
WHO Set to Classify Red Meat, Processed Meats as “Probably Carcinogenic”

WHO Set to Classify Red Meat, Processed Meats as "Probably Carcinogenic"
Would be a huge blow to the meat industry

First Accepted Case of Radiation-Related Cancer Confirmed in Former Fukushima Worker
Experts say it could be "just the tip of the iceberg"
According to a health ministry official, the unnamed man has leukemia.

Amazing health benefits of tamarind for skin, hair and health

10 shocking facts you never knew about Wikipedia and Jimmy Wales

Chimps chow down on clay to detox and improve their health - here's why you should too!
Researchers from Oxford University have recently discovered that chimps, our closest animal relative, have started eating clay in response to the loss of raffia palms which used to comprise their primary source of minerals. Instead, the tobacco industry has virtually depleted what the chimps routinely fed on, and experts have found that the animals have instinctively turned to the detoxifying properties of clay.

Importance of Wearing Tulasi Mala in Hinduism

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鐵喉(鉛喉)有鍍鋅或者沒有鍍鋅, 含鉛嗎?

鐵喉(鉛喉)有鍍鋅或者沒有鍍鋅, 含鉛嗎?

For reference only, no comment.

南韓進口不鏽鋼筷子 含鎳超標47倍


「杜林裹屍布」驗DNA 研判產自印度

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National Geographic now conspires with poison-pushing corporations to destroy the very planet it once photographed

National Geographic now conspires with poison-pushing corporations to destroy the very planet it once photographed

2.6 billion pounds of Monsanto's Roundup sprayed on America's farmland

Science as a new religion

Are you putting Monsanto in your vagina? 85% of tampons and feminine hygiene products contaminated with cancer-causing glyphosate herbicide

New Consumer Report guide breaks down the risks from eating 48 conventional fruit and veggies from 14 different countries

Health Benefits of Abhyanga
Abhyanga is the Sanskrit term for the ancient Ayurvedic practice of full body oil massage.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries explains how vaccine industry policy promotes dishonesty

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Health Benefits of Hot and Cold Baths According to Ayurveda

Why Drink Cow's Milk?

Health Benefits of Hot and Cold Baths According to Ayurveda

Scientists turn to lab-grown chicken meat after spending $300,000 making artificial beef

Democratic congresswoman claims global warming will force American women into prostitution
Climate change hoaxers will says just about anything to push the nonsensical and unproven theory that the activities of industrialized mankind are pushing the earth to its warming limits.

When technology becomes religion and science becomes God
Sadly, in most cases the truth is that we have simply traded one form of religion for another. Scientists and technology gurus have become our new high priests, and most of us blindly follow whatever they tell us. But in the end, just like with so many religious organizations, it is all about the money. Those with the money determine what the science is going to say, who the high priests are going to be, and what messages are conveyed to the public. 

10 Most Amazing Plants in the World

Vastu, Temples and Pyramids in Vedic Context

Vaastu Shastra: Ancient Indian Architecture
iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Deaths and mutations spike around Fukushima; no safety threshold for radioactive cesium exposure

Tips to increase breast milk production

Deaths and mutations spike around Fukushima; no safety threshold for radioactive cesium exposure

Citizen scientists develop eye drops that enable night vision for 55 yards

Amazon to help Americans buy more toxic poisons for their home with the touch of a button

Why is Ghee Preferred to Oil for Puja Lamp?

Why You Might Want To Be Drinking Beet Juice At The Gym

United Nations Doctor Outlines 5 Key GMO Dangers in Recent Talk

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics We Should be Researching

Natural Immunity: 8+ Natural Antibiotics We Should be Researching

The Seven Layers of Skin in Ayurveda

South India 101 - The Banana Leaf | Put Chutney

Warm Water vs. Cold Water. Which is Better for Drinking?

10 Super Weird Exotic Superfoods You Haven't Heard Of
Awesome pictures included

Science and Medical Science in Ancient India

Pitru Paksha Shraddha: Paying Homage to Ancestors for the Peace of Souls

True World History
Ancient Documents In Proofs Of Jesus Christ In India

Significance of Peacock Feather in Hinduism

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Study: Red Wines in U.S. Found to Contain ‘High Levels of Arsenic’

Study: Red Wines in U.S. Found to Contain 'High Levels of Arsenic'
It may be time to diversify

10 Healing Benefits of Ginger

Twelve Types of Pains and the Foods to Cure Them

10 Amazing Health Benefits of Bee Pollen

Sun Worship in Hinduism and Its Scientific Meaning

Bhasmas: The Nano-Medicine of Ancient Times

Ayurveda, Siddha or Allopathy – What to Choose When
Siddha or Siddhavaidya is unique to Southern India, fundamentally Tamil Nadu. This dimension of medicine was opened up by Agastya Muni. They say Adiyogi himself practiced it and Agastya brought it to the south. He created a very potent combination, some fantastic usage of material. It is unbelievable how Siddha works. 

Importance of Aarthi in Hinduism

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電子產品 輻射或影響身體

Detox新領袖: Puma 承諾100% PFC-free


基督教輪迴觀 -- 花冧電台 FarumRadio

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Top 5 Healthiest Seeds

Top 5 Healthiest Seeds

Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

Health Benefits of Honey and Its Various Uses

50 (In Utero) Human Studies Identify High Risks of Prenatal Ultrasound

Natural tooth restorations a thing of the not-so-distant future
Studies reveal natural tooth restorations might become possible in the near future with the use of special lights and dental stem cells.

Reasons Behind Tulasi Worship in Hinduism
There are two types of Tulasi plants. The dark one called Shyama Tulasi possesses greater medicinal value than the light one called Rama Tulasi. It is the Shyama Tulasi that is commonly used for worship by the devout. 

Cow Urine For Your Skin? Panchgavya Repackaged for a New Gen

Yoga Hand Mudra Meanings, Explanations and Benefits

The Soul, Death and Afterlife in Hinduism

Mantras and Their Significance in Hinduism

Sacred Trees in Hinduism

Jesus Lived In Jagannath Puri And Studied With Shankaracharya - Died In Kashmir, India

B.C. film director digs into reincarnation and crisis of faith
The Devout follows an evangelical Christian schoolteacher who has a crisis when his young daughter, who is dying from cancer, tells him she had a previous life as an Apollo astronaut killed in a fire.

#Jesus Didn't Really Die on the Cross Proof from the #Bible

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Coal Ash Found to be 10 Times more Radioactive than Coal Itself

How Our Facewash and Soap are Polluting the Waterways
As billions of microbeads enter the water

Activists in Kenya Protest Against GMO Food Introduction
As president lifts ban to allow genetically modified food

Indian Scientists Decode Tulsi Plant Genome

Oil Pulling: An Ancient Method for Excellent Health

Coal Ash Found to be 10 Times more Radioactive than Coal Itself
First-ever regulations for coal ash disposal to come

Russian Govt Completely Bans GMOs in Food Production
Will the U.S. recognize this act of food sovereignty?

Importance of Prayer Rosary in Hinduism

Importance of Invoking the Divine in the Morning

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Investors Demand that McDonald’s Ban the Use of Antibiotics in its Meat

Investors Demand that McDonald's Ban the Use of Antibiotics in its Meat
As the company loses money month after month

Microbial Biologist Says Biotech is Like a Religion, and is Failing
And biotech only made '2 GM traits in 40 years'

Sacred Science
Eight afflicted people seek traditional and natural treatment to their ailments in South America.
Runtime: 1 hour, 17 minutes
Director Nicholas J. Polizzi
Studio Three Seed Productions

The Sacred Science Film
Free viewing online for one more week only.
jungle medicine, ancient healing, sacred healing
we decided to bring eight people with eight different illnesses deep into the Amazon Rainforest to work with indigenous healers for 30 days. 
Parkinson's disease, breast cancer, Crohn's Disease, diabetes, depression, prostate cancer, Neuro-endocrine cancer, IBS, and more. 

Spinach: Health Benefits, Uses and Precautions

The Right Way of Drinking Water as Per Ayurveda

Health Benefits and Uses of Neem

Now, Bid to Push Back Antiquity of the Vedas

A Person Is Not the Body - Jagad Guru

Significance of the Number 108 in Hinduism

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Avoid Garlic and Onions On A Raw Food Diet - Really?!

Avoid Garlic and Onions On A Raw Food Diet - Really?!

Raw Garlic: Health Food Or Toxin?

Onion Toxicity And The Raw Food Diet

8 Great Sources of Protein for Vegetarians

The UK's Most Widely Used Weed Killer Could Be Making Bread Toxic

Keep glyphosate out of our food!

Bread companies should drop glyphosate, says Soil Association
Consumers must pressure retailers and manufacturers to ensure bread does not contain glyphosate, says the Soil Association – but all traces are below safe limits, insists industry.

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products

15 minutes on your cell phone can alter brain structure and function, new study reveals

15 minutes on your cell phone can alter brain structure and function, new study reveals

Mum claims keeping mobile phones in her bra for 10 years gave her terminal breast cancer

Health Benefits of Eating Sugar Apple or Custard Apple

Health Benefits of Ragi or Finger Millet

Benefits of Cow Protection as Per Science

Ancient Rishis vs Modern Science

Top 22 Reasons to Believe Hinduism is Based on Science

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products

Benefits of Banyan Tree According to Ayurveda

History, Benefits & Uses of Sandalwood Essential Oil

Benefits of Banyan Tree According to Ayurveda

USDA Gives 2nd Generation GM 'Innate' Potato Green Light
Would you eat this unlabeled GMO creation?

Benefits of Ghee According to Ayurveda

Vibhuti: How and Where Should We Apply It
There are many aspects to the usage of vibhuti or sacred ash. First of all, it is a great medium to transfer or transmit energy, and it has an ability to help direct and control the energy body. 

The Science Behind Bells in Hindu Temples
The bell is made up of a mixture of five metals – lead, copper, zinc, iron, and tin – to which it is measured based on ratio and specification.

How Does Chanting Work
According to the science of Spirituality, chanting the Name of God as per one's religion of birth is the recommended foundation of spiritual practice in the current era i.e. the era of strife (Kaliyug). It is done throughout ones spiritual journey. Chanting can be done anywhere and at any time and is the most convenient spiritual practice. Any repeated thought or action forms an impression, which if reinforced becomes a centre. This is similar to how a footpath is created in a field. Only if one were to walk in a grassy field repeatedly would a footpath be created.
This is the same principle used to create the devotion centre. In the process the other impressions and centres get ignored and reduced until they cease to exist. So this is another effective way in which the devotion centre cleanses the subconscious mind.

Ghosts Cause Twisted and Contorted Movements
The contorted movements seen in the video are due to manifestation of the ghosts possessing the people. The manifestations often occur just because of being in the presence of Saints or items used by Saints. This is because ghosts cannot tolerate the positivity around Saints and are therefore forced to surface or manifest. The people featuring in the video themselves do not have any known physical or psychological illness to explain the movements. They are seekers of God doing moderate to intense spiritual practice as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice.

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台灣抽查市面19款黑糖 全部含致癌丙烯醯胺


《新聞刺針》 【走私菜農藥殘留嚴重超標】
記者分別在北角春秧街和大埔富善街街市,買了 8 種走私菜,委託浸會大學化學分析中心化驗。
在 8 個樣本當中,5 個驗出有農藥,當中兩個嚴重超標。

台灣抽查市面19款黑糖 全部含致癌丙烯醯胺
過去公眾已知丙烯醯胺 Acrylamide 存在油炸、炭烤等高溫製程食物中,但多數忽略其實黑糖也是由甘蔗汁大過反覆熬煮製成,而甘蔗汁中的「天門冬醯胺」和單醣(果糖、葡萄糖)碰在一起,加上高溫加熱這個關鍵因素,便生成丙烯醯胺。加熱到攝氏65度即可產生丙烯醯胺、85度明顯含有、120度則大幅加速上升。

13年賣311萬公斤化工海帶 業者起訴

手機玩LINE 電磁波飆6萬倍
易頭暈失眠 宜下載電腦使用


iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products

Raw Vegetables vs. Cooked Vegetables, Which Are Better?

Raw Vegetables vs. Cooked Vegetables, Which Are Better?

Farmers Reject GM Seeds, Citing High Costs and Few Benefits
"We see the damage already caused by GMOs"

95-year-old yoga guru Kazim Gürbüz shares secrets of active sex life and how everyone can live to 130
Hannah Osborne By Hannah Osborne
August 16, 2015 
He said everyone has the power to stay young and claims to be able to perform the 'knot position' for up to 48 hours and hold his breath for between 4-5 minutes. In terms of his sex life, he said he can have orgasms between 3-5 times every day.
"I am the same as when I was 25-30 years old. They challenged me to prove it in Europe, so I did," Gürbüz said.
He also recommends pinto beans, peppers, pepper sauce, herbal tea and soup: "Less beneficial is meat, [which causes] most damage. There is protein in all [pulses], you do not necessarily need to eat meat."

Green Queen Complete Guide To Gardening Resources In Hong Kong – From Urban Farm Installs To Organic Seeds To Permaculture Workshops
August 31, 2015

10 Poojas That Make Your Wishes Come True

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products

6 Tips for Speeding up Bone Fracture Healing

6 Tips for Speeding up Bone Fracture Healing
Including some of the latest techniques

Health Benefits and Nutrition of Black Rice

5 Huge Companies Accused of Being Pyramid Schemes

5 Strongest Signs of Alien Existence

108,000 Temples and Their Locations in India

iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products

Why Ayurvedic Cooking Recommends No Onion and No Garlic?

Why Ayurvedic Cooking Recommends No Onion and No Garlic?

Health Benefits of Sitting on the Floor While Eating

Want to Know Which Milk Beats All Other Milks?
The answer may surprise you

10 Simple Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Spiritual Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

The Four Soul Killers

Ghatika Yantra – Time Measurement in Days of No Sunlight According to the Hindu Way

What Is Consciousness? What Is Life? #SD HQ - Science of Identity Foundation
What is life? Am I nothing more a combination of chemicals? Did life begin as an accidental combination of non living elements? Is it possible for simple material elements to combine by chance to create complex living organisms?
Is it even possible to form a definition for life? Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa examines the scientific foundation of our modern civilization.

Is Life Created From Matter? #SD HQ : Science of Identity Foundation
Who am I? What is life? How is it possible to discuss the origin of life without a clear definition of life? It is simply not correct to say that it is improbable that life was created from chemicals. Without any evidence for the chemical origins of life, it has to be said that it is impossible it was created due to a chance combination of chemicals. 

The Vedic Science Behind Eating with Your Hands

Benefits of Mauna Vratha According to Hinduism
Mauna Vratha literally means a vow to keep silent. For spiritual growth it is essential that one's speech must be pure. To acquire purity of speech the practice of silence is important. 

Significance of Shaligram According to Hinduism

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