





  從化學結構來看,五辛之臭是因含有二硫化物等黃色臭油質,有 特殊的滲透臭,散發極臭的辛辣氣味。其中除興渠外,蔥蒜薤韭為同一百合科植物,學名皆有Allium,即為丙烯基,具催淫增欲作用,又稱為蒜臭基(Allyl),極臭,所以五辛同臭增欲。


釋迦如來在經文中, 當初曾有禁止弟子人員食用蔥韭蒜, 衪禁止的理由是:
1.蔥韭蒜, 其藥性『生食瞋恚,熟食發淫』易助長心性無明、 妄想、 令其教化失功。
2.蔥韭蒜既食己, 藥性與心性, 混合共會, 共長無明, 助發貪瞋癡, 亦生臭味四溢。 禪定時~~善神亦不欲近, 妄邪來近身, 所以如來說~~食此食, 正定不易成就。


為宗教 (含為修行 打坐)理由。 
為習慣理由 (吃肉會過敏,或從小隨家人吃素)。

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相傳,古時候有位老道;雖年已過百,但身體健康、耳聰目明。於是人們競相拜求延年仙術,老人卻說並無仙術,只是常食決明於罷了。 現代藥理研究證實,決明茶輔助醫藥防治各種眼病、高血壓,高血脂(肥胖)和便秘,效果明顯。

   1、其清肝明目作用適宜於眼科諸疾,如肝熱上衝所致目赤腫痛、羞明多淚、視物模糊,以及青光眼、白內障、結膜炎等,因其有保護視神經的作用, 對現代電視族、電腦族等易引起眼睛疲勞的人群有補益。












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Mazafati (Kimia) Dates Iran

What is Mazafati Date
Mazafati (Kimia) Date appointed Date Bam is one of the different kinds of Iranian Date fruit. This kind of Date because of having high moisture is not used as nuts .The Date can be considered as the most delicious kind of Date fruits in the world.


Mazafati Date is used as Rotab and there is no one who feels bad after eating the Date. The Date has an attractive black color , its moisture depending on harvest time and planting area is between 15% to 35% and the size of Mazafati Date is between 5/2 to 5/4 cm.

The most desirable and delicious kind of Mazafati Date is grown in southern Iranian city of Bam which has meaty and succulent flesh. Other Iranian cities that have suitable condition for planting are Jiroft and Kahnuj in Kerman province and Saravan and Iranshahr in Sistan and Baluchestan province.The ripe Mazafati Date has dark purple tends to black color and has soft texture!

Mazafati Date just like other kinds of Date fruit is replete of health benefits. The Date is loaded with needed daily energy and is rich of vitamin B which is beneficial for strengthen the nerves , iron and phosphorous that have direct influence on treatment of Anemia and strengthen the memory and has high amount of potassium and vitamin A in order to prevent indigestion and skin health.
Moreover, Mazafati Date is replete of fiber which is beneficial for those who are suffered from constipation and excess acid in the stomach and actually the Date is used as laxative food!The provided research has shown that reducing moisture of Mazafati Date by artificial (industrial) drying is possible and eliminate the need for cold storage building.

The Date should be kept in refrigerator and The main internal markets of Mazafati Date are located in Tehran province and constructing cold storage building in Date planting areas can have positive effect on increasing productions. 

Harvesting the Date is accomplished in the 3 phases and also high quality kind of Mazafati Date has a thin and soft texture and the low quality one hard and dry texture !It is better to be noted that using Date waste in the food processes is one of the best way to decrease food waste!In the samples which was made by Mazafati Date waste, in the one year there was no change in the qualitative and quantitative properties, has better taste and most supervisors declared that provided samples with Mazafati Date had better quality compared to other qualities.
What is Mazafati Date Palm?
Iran is one of the largest producers of Dates in the world. Its annual production is close to one million tons in over 400 varieties. But among these 400 types there are more than 15 varieties well known in international markets and are exported throughout the world. Mazafati Date Palm is one of the most famous and delicious varieties of the ??Dates which is usually used as Rutab. Mazafati Date Palm is of plant species of the family Palmacea that is its scientific name Phoenix dactylifera. These types of ??Dates fruit is large, fleshy and dark purple in color tending to black, full of sap and tasty. The most delicious mazafati Date is the one which tends to grows in the city of Bam in southern east area of Iran.

Mazafati Date History
This fresh Mazafati Date grows in Bam city of Kerman regions. The Bam is the most famous place for high quality Mazafati. The Bam region has around 28000 Hectares of the lands under the harvest of mazafati Date from which 5000 Hectares pertains to young palm trees. 120000 tons of the Date is being harvested from the land annually.
Where is Mazafati Growing
Mozafati ??Dates are a variety type of fresh (soft) ??Dates that is also famous as “Bam Dates” .This Date growing in Saravan and Iranshahr in Sistan and Baluchestan province and Bam, Jiroft and Kahnuj cities of Kerman province. These cities are main regions where mazafati grows.

Mazafati Date Moisture
Mazafati or Rutab is one of most famous and delicious Date of Iran. Mazafati Date moisture content (15-35%) depends largely on the harvesting time and the place where the Date grows.

Mazafati Date Color
The coloring of this kind variety is brown to black color.

Mazafati Date Shape
As I mentioned before, its color is brown to black and its extra soft and very generous flesh so is highly popular in Iran and the rest of world. Its shape is Oval.
Mazafati Date Size
The size of the Date is usually between 2.5-4.5 cm and the Date has a very useful flesh on it.
Mazafati Date Types
The Mazafati Date planting areas in Iran are:
Bam Date, Jiroft Date, Kahnuj Date of Kerman 
Saravan Date and Iranshahr Date of Sistan and Baluchestan.
Mazafati Date Keeping Temperature
The Mazafati Date should keep in temperature 4 C, and the shelf life could be round 4 months, and could be remain for six month in cellophane & plastic.

Mazafati Date Taste
Mazafati Date has best tasting varieties of ??Dates, because this Date taste is very sweet and has a unique delicious taste.

Mazafati Date Harvesting Time
Mazafati Date harvesting time depends to the variety and starts in August, lasting to the end of October. The Mazafati is fully ripe at the end of the Date season.

Mazafati Date Packing
Our company is always offering high quality products and most favorable service for our buyers, we take quality as important as service
Features of Mazafati Date Packing:
Our product is available in three grades of AAA, AA and A 
Having a brand in the domestic and international level 
Packaging: 500 Gr Carton Box 700 Gr Carton Box 5 Kg Carton Box 10 Kg Carton Box

Mazafati Date Nutrition Fact
Wonderfully delicious, Dates are loaded with various nutrients, right from minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. to vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, etc. Fresh ??Dates compose of soft, easily digestible flesh and simple sugars like fructose and dextrose. Moreover, ??Dates are low in fat and high in protein and fiber content, which makes them healthy snacks between meals.

Mazafati Date Calories
A calorie is a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, it's a way of describing how much energy your body could get from eating or drinking it. Fruit Calories are made up of mostly simple carbohydrates, some proteins, and very little fat. If you are looking for Mazafati Date calories, then, in per 100 g of Mazafati Date contains around 1.81 grams of protein, 0.15 gram fat, 74.97 grams carbohydrates, 6.7grams dietary fiber and 113 grams sugar and also it has about 300 energy.

Mazafati Date Benefits
Mazafati Date treating some certain diseases because it is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and etc. 
We are mentioned briefly some of the benefits for you in here:
Nervous System Health:
The vitamins present in Mazafati ??Dates make it an ideal boost to nervous system health and functionality. Potassium is one of the prime ingredients in promoting a healthy and responsive nervous system, and it also improves the speed and alertness of brain activity.
Ripe ??Dates contain potassium, which is known as an effective way of controlling diarrhea. They are also easy to digest, which further helps alleviate the unpredictable nature of chronic diarrhea. The soluble fiber in ??Dates can also help relieve diarrhea, by providing bulk to the bowel movements and promoting normal, healthy functioning of the excretory system.

Energy Booster:
Dates are high in natural sugars like glucose, fructose, and sucrose. Therefore, they are the perfect snack for an immediate burst of energy.

Dates have a high mineral content, which is beneficial for many different health conditions, but their impressive levels of iron make them a perfect dietary supplement for people suffering from anemia.

Mazafati Date Seed
Mazafati Date seed contains 7.7-9.7% oil. The weight of the seed is 5.6-14.2% of the Date. They contain 7.17-9% moisture, 1.82-5.2% protein. 6.8-9.32% fat, 65.5% carbohydrates, 6.4-13 6% fiber, 0.89-1.57% ash, also sterols and estrone, and an alkali-soluble polysaccharide. The seeds contain 6 to 8% of a yellow-green, non-drying oil suitable for use in soap and cosmetic products. The fatty acids of the oil are: lauric, 8%; myristic, 4%; palmitic, 25%; stearic, 10%, oleic, 45%, linoleic, 10%; plus some caprylic and capric acid. Date seeds may also be processed chemically as a source of oxalic acid, the yield amounting to 65%.
Other features of mazafati Date seed:
Mazafati Date fruit seeds have been demonstrated to possess high antioxidant activities due to their high content of flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Mazafati Date black-brown seed has almost as many names as it has cures. It is known in many cultures as the blessed seed. Using black-brown seed oil daily strengthens the immune system, fights infections and acts as a cure for virtually all illnesses.The black-brown seed is a potent antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory treatment. Modern day scientific research has confirmed many of its health benefits. The seeds are burned to make charcoal for silversmiths, and they are often strung in necklaces. According to recent research by University Jihad of Khuzestan province on the palm seed were taken to show that the mazafati Date seed between 8 to 10% oil which can be liquid as a the raw material industry detergents and cleaners such as types of shampoo and soap and laundry powder used.

Mazafati Date Production
Iran is one of the leading countries in Date production and export in the world. Date is harvested on 180,000 hectares of groves in Iran. Iran shares 20 percent or so of the world Date production and is the largest Date producer in the world.

Mazafati Date Uses
Mazafati Date Palms can stay in production for over 60 years.Dry or soft Mazafati ??Dates are eaten out-of-hand, or may be seeded and stuffed, or chopped and used in a great variety of ways: on cereal, in pudding, bread, cakes, cookies, ice cream, or candy bars. The pitting may be done in factories either by crushing and sieving the fruits or, with more sophistication, by piercing the seed out, leaving the fruit whole. The calyces may be mechanically removed also. Surplus ??Dates are made into cubes, paste, spread, powder (Date sugar), jam, jelly, juice, syrup, vinegar or alcohol.
Mazafati Date Exporting Markets
Mazafati is one major species of fresh Date with huge annual yield. The largest portion of this product is consumed in domestic markets, but due to production growth during the recent years steps have been taken for exporting this product. 

Consumer Markets of Mazafati Date: North European countries including England, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Germany, the Persian Gulf littoral states, the North American countries, especially Canada, East Asian countries plus Australia are major importers of Iranian Mazafati Date. As a matter of fact Iranians living abroad are among the major consumers of the Mazafati Date. It is estimated that Mazafati Date enjoys 20 percent of the nation's total export of ??Dates. our company export their products to all over the world including UAE , Iraq , India , Russia , Ukrine , Pakistan , Europe and other countries.
Mazafati Date Price
Mazafati Date Price is varied from 1 USD to 2 USD per each KG in wholesale market

Mazafati Date Supplier
Ario Co is one of the most prominent and the largest supplier of the Mazafati Date Fruit in Iran.Ario Co was established in 1985 in order to providing and supplying various fresh kinds of the date Fruit such as pitted, fresh and dried Dates in Iran and even abroad countries.

Mazafati Bam Date
The Mazafati Bam Date grows in an oasis near the historic citadel of Bam in Iran, at an altitude of 1200 meters, which is unusual for Date palms. It is the most famous place for high quality Mazafati.  This type of Date due to the high moisture is not as dehydrated fruits, so keep the Mazafati Bam Date in a cold store in 5 ? temperature make them fresh for minimum one year and half.  Ario Co's Mazafati Bam Date Level 1 has a glossy black finish, nice, big, full of sap, pastry and weigh more than Routab grade 2 and 3.
Iran Mazafati Date
Iran is the largest producers of ??Dates in the world because,Date is harvested on 180,000 hectares of groves in Iran. The Date crop in Iran for all species (dried, semi-dried and fresh) during the farming year 1999-2000 was over one million tons. Iran shares 20 percent or so of the world Date production and is the largest Date producer in the world. 

 Mazafati Date is grown in different parts of Iran country that are : 
1. Kerman province (Bam, Jiroft and Kahnuj cities ) 
2. Baluchestan province (Saravan and Iranshahr in Sistan) 

Iran Mazafati Date is fresh, tasty and delicious and full of nutrients, minerals and vitamins that are beneficial and necessary for the body to maintain health.


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主持人 Hosted by: 袁大明(自然療法醫生)

松下一郎、揭發環保農業之謊言協會 (作者)




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Warning: Garlic Is a Powerful Blood Thinner
Garlic must be used with caution by people who have a bleeding disorder, or are on blood thinning medication such as aspirin or warfarin, because it is a powerful blood thinner. Other side effects include bad breath, body odor, heartburn, upset stomach, and allergic reactions.

Side Effects and Cautions

Garlic - history 

Garlic In addition to warding off vampires, one to three cloves of garlic daily can help lower cholesterol and protect against cancers of the stomach, prostate and colon. Garlic’s antibacterial and antifungal properties also boost the immune system. 

But before you start popping cloves, realize that they’ve got to be crushed to make their benefits available. The key healthful ingredient, allicin, only forms when exposed to air. Similarly, when you cook with garlic, let the crushed or chopped cloves stand for 10 minutes first. And if you’d rather take a garlic supplement, make sure it contains allicin. 

Not everyone’s gonzo about garlic. Ayurveda, the traditional Indian healing system, cautions that garlic heats the body, so it could aggravate problems with digestion, hot flashes, excessive body heat or tendencies to be impatient or angry. And although garlic thins the blood, which can help lower blood pressure, it also increases the risk of bleeding if you’re having surgery or are taking blood thinners, including aspirin. 

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