
Did you know that 'natural' foods can still contain GMOs? The main difference between 'organic' and 'natural'

張惠儀和張惠侶(阿琴)兩姊妹先後畢業於中大新聞系;惠儀在香港電台電視部工作,與同事楊子江(96兼讀中英語文)結婚,夫妻相濡以沫。阿琴下嫁英籍丈夫高田先生(Robert Highfield),此君曾任水警,7歲讀過世界地圖,已下決心駕船環遊世界。退休後竟付諸實行,購入設備齊全雙體船,取名「翡翠號」(Jade)。

Swimming with whales  

'Step towards clean energy': Biggest laser pulse fired in human history could power new kind of nuclear reactor - and solve energy crisis forever  

The big thaw: NASA scientists stunned as satellite pictures show 'unprecedented' melting of Greenland's ice sheet 

What do 'Raw Fooders' actually eat?

Did you know that 'natural' foods can still contain GMOs? The main difference between 'organic' and 'natural' 

Maximized Living: A group of natural health doctors lead our Olympic athletes

GMO wars - Monsanto suing DuPont to see who will dominate the world's food supply  

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Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa

Bill Gates dumps another $10 million into researching new GM crops for agricultural takeover of Africa 
Watch out, Africa, Melinda Gates is coming! 

Nanoparticle technology turns personal care products toxic 

More athletes choose real food and reject synthetic 'high-tech' sports drinks and supplements

Dangerous levels of Fukushima radiation headed for West Coast, say scientists

Now scientists push genetically modified bacteria to fight malaria  
Milk pasteurization promotes the growth of super germs, say scientists
'Lead-free' jewelry for children found to be loaded with lead

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Scientists Genetically Modify Bacteria in Mosquitoes for ‘Malaria Control’

2012 Hamburg ITU World Triathlon Series Race Video  

Scientists Genetically Modify Bacteria in Mosquitoes for 'Malaria Control'

Voyage of discovery
One Hong Kong couple find that local schools are unable to match the standard of home education they provided their children on a round-the-world yacht trip

THE PEOPLE OF KASHMIR - Descendants of Lost Tribes of Israel

Scientists Propose Dumping Hundreds of Tons of Iron into Ocean to 'Stop Global Warming'  

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Ancient Heritage Wheat Might Help the Gluten-Sensitive Einkorn

Dozens of Genetically Modified Babies Already Born - How Will They Alter Human Species?

【高山遊俠】塔塔加:台灣獼猴篇 part-01 (Formosan macaques )

100 One Handed Fruitarian Pushups

Dozens of Genetically Modified Babies Already Born - How Will They Alter Human Species?

How much does Durianrider make on youtube?

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Clean Air Alternatives to Aerosol Spray

Clean Air Alternatives to Aerosol Spray  
Keeping Bees Buzzing And Busy   

Double Standard: Women Must Work Harder to Lose Weight
It's not a myth: women really are at a disadvantage when it comes to shedding pounds

Your Tomatoes Are Flavorless, Right? Here's Why
By JEFFREY KLUGER Monday, July 02, 2012

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Miracle teenager who almost died when his head was SEVERED from his neck

Miracle teenager who almost died when his head was SEVERED from his neck in racing crash passes driving test just five years on
Chris Stewart, 17, suffered 'internal decapitation' where his skull was severed from the top of his spine
Doctors spent six hours operating to save his life after horrific racing car crash five year ago

The Most Anti-Inflammatory Mushroom

Honey for Wound Healing

Hawaii Ironman Triathlon World Champions weight loss tips

Shark attack off South Australian coast. Shark attack on seal.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk BBC Documentary

No Nukes Posters

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U.S. researchers create 30 genetically modified human babies

U.S. researchers create 30 genetically modified human babies

NC Museum of Natural Sciences holds 'Biotechnology Day' for children with presentations by Monsanto

Record high radiation levels detected at Fukushima reactor

When the power grid goes down, will you bet your safety on a low-end flashlight? Get a Fenix instead

What are 'Eco Villages?

Health Basics - Are seedless fruits dangerous to your health?

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Up to 20,000 Wolbachia Mosquitoes Released in Australian Towns

Fly me to the moon
Two private firms are offering moon jaunts to the rich and dedicated
Jun 30th 2012

Up to 20,000 Wolbachia Mosquitoes Released in Australian Towns

Lance Armstrong Doping Charges: USADA Accuses 7-Time Tour De France Winner Of PED Use
The letter accuses Armstrong of using, possessing and trafficking banned substances including the blood-booster EPO, blood transfusions and steroids. The charges date back to 1998, after he had been declared cancer free but before his first Tour de France victory the following summer.

Cycling icon Lance Armstrong switches to vegan diet for triathlon training
Lance, who won his first triathlon at the age of 13, says switching to a mostly-vegan diet has helped his regulate energy levels and improved his overall fitness.

Jesus of the East
Although Jesus’s death on the cross, resurrection and ascension to Heaven are fundamental to the Christian faith, a number of stories persist that He travelled in the East and is buried there. Simon Price reviews the claims for the Saviour’s final resting place.
By Simon Price
May 2004

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Barefoot Running - The MOVIE

Barefoot Running - The MOVIE

The Shroud of Turin - The Burial Cloth of Jesus (Old Documentary)

The Tomb of Jesus…in India????

Is the tomb of Jesus at Khanyar Rozabal in Kashmir?

Foreign students jump the queue: Overseas candidates offered uni places with lower grades than UK teenagers

Radha Ramana Haribol (Live), Bhakti Center, New York  

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The medicalization of childbirth

The medicalization of childbirth

Use Native American favorite bee balm plants for healing and cooking

Facts about homeschooling show promising results

Sun exposure reduces pancreatic cancer risk by nearly 50 percent

Nature fights back - bugs devour GM Monsanto corn with a vengeance

MMR causes autism, proven in Italian court case

Google reports 'alarming' rise in government censorship requests
Invasive species from Fukushima tsunami washing up on U.S. shores

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Debate Over Fire Retardant Toxicity Rages In West

諫肉 - 一位著名腫瘤專家的肉食觀  

疑手機輻射致癌 美聯邦擬修法限制

市民點蚊香引發呼吸道感染 專家:蚊香確含農藥 

Shark bite kayak in half nearby Perth
A kayaker escaped death off the coast of Perth, Australia . His kayak was bitten in half by a shark.

Does Your Supplement Contain this Potentially Hazardous Ingredient?
Magnesium stearate

History Channel - The Real Face of Jesus from the Turin Shroud
With Thousands of experiments the scientists cannot say how the image was created because they are looking for scientific proofs but one thing is certain from this that it is an original piece of cloth which proves that Jesus was alive at the time he was taken down from the cross because the blood stains on the head are flowing due to the fact that the heart was beating where as if he was dead and the heart had stopped then the stains would have been a blob rather than flowing marks.

Discovery Channel - Shroud of Turin - New Evidence

'Are you in doubt concerning Allah (God), Maker of the Heavens and the Earth?'  
(The Holy Quran) 
Our God 
Proving the existence of God by rational means 
by Hadrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad, M.A. 

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Celebrity smiles before and after + basic dental hygiene tips.


My replica of the Titanic is HAUNTED by couple who died on original voyage: Extraordinary claim of model maker

Portsmouth man says 'Titanic' replica could be haunted

Celebrity smiles before and after + basic dental hygiene tips.

Where did Jesus die?
By J. D. Shams
9th edition 2002

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Proof the Government is Killing You - Alex Jones

工業鹽水勾兌 港商被通緝 佛山千噸「毒醬油」擴散 

108 mridangas in rare appearance take you on a journey to your soul.Sri Mayapur 13.march 2010
One who engages in spiritual practices throughout his life will not necessarily be immune from old-age diseases, but he will most likely not have such severe problems.
The occurrence of senile dementia is rare in a person who is enlivened and enlightened with spiritual consciousness. Krsndasa Kaviraja was in his nineties when he wrote the wonderfull amazing Caitanya-caritamrita. He writes there, "I have now become too old and disturbed by invalidity. While writing, my hands tremble.
I cannot remember anything, nor can I see or hear properly. Still I write, and this is a great wonder

Proof the Government is Killing You - Alex Jones  

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?  

Bone Deep Strength

Organic Feed Shown to Affect Genes in Chickens

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How to Limit Your Chances of a Shark Attack

北上踩背按摩 OL脊椎移位

伊院兩包問題血輸產婦 儲血液雪櫃停電8小時

How to START the RAW FOOD DIET + transitions tips for weight loss.

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DIY Home remedies and old wives cures using baking soda

Beware of 'natural' food fraud
'Label It Yourself' campaign urges the People to begin labeling GMOs now

Global organ harvesting a booming black market business; a kidney harvested every hour

South Carolina man starts urban garden to feed those in need, teach people how to grow food

Flu shots to be pushed onto all children in public schools

DIY Home remedies and old wives cures using baking soda
School children suffering painful, unnecessary procedures to help greedy dentists meet Medicaid quotas

Modern-day vaccines have their roots in Nazi medical experiments
Biowarfare alert: Is a mass bio-terror pandemic planned for 2012?

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