
Man awarded over $7 million for microwave popcorn-induced lung damage


2012 ITU World Triathlon Series Yokohama Race Videos 

Five beliefs that are causing society to crumble

Man awarded over $7 million for microwave popcorn-induced lung damage
Wayne Watson developed a somewhat rare respiratory illness known as bronchiolitis obliterans, or "popcorn lung," which involves a severe narrowing of the small airway branches in the lungs as a result of fibrosis (scar tissue) and inflammation. This narrowing creates airway obstruction, which can make it difficult for sufferers of the condition to breathe. Oftentimes, as is the case with Watson, the condition significantly decreases lung capacity, causing perpetual shortness of breath and dry cough.
The culprit, claims Watson, is diacetyl, an artificial flavoring chemical commonly added to microwaveable popcorn in order to give it a buttery flavor without having to actually use real butter.

Parents blame their daughter's mysterious death on Gardasil vaccine, send in brain tissue for evaluation

Ancient Buddhist Statue Made of Meteorite, New Study Reveals

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Shark 'Rescues' Man Lost At Sea For 15 Weeks

政府建設求其 行山徑步步驚心 Video 

誠邀你登上綠色和平船艦「希望號」 - 守護海洋,「魚」願以償
日期︰2012 年 10 月20、21及23 日
地點︰香港西環堅尼地城西寧街18 號招商局碼頭


放手讓孩子快樂成長 不刻意鋪路 讓兒子回到自然

Man Lost at Sea for 15 Weeks Saved by… a Shark?

Shark 'Rescues' Man Lost At Sea For 15 Weeks
After 15 weeks drifting at sea, sleeping next to his dead brother-in-law, a man is edged to safety by a most unlikely ally.

Orphaned girl starts university in Zimbabwe at 14
By Teo Kermeliotis, for CNN

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Prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined

50 Best Websites 2012
TIME's annual salute to sites and services that keep you entertained and informed, save you time and money — and maybe even change your life

Does GMO Corn Really Cause Tumors in Rats?

The evil of Monsanto and GMOs explained: Bad technology, endless greed and the destruction of humanity

Not only spy drones in the sky: Homeland Security has robot spy fish in the water

Prescription painkillers kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined

The School Ranking List Harvard Doesn't Top  
University Ranking

Vraja Parikrama Radha Kunda Syama Kunda Adi Narayana Badhri Tape 67 p1

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香港政府香煙稅加四成 煙價達50元

煙稅加四成 煙價達50元
 (明報)2011年2月24日 星期四



Drugstores Online

財政司    長曾俊華    宣布大幅增加煙稅消息前,不少報攤煙檔昨早都暫收起香煙,待知道加稅後價格才出售。記者昨午在旺角    多家便利店、報紙檔,見財爺宣布加煙稅後,店員檔主即自行把煙價隨新增煙稅上調10元。煙民陳先生表示,昨早銅鑼灣    便利店售煙貨架    仍空空如也,一宣布增加煙草稅後,煙架上就重新放滿香煙,前後相距僅約1小時,他質疑便利店囤貨。陳先生每周抽煙5包,表示煙稅若再增加,會考慮購買私煙。

各大煙草商昨日仍未向煙販建議加稅後的香煙零售價,據部分煙販昨晚獲得的消息指出,原售每包39元的主流大牌子香煙,如萬寶路、健牌、沙龍    等,除會增加10元煙稅,更會額外加價1元,售50元,便利店甚至會加至52至53元,最終價格今日會確定。




港大公共衛生學院院長林大慶和護理學院院長陳肇始都歡迎政府加煙稅,認為現時約76萬煙民中,38萬人不立即戒煙隨時會因而死亡。自由黨    副主席、批發及零售界方剛說,大加煙稅恐影響報販生計。民建聯    陳鑑林    和民主黨    主席何俊仁    亦對政策有保留,批評政策令煙民多怨氣。

Jagpal Singh 中超級六合彩頭獎幸運 Singh 繼續做跟車

 (明報)2011年5月22日 星期日

【明報專訊】前晚以40元買中「超級六合彩」,贏得4451萬元的印度    裔男子Jagpal Singh,昨日又在幸運投注站現身,再次與記者相遇。「幸運Singh」說,想不到首次買六合彩就一擊即中,暫時還未想到如何運用獎金,初步打算在年底結婚前置業,但無想過會辭去工作,因為怕會悶。徇眾要求下,他又再次拿出價值4451萬元的彩票展示,未有擔心被搶走。馬會表示,會憑彩票發放獎金支票,換言之是「認票不認人」。幸運Singh雖已用電話登記,但在明日領獎之前,還要面對被盜賊光顧的風險


幸運Singh昨日再在買中頭獎的馬寶道投注站現身,同行除3名友人外,還有印尼    籍女友Anik。Singh的現身不但吸引記者採訪,更引來途人圍觀,有人上前要求合照,起初他表現含蓄,但圍觀者一句「唔緊要啦!開心口野嘛!」,他遂放開懷抱與人拍照,更大方展示中獎彩票,記者問他怕不怕被搶,他即說「唔驚」,與港人財不可露眼的習慣大相逕庭。

一擊即中 不怕被搶



32歲的Singh是土生土長香港人,能操不太流利的廣東話,在筲箕灣    一印刷    公司任職跟車工人10多年。他說,自己過去從未買過六合彩,從報章及朋友口中得悉是次超級六合彩有億元彩金,前天晚上7時下班,途經馬寶道投注站時便入內湊熱鬧,由投注站職員協助「畫飛」,以40元買了4注,6個中獎號碼是他隨心亂填,中頭獎連自己也不敢相信。

家鄉有一兄一姊的幸運Singh,其實從未返過印度老家。父母過身後留下一個北角唐樓單位,在港沒有親人。Singh知道中頭獎後第一時間通知遠在家鄉的兄姊,令兩人「開心到癲咗」,並請他返鄉團聚。當通知拍拖3年任職女傭    的印尼藉女友Anik,Anik直言起初全不相信,以為男友捉弄她,後來肯定男友中頭獎的事實,直言高興得又喊又叫。


明報記者 雲錦峰


The major toxins in your water

Society now criminalizing parents that allow children to play in the yard - What is the world coming to?

The major toxins in your water

Secret body scanners with 50 times more radiation than airport x-ray scanners to be rolled out

GMO alert: Eating GM wheat may destroy your liver, warn scientists

Study: People Working From Home Are More Productive

10 Green Work from Home Tips

What To Do With Bathroom Plastics

4 Green Ways to Get Rid of Cell Phones and Chargers

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Top Health Giving Foods

Top Health Giving Foods

Healthy foods and superfoods. These foods are indigenous to many of the ancient cultures around the world and are just coming to light in areas outside their native regions. All these foods can be used to increase your healthy, stamina, sense of well being and some are extremely valuable if you are on a diet or diabetic. They are listed in order beginning with the most comprehensive and health giving food.

1. Marine Phytoplankton - Marine Phytoplankton is the foundation of the food chain, responsible for over 70% of the worlds oxygen production. It is a micro nutrient and comprehensive whole food that can nutritionally sustain all living creatures on earth.

One of the largest living creatures, marine whales, live 150 years or more using marine plankton as their main diet. Phytoplankton is a complete source of nutrition which includes proteins, vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, trace minerals, pigments, essential fatty acids including omega 3 fats and more. Scientists believe that it is absorbed at the cellular level thus creating it's ability to support and heal the body on a very deep level.

There are over 40,000 species of plankton. I use Gesundheit because their scientists have spent years testing every species and have determined the variety that is the most nutritionally dense and suitable to the human body. They grow this species in environmentally controlled reactors to ensure purity and integrity of the marine plankton.

2. Fulvic Minerals - Is a mineral product that is extracted from rich deposits of humic shale in the earth. It contains over 77 minerals in their IONIC form, making these minerals easily absorbable to the cell where nutrition is most needed. Most supplements are not is a small enough form, nor do they carry the proper electronic charge to penetrate at the cellular level.

Fulvic is an electrolyte that enables cells to absorb nutrients and is a mulit-directinal antioxidant. It provides mental clarity, increased energy and a sense of well being and emotional stability. When looking for a good fulvic supplement be aware of where it is harvested and the process used. Many companies use chemical processes to obtain fulvic from the shale.

3. Chaga - Is a woody fungus known as the " King of Herbs". It grows mainly in cold climates in Siberia on the outside of black birch trees. Chaga is related to the medicinal mushrooms shiitake, maitake, lentinula and others. This mushroom has polysaccharides that enhance the immune system and are used to treat cancer, HIV, and other antibacterial and viral infections. It has triterpenes to lower cholesterol, improve digestion, detoxify the liver, treat hepatitis, coughs and asthma. It also contains betulinic acid that is used to control viral infections and tumors and other phytonutrients, minerals and amino acid to improve strength and health.

4. Goji Berries - Use these like raisins, either soaked or dry. They add a great punch and sweetness to your cereal, smoothies, or just straight out of the bag. Goji or wolfberries are a red berry from northern Tibet, and revered by the people there. The Chinese believe these berries help to add longevity to life as well as add nutrients such as Vitamin C, beta carotene, iron, calcium, 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals and are powerful anti oxidants to slow the aging process and help with many diseases. If you are taking any blood thinner drugs or have pollen allergies, you should consult with your doctor before beginning a program of goji berries.

5. Chia Seeds - Coming from a desert plant in the mint family, they have a long history of being cultivated by the Aztecs and Mayans. They were a staple food of their warrior diet. The seeds are high in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, calcium, phosphorus, manganese and lots of other vitamins and minerals. These are great for those on a diet, because they provide bulk to help fill you up as well as helping to clear toxins from the digestive tract.

6. Raw Cacao - Coming from the island of Bali, you can watch this video on the production of truly raw, unprocessed cacao. Raw cacao promotes cardiovascular health, weight loss, is one of the highest known food sources of antioxidants, supplies PEA, an anti- depressant chemical, has a stimulating effect on the brain with its theobromine, and provides lots of much needed magnesium and sulfur.

7. Yacon - The perfect sweetener for those on a diet or diabetic, as this South American root is not absorbed by the body, therefore it has a low calorie impact on it. You can enjoy this sweetener and know you are not adding many calories or weight to your body. Because yacon is made mainly of FOS ( fructooligosaccharides ), a unique sugar (inulin) it is a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of good bacteria in the intestinal tract. Some pre clinical studies have indicated that consumption of FOS may help increase bone density, as well as absorption of vitamins such as B complex.

8. Coconut Palm Sugar - Is made from the nectar of the coconut palm flowers. It is suitable for both dieters and diabetics as it is low at a rating of 35 on the glycemic index. It is a caramel brown color and perfect for all your sweetener needs. Palm sugar is high in potassium, magnesium, zinc and iron and is a natural source of the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C. I love this sugar, and use it all my raw food creations.

9. Maca - Sometimes known as " Peruvian Ginseng" the maca root is an amino acid, phyto nutrient, vitamin and mineral rich food. Grown at very high altitudes it carries lots of energy, giving you increased energy/ stamina, normalizing adrenal and immune system function as well as regulating the endocrine system. Maca is an adaptogen herb and has long been used to treat menopause and as a fertility-libido enhancer. This root can be used in smoothies, puddings, ice creams, juices or blended into your tea or coffee.

10. Goldenberries - A delicious sweet and tart alternative to raisins, the Ican goldenberry is also very nutritious. This berry is mainly grown in Peru, but can be found in warm climates throughout the world. It is high in calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins and protein. The goldenberry has been known to help control diabetes, clean the blood and promote digestion.

11. Wild Jungle Peanuts - Are heirloom peanuts from the jungles of the Amazon. These are hand raised and picked, possibly the ancestors of todays commercial peanuts. Wild Jungle Peanuts contain a higher percentage of protein than any other nut. Over 40% of the oils contained in this ancient peanut are oleic acid (the main fatty acid in olive oil). A one ounce serving has 14% protein, 7% iron, 3% calcium and 22% good fatty acids. Aflatoxins, a mold derived toxin, are a common problem with commercial peanuts, however most wild jungle peanuts are aflatoxin free.

12. Brazilian Cupuaca - This fruit tastes like chocolate and is a member of the chocolate family. Nicknamed, "a pharmacy in a fruit", it contains antioxidants, anthocyanins, omega 3 & 6, vitamins and other phyto nutrients. The fruit has been used to lower cholesterol, increase libido and stamina, fight disease and cancer, protect cells with its antioxidant power and boost the immune system. A great drink to help weight loss and increase energy is cupuaco, acai, and coconut water or mixed with other fruits like bananas, mango, peaches and a few ice cubes blended into a smoothie.

13. Lucuma - This fragrant and sweet fruit comes from Peru. It has a rich maple like flavor and is used in ice cream, puddings, shakes and yogurt. It is an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals, especially beta carotene. For a unique and exotic flavor experience try the lucuma fruit.

Scientific study on rats proves mobile phones damage the brain

香港.設計廊舉辦「Go Green」展覽

Infographic: What to Eat, When to Eat – Fruit and Vegetables in Season

Are your body care products safe enough to "eat"?  

Dangerous ‘all natural’ supplements 

Scientific study on rats proves mobile phones damage the brain

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Why Are We Being Kept in the Dark Over GMOs?

山西太原恐怖怪火 家具離奇自焚

陸恭蕙領軍智庫思匯過去10年收取中電資助 被質疑利益衝突明顯


Christianity And Vegetarianism John Deere - Part 1

Why Are We Being Kept in the Dark Over GMOs?

Hong Kong citizens protest against government brainwashing while American citizens embrace Communist ideals 

Lance Armstrong viciously vilified truth-tellers while routinely doping to win events, say former insiders

How many of these vaccine facts do you know?

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Busted! Co-author of Stanford study that bashed organics found to have deep ties to Big Tobacco's anti-science propaganda

Charlotte is eating our grass, purslane

Measles Vaccine Likely Caused Death of Four Infants in Nepal, Authorities Say, 
measles and DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) vaccines 

Busted! Co-author of Stanford study that bashed organics found to have deep ties to Big Tobacco's anti-science propaganda

Amazon.com book reviews routinely faked

Coconut oil zaps bacteria that causes tooth decay

Lance Armstrong to be stripped of Tour de France titles over doping allegations

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Mother Ganga Videos


Mother Ganga Part 2 to Part 5

Vrindavan's bhajans and Mother Ganga 1978-2012


Sanskrit Healing Mantras

Mantras for Healing - Dhanvantri Gayathiri - Sanskrit Spiritual

Healing Chants - Adithya Hrydayam - Sanskrit Spiritual

Maha Mrityunjay Mantra 108 times - Maha Mrityunjay Mantra CD - Kedar Pandit

Sanskrit Chant - Gayatri Mantra

Healing Mantras CD Demo Video

Medicine Buddha-Bhaishajyaguru mantra (Sanskrit): Buddhist Chant of India

Sound Healing - Meditation Music {Delta Waves}

Dhanvantari mantra for healing

Sanskrit mantras for healing

Powerful Sanskrit Healing Meditation

O sake kalaya gauram udaram,heart melting kirtan sung by Sripad Uttama prabhu 

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24 children used as guinea pigs in genetically engineered "Golden Rice" trial

抗孕婦晨吐藥沙利度胺 Thalidomide 導致上萬計畸胎誕生 德國藥廠未賠償 道歉遲 家屬斥侮辱 




腳踏洗衣機 GiraDora

24 children used as guinea pigs in genetically engineered "Golden Rice" trial  

Sanskrit Is The Mother Of All European Languages.  

Yoga Music - Sakhe Kalaya Gauram Udaram

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Cappi Osborne speaks of only eating fruit

活人試驗 美國科研公司用24名中國湖南省兒童試轉基因大米 

2012 ITU World Triathlon Stockholm Race Videos

Cappi Osborne speaks of only eating fruit 

Sunrider Commercials (set 2)
Just for fun and laughing Only

6 New GMO Crops that May Soon Hit Your Dinner Table
Dow 2,4-D and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean 
Syngenta Corn Rootworm Resistant Corn 
Okanagan Non-Browning Apple 
Monsanto Dicamba Tolerant Soybean 
Dow 2,4-D, Dlyphosate and Glufosinate Tolerant Soybean 
Genective Glyphosate Tolerant Corn

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The Best Juicer & Blender according to Raw Food Experts





The Best Juicer & Blender according to Raw Food Experts

Sunrider Commercials (set 1)
Just for fun and laughing Only

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