
300% Increased brain cancer risk for long-term users of cell phones and cordless phones, new study reveals

Antibacterial soap pollutes rivers, adds to bacterial resistance
10 superfoods to consume during the fall season

300% Increased brain cancer risk for long-term users of cell phones and cordless phones, new study reveals

ALL Bluefin Tuna Caught In California Are Radioactive ... DO NOT EAT TUNA
October 2, 2013
Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one.

Three super juices that revitalize your health

Monosodium glutamate induces kidney, liver damage in study on rat

Understanding the phytochemical power of turmeric

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Raw Water - Raw Food Health

Raw Water is HERE!!! by Daniel Vitalis

Raw Water Wars

Alkaline Water Scams by Frederic Patenaude

Raw Water with Daniel Vitalis, episode #375

Raw Water: My honest Opinion TheEsseneChannel

Detoxifying the liver using natural herbs

Detoxifying the liver using natural herbs

How to unleash your body's own healing power without supplements
The corpse pose, or savasana, is the last posture, or asana, in any Hatha Yoga routine. It's apparently the easiest, because one lies flat on one's back without moving. But it's actually the most difficult to master, because it's so internal.

The big lie of genetics exposed: human DNA incapable of storing complete blueprint of the human form
According to the theory of genetics, physical gene sequences contained in chromosomes found in each cell in your body are a "blueprint" for all your body's physical structures, biochemical functions and inherited behavioral patterns. This blueprint, the theory goes, contains ALL the instructions needed to create a complete human form with all its physical structures, physiological functions and inherited behaviors fully represented and complete.

Google has been secretly harvesting the passwords of all Wi-Fi devices everywhere
If an Android device (phone or tablet) has ever logged on to a particular Wi-Fi network, then Google probably knows the Wi-Fi password. Considering how many Android devices there are, it is likely that Google can access most Wi-Fi passwords worldwide.

The Yamuna
One day of life of the holy Yamuna river.

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Distilled Water and Your Health

Distilled Water Health
by Charlie Pulsipher

Is Distilled Water Bad for You?
by Frederic Patenaude

Is Distilled Water Actually Dangerous?
by Frederic Patenaude

Health Benefit of Water
David Wolfe - spring water;
Gabriel Cousens - distilled water;
Brian Clement - live water filtration.

Distilled Water and Your Health

Distilled Water Benefits


全球暖化 Global Warming 是不是騙局,真相是?

大學飯堂暗黑料理 西瓜炒香蕉

健身兼發電 「智慧單車」揭牌

全球暖化 Global Warming 是不是騙局,真相是?

郊野公園仇敵揭曉 | Paul Zimmerman 司馬文 | 主場新聞



紅外線下的月球真面目 (no comment)

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Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body

Kenyan Wilson Kipsang Sets World Record at Berlin Marathon

Wilson Kipsang 2:03:23 (Marathon World Record 2013)

Scientist Photographs The Soul Leaving The Body
The timing of astral disembodiment in which the spirit leaves the body has been captured by Russian scientist Konstantin Korotkov, who photographed a person at the moment of his death with a bioelectrographic camera. 

Foods that are most alkaline

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 1 "The Darling Of Vrindavan"

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 2 "The Legendary Warrior"

Little Krishna English Tele Film Part 3 "Wondrous Feats"

Little Krishna English Episodes

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大馬「黑心染色雞」 疑致華裔癌病激增


羅湖水產市場 檢測出桂花魚、草魚、黃骨魚內含有孔雀石綠。

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10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold

Wifi on airplanes: great for airlines but not so good for fliers

Eye problem treatments you can achieve at home

Canadians being poisoned by cadmium in landfill

Enjoy the many health benefits using apple cider vinegar

Blood donations from people vaccinated against HPV may be harmful to recipients

10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order


Health advantages of using virgin coconut oil

Health advantages of using virgin coconut oil

US doctors caught ordering needless MRIs for patients to earn extra kickbacks
Is almond milk good for you? Importance of reading the label to avoid potential carcinogen
However, it is important to read the label, since some almond milks contain a controversial food additive called carrageenan that may be a potential carcinogen...

Natural tips for healthy nails

Eleven amazing facts and health benefits of camu camu

How to cut your kids' cell #phone addiction

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Confessions of a Medical Heretic

My iHerb Order 9/22/2013

Confessions of a Medical Heretic Paperback
by M.D. Robert S. Mendelsohn (Author) 1979

Full-body scans rolled out at all Australian airports with new 'no scan, no fly' law
February 08, 2012

Proteolytic enzymes: A miracle cure the medical monopoly is keeping from you

Treating #hair problems with ginger
Dandruff, Hair Loss

Will a Bio-Engineered Super-Honey Take over Real Honey?

Typhoon surfers: Brave souls hit the beach during Typhoon Usagi

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My iHerb Order 9/22/2013

Now Foods, XyliWhite Mouthwash, Cinnafresh, 16 fl oz (473 ml)
 Bio Kleen, Laundry Powder, All Temperature, 5 lbs (2.27 kg)
 Paradise Herbs, Vital Treasures, Healthy Hair & Skin, 60 Veggie Caps
 Paradise Herbs, Turmeric, 90 Veggie Caps
 Now Foods, Solutions, Xyli•White, Toothpaste Gel with Baking Soda, Fluoride-Free, Platinum Mint, 6.4 oz (181 g)
 Lane Labs, Flora 3, 2 Veggie Caps - Free
 Y.S. Eco Bee Farms, 100% Certified Organic Raw Honey, 2.0 lbs (907 g)
 Manitoba Harvest, Hemp Hearts, Raw Shelled Hemp Seeds, 8 oz (227 g)

Five sensational whole grains to eat now

Five sensational whole grains to eat now
Teff, Farro, Buckwheat, Bulgar, Barley

Cell phone radiation safety standards must be strengthened, claim 12 leading public health and consumer safety groups

Plan a trip to Vrindavan but afraid to lose your glasses? 
This video could give you a solution 

Colloidal silver cures MRSA infections, purifies water, destroys candida and fights the flu - In spite of FDA ban

'The objective behind doing spiritual practice of mantras is to reveal their obscure energy The energy of a mantra lies in its pronunciation. This energy is manifested from frequencies generated in the atmosphere by the sound vibrations that are generated through its chanting.

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Is Blue Corn Free from GMO Cross Contamination?

2013 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final London Elite Race Videos

Boost wellness by receiving the healing energy of the earth

Electromagnetic Upgrade #1: Eliminate Cordless Phones
Having a cordless phone in your house can be 100 times more of a health risk than using a mobile, report a group of Swedish Scientists.
More Powerful Than Cell Phones

Is Blue Corn Free from GMO Cross Contamination?

Bottled water found to contain over 24,000 chemicals, including endocrine disruptors

Health benefits of okra

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order

Prevent and treat hyperthyroidism naturally

Prevent and treat hyperthyroidism naturally
March 09, 2011 by: Dr. David Jockers

Thyroid Remedies
Home Remedies to Heal Many Thyroid Issues

Coconut Oil 

Understanding thyroid disorders and how to treat them naturally

June 15, 2013 by: J. D. Heyes

Get Off Your Thyroid Medication And Start Consuming Coconut Oil


Thyroid Health and The Coconut Diet


How to Help Your Thyroid with Virgin Coconut Oil



Nearly all conventional chicken meat is intentionally contaminated with arsenic

2013 London ITU Triathlon World Championships Race Videos

Vattenfall World Triathlon Stockholm 2013 Race Videos

Five so-called 'healthy' snacks to avoid

Hospitals may have infected at least 15 patients with mad cow-like disease via infected surgical instruments

Nearly all conventional chicken meat is intentionally contaminated with arsenic

Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

Why Being a Hindu Has Made Me a Better Catholic

2013 9 10 Prasad Seva Radhakund

Rawal, a birth place of Radharani

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9 Sneaky Sources of GMOs

9 Sneaky Sources of GMOs

The best natural remedies for removing head lice

Consumption of apple cider vinegar may accelerate weight loss

Five amazing non-dietary uses for coconut oil

Toxic, cancer-causing arsenic found in rice products -- even organic rice milk

8 Health Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

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白麵粉加麩皮假充全麥 低成本賣高價的民生詐欺


廣州8家月餅包裝含塑化劑 太平洋咖啡costa等上榜


手機一開LINE 電磁波急升6萬倍 

白麵粉加麩皮假充全麥 低成本賣高價的民生詐欺

精華重溫 - 《冥婚》(一)

精華重溫 - 《冥婚•二》(一)

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

God, Christianity and Meat
The Christian teaching of compassion for animals was especially emphasized by St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis not only spoke eloquently about compassion for animals but also taught that kindness to animals is good spiritually and promotes peace among humans. "Not to hurt our humble brethren, the animals, is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it. If you have people who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity you will have people who will deal likewise with other people."

God Does Not Eat Meat
By Arthur Poletti

Extraordinary images that show just how similar we are to our closest living relative – the bonobo: Affectionate primates share 98.7% of human DNA right down to hair loss
Species is usually found in the Congo, but they are classed as endangered due to conflict and other atrocities
Photographer Graham McGeorge, 42, captured magnificent moments at Jacksonville Zoo, in Florida, US
Bonobos seen acting and behaving similar to humans, showing signs of emotion, intelligence and thought

Do You Know What's Really In Your Tea?

As Fukushima continues to leak radiation, protect yourself with Bentonite Clay

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

Test 'reveals Facebook, Twitter and Google snoop on emails': Study of net giants spurs new privacy concerns

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Breakthrough urban food forest tower under construction in Milan

Diana Nyad finishes record-breaking Cuba to Florida swim

'Fruit of the gods' heals cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more

Smokers or past smokers: Six ways to cleanse and revitalize your lungs

Healed by wheatgrass: 74-year-old man with cancer told he would be 'dead in a matter of weeks' proves doctors wrong

Natural News releases Certificate of Analysis for Clean Chlorella, including radiation test results

Breakthrough urban food forest tower under construction in Milan

Advanced research techniques reveal presence of water beneath Moon's surface

Phosphoric acid used in soda pop shown dissolving teeth in rare video

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TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported

Farmers REFUSE to Eat their OWN Food & feel GUILTY Selling it! FUKUshima

Harmful if swallowed - The dangers of food irradiation

TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported

Top 15 compelling reasons to use cardamom often and generously

Six reasons to avoid carrageenan in your alternative milk products and food purchases

Concentration Is the Key

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Vegetarian Recipes for Athletes

10 Yoga Poses for Runners

Vegetarian Recipes for Athletes

The best home remedies for treating dandruff

Coconut oil halts tooth decay by attacking the bacteria that cause it

Toxic chemical dicyandiamide found in Fonterra milk powder

Quinoa vs. Amaranth: What's Your Pick?

Tea tree oil can work wonders for your skin

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