion without getting jabbed

Needle-less vaccine trial on the way - Soon you can get a toxic chemical infusion without getting jabbed

Raw Food Girls - YouTube 

Six supplements that could make a difference when exposed to bioterrorism or other poison agents

Environmental expert: GMO farming causes one billion people to go hungry

Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media

CT scans not safe for humans, experts warn

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Chemistry The Element Songs Music Videos

They Might Be Giants: "Meet the Elements" (BB Video)


The Element Song

Chemistry Music Video 15: Elemental Funkiness

Chemistry Rap - The Periodic Table of Elements



Massive, uncontained leak at Fukushima is pouring over 710 billion becquerels of radioactive materials into atmosphere

Nuclear medical tests can turn you into a nuclear bomb terror suspect in the eyes of the TSA

Massive, uncontained leak at Fukushima is pouring over 710 billion becquerels of radioactive materials into atmosphere
April 24, 2013 

Obama 'ethics panel' gives thumbs up to testing anthrax vaccines on American babies

Could micro-algae free America from foreign wars, debt and environmental destruction? 'Green crude oil' and 'living buildings' may hold the secret to liberation

More than 250 employees axed from Washington nuclear power facility leaking 1,000 gallons per year of radioactive waste

Why you should replace your amalgam fillings
Increasing number of parents refusing HPV vaccine for daughters

Breast cancer radiation boosts heart disease risk

Abnormally large 'super cows' being manufactured by Frankenscientists for beef production
March 20, 2013

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Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

Omegawave ITU World Triathlon Series San Diego Race Videos Results 4/20/2013

Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

April 18, 2013

Surgical errors too profitable to stop!

Monsanto lies through their teetrh
April 21, 2013 
(NaturalNews) By now, most of us are aware of the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops that are horrendously sprayed with Monsanto's herbicide Roundup Ready with its active ingredient glyphosate.

Exclusive: Scientific paper that announced high levels of lead in rice suddenly retracted by its author

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Nine reasons to never eat processed foods again

Ishigaki ITU Triathlon World Cup 2013 Race Video Results

Nine reasons to never eat processed foods again

Green smoothies' performance effects are the subject of new Boutenko documentary

Studies reveal how maggots clean wounds and aid healing

Why you should be concerned about MSG
Additives that always contain MSG

6 Gross Ingredients in Your Food

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美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」 中原﹕額外印花稅 樓盤價升量跌

美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」 中原﹕額外印花稅 樓盤價升量跌
 (明報)2011年3月1日 星期二

【明報專訊】兩大龍頭物業代理行中原和美聯對當前熾熱的樓市都感到事不尋常,美聯集團    指樓市已處於「非理性亢奮」狀態,故放棄較早前今年全年樓價升11%的預測,暫時「唔估」樓價升跌。中原集團則認為,政府推出額外印花稅後,令業主更不願放售,造成「價升量跌」的畸形發展。





新鴻基    不同意:買家深思熟慮



就美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」,新鴻基地產    (0016)副主席郭炳江昨在集團業績會上說,這與事實有出入。他說:「買家不是掃貨那種形式,係逐間逐間咁睇,傾好耐,我覺得佢口地係深思熟慮 。」



新世界發展    (0017)董事總經理鄭家純昨在業績會上表示,政府應制定長遠及連貫性的房屋發展政策,讓市場知道未來數年的供應量,畢竟就算賣地,亦需數年時間才可供應市場。他建議政府應取回土地供應的主動權,如定期賣地,並且希望政府能復建居屋及多建公屋,以解決中產及低收入人士住屋需求。他預計預算案出台後,由於沒有打壓樓市措施,中短線樓價及交投將會增加。


山頂豪宅天比高每呎9.6萬天價易手內地富豪 亞洲區最高呎價紀錄

 (星島)2011年6月9日 星期四 

(星島日報    報道)賣地前夕,山頂豪宅售價續攀上巔峰,菱電持有的山頂「天比高」最後一間洋房剛以每呎九萬六千三百六十二元天價成交,涉資八億元,成交呎價不但刷新全港豪宅新高,更晉身亞洲區最高呎價的紀錄,買家是市場炙手可熱的內地富豪。



  對於上址以天價成交,菱電副主席胡亮明昨日接受本報訪問時表示,該物業位處地段較特殊,擁有三百六十度迴環海景,望維港及南區景致,在本港可觀賞到上述景致的獨立屋相信少之又少,基本上「賣咗之後買唔番!」,他以「少少不捨得賣」來形容今番賣樓情況,不過,由於集團早前剛購入山頂普樂道八號法國    總領事館獨立屋,有它「填補空缺」(日後可發展類似的罕有獨立屋),故最終才願意割愛,否則絕對不會沽售。




  上述為普樂道十號洋房,面積八千三百○二方呎,造價九萬六千三百六十二元易手,涉資約八億元,該洋房並設有花園、私人泳池及車房。菱電已收取一成訂金,成交日期為八月十二日。據悉該項目僅餘的十二號屋,將由周星馳    保留自用。


  收訂一成 八月成交



  及後於○八年九月,天比高十六號示範屋,由百營環球資源主席兼行政總裁施展望以三億八千萬購入,面積七千二百二十九方呎,每呎逾五萬二千五百元,最終因金融海嘯,在○九年七月取消交易,及後於九月份,該物業再由英國    商人以三億五千萬元購入。可見豪宅價格急升的情況下,天比高洋房價格已較兩年前「翻一番」。
