
900大專失業者領綜援 4年增八成 學者﹕寧享「權利」換創意生活

900大專失業者領綜援 4年增八成 學者﹕寧享「權利」換創意生活
 (明報)2011年3月28日 星期一

【明報專訊】近年失業率回落,但30歲或以下(統稱「80後」)和擁有大專學歷者因失業領綜援    人數卻不跌反升,80後綜援在4年間增加逾四成至年初的6000人,大專學歷綜援更急增八成至約900人,社會學學者指出30歲以下年輕人失業率其實一直未改善,他們對領綜援觀念亦已由老一輩認為「羞恥」變成是「社會權利」,找工是理想行先、維生次要。

近年本港經濟向好,失業率已由2009年金融海嘯的5.1%回落至2011年2月底的3.3%,社署    資料顯示,今年截至1月底因失業而領取綜援人數為36,502名,較去年同期減少約2.3%。但分析失業綜援人士的年齡卻發現,被統稱為「80後」的30歲或以下人士,因失業領取綜援者卻持續上升。



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身兼關愛基金社福小組委員會主席的港大社會工作及社會行政學系講座教授周永新    指出,15至24歲組別人士失業率一向最高,至今未改善,「他們不會有老一輩覺得『不努力搵工,領綜援是羞恥』的想法,漸漸接受因失業領綜援是權利,因為他們找不到工是結構性問題,是社會的錯,是社會要承擔的代價」。





社福界立法會    議員張國柱則說,領綜援失業人士中擁大專或以上學歷者增多,其一原因可能是近年政府「製造」多了副學士,他們畢業後難獲專業認同,找工作難,部分或因而要領綜援維生,他直斥政府應增資源創造更多青年人就業機會,而非人人派6000元了事。



明報記者 陳佩儀

輻射塵飄散整個北半球 末日避難地堡生意勁升

輻射塵飄散整個北半球 末日避難地堡生意勁升
 (星島)2011年3月28日 星期一 

(星島日報    報道)日本    大地震引發海嘯、福島核電站大規模輻射    泄漏,輻射塵幾乎擴散至整個北半球,令人擔心自身安全問題。美國    多家售賣「末日避難地堡」的公司,生意勁升,其中一款可容納兩百人的地下避難所,一周內定單上升了十倍。

  興建避難室的Vivos,一款可容納兩百人的末日碉堡,內有祈禱室、廚房和醫務所等設施,還有一個瞭望台,可以讓避難的人觀察外面的情況。預訂費驚人,需要二萬五千美元    (約十九萬港元),但上周預訂已經有十倍增長。

Fallout Shelters
Drugstores Online


  美國有線    新聞財經網(CNNMoney)報道,專門興建家用地下避難室的公司Northwest Shelter Systems,自中東政局變天以來,銷售已增長了七成,日本地震後定單數量之多更是前所未有,今年至今已有十二個定單,以往每年公司只會接到約四宗訂購。




  這名林姓男子(Lin Jian Ming),上周六下午到長崎縣警署自首,要求遣返中國。消息指,他向警方表示自己居住在千葉縣船橋市,一周前,因為擔心受福島核輻射污染,從千葉縣南逃到長崎。




直擊廣東省台山陽江核電廠 33座核反應堆包圍香港

直擊廣東省台山陽江核電廠 33座核反應堆包圍香港

飲食綠化 ----這就是慈悲

Sixth study in recent months links mercury in flu shots to brain damage, autism
The toxic effects of the mercury, also known in vaccines as Thimerosal, have once again been confirmed

Cookware chemicals disrupt hormones, lead to early menopause, study finds
Researchers from West Virginia University (WVU) recently found that perfluorocarbons (PFCs), an artificial chemical commonly used in non-stick cookware, can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to early menopause in women.

Obesity rates double worldwide as more countries embrace American junk foods, indoor lifestyles

Study: More than half of store receipts and nearly all money bills contain dangerously high levels of toxic BPA

Fukushima engineer confesses to participating in criminal coverup, says flawed steel in Reactor 4 has always been a 'time bomb'
March 26, 2011 

Fukushima update: False radiation readings, radioactive water and anti-nuclear protesters

Radiation detected in Massachusetts rainwater as Fukushima crisis worsens

India's Holy Cow -- Becoming Extinct?
30 min. Video
This documentary filmed in the village of Radha Kund near Krishna's Vrindavan and it shows clearly the precarious position of Mother Cow in today's India. Mother Sudevi was born in Germany but she has lived in Radha Kund for more than 30 years and she has developed a very deep love and affection for Krishna's cows. This is a truly unique look into something that very few have seen before. India is famous for her "Holy Cows." Unfortunately although the sentiment still remains in India to protect Mother Cow in practice no one seems to care about the cows and India is fast becoming one of the biggest beef exporters in the world. This is a very touching, inspiring and heart-warming documentary.

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六四維園模擬天安門 學生22小時體驗營

六四維園模擬天安門 學生22小時體驗營
 (明報)2011年3月23日 星期三

【明報專訊】支聯會    每年到維園    舉行平反六四    集會,但80後「民運新秀」對1989年六四當晚的記憶十分模糊。教協和支聯會在今年六四紀念日,將破天荒由6月3日晚至6月4日下午舉行連續22小時體驗營,在維園足球場搭起帳篷化身天安門    廣場,由支聯會、學聯及記協代表等與學生一起「親歷」六四絕食和清場。



負責活動的80後李耀基表示,大會把維園5號足球場改建成「天安門廣場    」,同場開辦「民主大學」,由「我要回家運動」主席朱耀明牧師、學聯代表會前代表李蘭菊,及記協主席麥燕庭主持。

設女神像旗海 扮演學生工人


活動由「六四舞台」劇團協助佈置,模擬天安門廣場六四現場,預計設有標語、旗海、民主女神像、人民英雄紀念碑等。學生分8組,擔當不同角色,有大學生、家長、工人、一般市民等,但不設公安、中共領導人。學生在下午6時入營,約7時正式進入廣場「民主大學」,例如用視像對話與王丹    等前學運領袖面談,模擬跪諫、絕食、鎮壓情境。



接替司徒華    成為支聯會主席的李卓人    表示,暫時仍在聯絡海外民運人士如前學運領袖吾爾開希、柴玲等來港,若未能現身就以視像會議進行。



明報記者 彭美芳

北極疑首現臭氧洞 恐南擴至紐約一帶 增患皮膚癌風險

北極疑首現臭氧洞 恐南擴至紐約一帶 增患皮膚癌風險
 (明報)2011年3月26日 星期六 

【明報專訊】美國    國家地理網站報道,最新研究顯示今冬罕見的低溫天氣,破壞了北極    大氣中的臭氧層,料已造成了臭氧洞,該洞還可能擴大南移遠至紐約    一帶,恐使歐美俄羅斯    偏北地區民眾曬傷、患皮膚癌    比率增加。

德國    物理學家雷克斯(Markus Rex)表示,北極30個臭氧監測站獲得的初步數據顯示,北極區今冬損失的臭氧濃度較以往嚴重。儘管研究尚須進行電腦模擬和衛星測量等確定,但他推測,第一個北極臭氧洞也許已經形成。他說﹕「這種發展速度非常驚人,可載入史冊。」科學家過去發現的臭氧洞,只在南極出現。

北極冷氣團加劇 臭氧濃度降


雷克斯指出,距地球表面約20公里同溫層裏的臭氧層,可抵擋大部分太陽紫外線    射至地面。臭氧洞出現會令紫外線輻射    增加,將影響北極生態系統和人類健康。例如,更多陽光照射會導致特定海洋藻類的生長速度變慢,從而影響整個食物鏈。

專家指出,臭氧濃度低的北極漩渦冷氣團可南移到北緯40°到45°的地方,飄至歐洲城市意大利    北部地區,或者美國紐約和三藩市    。

臭氧層變薄 抵不住紫外線

美國國家大氣研究中心(NCAR)的大氣化學家迪爾梅斯(Simone Tilmes)說:「目前我們還不清楚北極的臭氧洞會擴至多大,因為現在臭氧層變得愈來愈薄。」



 (明報)2011年3月27日 星期日



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 (星島)2011年3月27日 星期日

(星島日報    報道)日本    氣象廳昨天透露,在「三•一一」九級大地震後,富士山等十三座活火山活動加劇。未來一至兩個月,專家將密切監測這些火山活動。觀測資料顯示,大地震後,臨近災區的富士山和日光白根山,甚至中部地區的阿蘇山及伊豆半島等十三處活火山出現了劇烈的火山運動。沉寂一陣後,最近幾天又開始運動,到二十五日為止的觀察顯示,富士山周邊的地震活動依然持續。中央社/中通社

Long Distance Phone

日本福島第一核電廠泄漏輻射 核泄巨災12萬人恐患癌

 (星島)2011年3月27日 星期日

(星島日報    報道)日本    福島第一核電廠泄漏輻射    水的危機擴大,繼三號反應堆機組出現含輻射超標一萬倍的積水,另三個反應堆也泄出高水平輻射水,意味三個堆芯都已受損。核災失控,歐洲輻射風險委員推斷,福島核廠事故,將導致世界上十二萬人患癌。


東京    電力公司承認,一號機組與三號機組一樣,積水所含的碘、銫和鋯均比正常超出達一萬倍,而第二及第四號機組的滑輪機廠房地庫同樣發現深達一米的積水,相信都含有放射物。專家們擔心,三號機組內用來保護堆芯的不鏽鋼外殼已經穿洞或出現裂痕,而一號機組的反應堆容器、閥門和管道已出現滲漏。



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歐洲輻射風險委員會(ECRR)用自行設計的輻射風險研究模型推斷,福島第一核電廠輻射泄漏事故,將導致世界上十二萬人在未來五十年來患癌症。委員會同時指出,輻射泄漏也會對生育、心臟病    等多種疾病造成影響。

馬來西亞    環境工程局顧問陳嘉慶指出,即使低水平輻射也可導致癌症。小孩和胎兒的細胞和器官還在成長階段,對輻射尤其敏感,故長期在輻射範圍內的人,或會有生育問題,例如有機會誕下智障嬰兒。


美國    柏克萊大學葛福曼醫學教授估計,一九八六年烏克蘭    發生的切爾諾貝爾核電廠爆炸事故,已令歐洲四十七萬五千人死於癌症,和四十七萬五千人患上癌症。

俄羅斯    科學院核能安全發展問題研究所第一副所長阿魯秋尼揚,上周五在莫斯科    記者會上稱,福島核電廠有必要仿效切爾諾貝爾的做法,加蓋混凝土「石棺」,以防止輻射泄漏。不過,他說,在核燃料發熱時澆灌混凝土會產生裂縫,目前無法立即施工。

500「真正死士」 前線搏命人工偏低

500「真正死士」 前線搏命人工偏低
 (明報)2011年3月25日 星期五

【明報專訊】在搶修福島第一核電站的過程中,除了「50勇士」外,其實還有逾500人承擔著許多最繁重和危險的工作——在輻射    威脅下抬水管、清理碎石和做其他體力勞動,他們是數百名核能行業的普通勞工,教育水平並不高。

「我很怕。但總得有人去。」29歲的多田賢智,任職於專門生產防護塗層的東海塗裝株式會社(Tokai Toso Co.),他說正常情况下的工作,包括給反應堆設備腐蝕處添上防護塗料。周一他被安排與另外數百工作人員在核電站待命。

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這些人中有工程師和操作專員,其他人則主要負責拖電纜、鋪水管或在現場幹體力勞動。多田月薪約20萬日圓    (約1.9萬港元),遠低於日本    人月薪中位數的29.1萬日圓(約2.8萬港元)。雖然母親不讓他來,但他表示沒辦法,「總要有人做」。






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The Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance, Cap. 607

The Ordinance

The Genetically Modified Organisms (Control of Release) Ordinance, Cap. 607 (the Ordinance), gives effect to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on Biological Diversity to control the release into the environment and the transboundary movement of living genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and provide for related matters.

Living organisms are defined as any biological entity capable of transferring or replicating genetic material, including sterile organisms, viruses and viroids. GMOs are living organisms that possess a novel combination of genetic material obtained through the use of modern biotechnology which include the application of in vitro nucleic acid techniques (such as recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct injection of nucleic acid into cells or organelles), or techniques involving the fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that overcome natural physiological reproductive or recombination barriers and are not techniques used in traditional breeding and selection. GMOs cover a variety of food crops (such as BT corn, anti-frost tomatoes and herbicide-tolerance soya beans), GM seeds, GM fish, GM flowers, etc. However, GMOs do not include non-living food products produced from GM crops, such as corn oil, soymilk and polished rice. They also do not include living organisms with genetic material altered through traditional breeding and selection techniques (e.g. hybrid rice and golden sweet maize).

Blue Mountain Greeting Cards 

GMOs are regulated according to their intended uses, including:

GMOs intended for direct consumption as food or feed, or for processing (GMOs-FFP), such as virus-resistant papaya fruit, herbicide-resistant soy bean and BT maize;
GMOs intended for contained use, such as GM micro-organisms cultured in laboratories, transgenic plants growing in greenhouses and knock-out transgenic mice kept in cages; and
GMOs intended for release into the environment, such as seeds of GM crops to be sown on farmlands, experimental GM plants to be planted on open fields, and cut flowers of GM variety to be displayed in open area.
The Ordinance does not apply to or in relation to a GMO that is a pharmaceutical product for use by human beings.

The Ordinance ordains the following controls on GMOs in Hong Kong:

Restrictions on Release into Environment and Maintenance of Lives of GMOs

No one is not allowed to release a GMO into the environment, import a GMO intended for release into the environment or maintain the life of a GMO that is in a state of being released into the environment, unless:

the GMO has been approved and any condition for the approval has been complied with; or
the GMO has been exempted by the Secretary for the Environment from the restriction and any condition for the exemption has been complied with.
These restrictions do not apply to or in relation to a GMO that is in transit or transhipment. For detailed approval application process, please refer to the Guidelines for GMO Approval Application.

The approval will apply to all subsequent releases, after the GMO is approved and entered in the GMOs Register (www.afcd.gov.hk/gmo). There may be conditions attached to the approval. You may search the GMOs Register for the list of approved GMOs and the conditions for the approvals, before making an application or releasing a GMO into the environment of Hong Kong.

Contravention to the above restrictions commits an offence and is liable to a fine of HK$100,000 and to imprisonment for one year.

Why the U.S. can't abandon the nuclear renaissance

Why the U.S. can't abandon the nuclear renaissance
By Cyrus Sanati, contributor
March 17, 2011

FORTUNE -- The devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami last week has claimed an untold number of Japanese victims, but there's one casualty in the U.S. that won't go down without a fight: the nuclear power industry

The resulting damage to one of Japan's nuclear power plants has resurrected old debates about the safety and soundness of nuclear technology and its ability to be used as a viable power source.

But even if nuclear power plant construction costs rise as a result of this incident, the economics of power generation still favor a mix of energy sources that include nuclear. 

Renewable sources of energy, like wind and solar, while recently becoming more cost-competitive to nuclear energy (thanks in part to generous government subsidies), are still unable to efficiently generate enough power to keep the lights on and fully replace nuclear power in the United States just yet.

The possibility of multiple reactor core meltdowns at the Fukushima nuclear power plant has captured the world's attention. We don't yet know if this will become another Chernobyl -- what we do know is that no matter happens, it is a public relations disaster for the nuclear industry.

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In Germany, plans to overturn a directive that would have kept the nation's 17 nuclear plants from being closed in the coming years were placed on hold for three months. 

Switzerland said that it was suspending efforts to keep three of its nuclear plants operating, while the European Union announced that it wants stress tests performed on all of its 143 nuclear reactors in response to what the EU's energy chief said was an "apocalypse" in Japan.

In Washington, the Republicans, who have traditionally championed nuclear power, have been pretty much silent on the news. But some liberal Democrats, like Rep. Ed Markey from Massachusetts, have called for a moratorium on nuclear plants in earthquake prone areas of the country, while Senator John Kerry, the Democrat from Massachusetts, went a step further and called for all nuclear power plant construction to be halted immediately.

This has put the White House in an awkward position. The Obama administration has earmarked $36 billion in its 2012 budget to help finance the construction of several new nuclear plants across the country. 

That's in addition to the $18.5 billion in funds that were earmarked by Congress back in 2007, of which $10.2 billion remains unspent.

The nuclear commitment

In total, it looks like the US government has placed a $55 billion bet on an industry that could meltdown thanks to the Fukushima incident. President Obama has reiterated his support for nuclear power since the disaster struck, but that could change quickly, putting that $36 billion top-up to the industry in jeopardy. Republicans vow to slash line items in the budget, but the nuclear issue has not been their primary target, yet. As for the general public, it doesn't see the need for government support for the industry. An opinion poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News released on March 3, before the incident, found that financial support for the nuclear industry was the single most popular possible budget cut, with 57% agreeing.

It wouldn't take much to let the nuclear industry just die out in the US. Until last year, the government had not approved the construction of a new plant since the partial reactor meltdown at the Three-Mile Island nuclear facility in 1979. The last plant went online in 1996.

There are currently 20 projects being reviewed by the government but only three seem to be going anywhere. Atlanta-based Southern Company (SO, Fortune 500) is the farthest along and has been promised $8 billion by the government for the construction of a $14 billion plant Georgia.

But it is highly unlikely that any of the other projects will ever get built if the government takes away funding. While nuclear plants are cost effective in the long run, they have significant start-up costs. For example, the $14 billion price tag on the Southern Company's plant is around half of its entire market capitalization. Other companies far into the permitting process, like Dynegy (DYN), have market caps that are a fraction of the costs to get a plant constructed.

Those rallying against nuclear energy are pushing for the government to back other energy alternatives like solar and wind. Both have made great strides in becoming more cost competitive over the years, thanks in part to large government subsidies. While they remain highly uncompetitive to fossil fuels, they have overtaken nuclear on a cost per kilowatt basis.

That's because the cost to build a new next generation nuclear facility in the US has jumped 37% in the past year from an average build cost of $3,902 per kilowatt to $5,339/kW, according to a recent government study. New design specifications and a lack of competition in the nuclear construction industry were blamed from the increase in costs.

Solar power now looks on the surface to be potentially competitive. The cost to build a photovoltaic solar plant is down 25% in the past year from an average build cost of $6,303 per kilowatt to $4,755. The build cost for a solar thermal plant dropped 10% to $4,692 per kilowatt. Wind power remains the cheapest and the most expensive alternative to both nuclear and solar. Onshore wind power costs just $2,438 per kilowatt while offshore wind power costs $5,975/kW. For a comparison, natural gas blows all of them out of the water, costing just $978 per kilowatt.

Obstacles to solar and wind

But comparing alternatives on a cost per kilowatt basis is deceptive. Even with the government's careful controls of geography and markets, the cost factor doesn't seem to take into account the resources needed to generate the power on a scale that could serve the population. 

For example, it is not possible to install wind or solar plants on a commercial scale everywhere because some areas of the country are just not windy or sunny enough to yield enough power. 

That compares to a nuclear plant that could theoretically be built almost anywhere.

More importantly, alternatives don't generate enough power to do the job. Nuclear energy is a dense form of energy that requires very little in the form of land and transmission lines to carry it to a population center. 

Alternative energies are not dense at all and require gobs of space to generate a fraction of the energy generated by a small nuclear facility.

For example, the government assumed a certain output would be generated by a plant in their calculations. For a nuclear plant it was 2.2 million kilowatts, while it was just 150,000 kilowatts for a photovoltaic plant and 100,000 kilowatts for an onshore wind plant. 

That nuclear power plant is a large jolt of electricity neatly contained to an area of 8 to 10 square miles. Compare that to an onshore wind plant, the cheapest alternative according to the government. Each 2,000 kilowatt wind turbine takes up a quarter of a square mile worth of space, according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 

So to replace that nuclear power plant with wind would mean dedicating nearly 280 square miles of land to a gigantic wind farm, which would be about the size of New York City.

The energy concentration in nuclear power plants is just one reason why nuclear remains so attractive, despite the high start up costs. The nuclear industry has spent millions of dollars over the years touting its safety record and lobbying for government support, but just one incident by a massive earthquake has wiped most of that effort away. 

It remains to be seen if the industry spent enough money to ensure that the government keeps its coffers open to them. 

Why earthquake-prone Japan relies on nuclear power

The Christian Science Monitor
Global News Blog

Why earthquake-prone Japan relies on nuclear power
Nuclear power is increasingly seen as a way for Japan, and other nations including the United States, to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Fukushima Daiichi power plant's Unit 1 is seen in Okumamachi, Fukushima prefecture, Japan, on Friday, March 11. The nuclear power plant affected by a massive earthquake is facing a possible meltdown, an official with Japan's nuclear safety commission said Saturday. 


(Yasushi Kann/The Yomiuri Shimbun/AP)
By Stephen Kurczy, Staff writer
posted March 14, 2011 

Nuclear energy provides an estimated 30 percent of electricity in Japan, despite it being one of the world's most seismically volatile nations.

Why? Nuclear power is increasingly seen as a way for Japan to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. That's the same reason why President Obama has also been pushing the US to build its first nuclear power plant in almost three decades. In his 2010 State of the Union address, he called for "a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants."

But as shown by the unfolding nuclear crisis in Japan, with two reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station suffering explosions since Friday's massive earthquake knocked out cooling systems at the plant, there is simply no easy solution to humanity's need for energy. While fossil fuel raises concerns of climate change, nuclear energy raises the specter of radioactive contamination.

"Japan's debate closely mirrors those worldwide, as governments highlight nuclear power as an easier way to cut carbon emissions than boosting wind and solar power," the Monitor wrote a year ago in the article "Earthquake prone Japan sees green in new nuclear power plants."

Nuclear role in cutting carbon

Japan has touted nuclear power as key to reducing carbon emissions to 75 percent of 1990 levels by 2020. The public remains wary about the push, with one poll showing that 54 percent of the population feels anxious or uneasy about nuclear power. Shunsuke Kondo, chairman of Japan's Atomic Energy Commission, told the Monitor then that his nation's nuclear power plants were built to withstand all but a "once in 10,000 year" earthquake.

Tragically, that's exactly what hit Friday when an 8.9-magnitude temblor rocked the nation's northeast coast and sent a 30-foot high tsunami crashing inland, knocking out electricity at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and causing cooling systems to fail in at least three reactors.

Nuclear plants also provide an estimated 20 percent of US power, with Obama recently pledging $8 billion in loan guarantees for the construction of the first nuclear power plant in the US since 1979, the year of the Three Mile Island meltdown. Proposals are currently being heard for 20 new reactors to be built over the next 15 to 20 years.

According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, there are currently 104 licensed nuclear power plants, with eight sitting in the earthquake-prone West Coast states of Washington, California, and Arizona. (Here's a map of reactors across the US.) Two of those plants in California sit especially close to fault lines.

The New York Times today reports that "most of the nuclear plants in the United States share some or all of the risk factors that played a role at Fukushima Daiichi: locations on tsunami-prone coastlines or near earthquake faults, aging plants and backup electrical systems that rely on diesel generators and batteries that could fail in extreme circumstances."

Overreacting to the nuclear crisis?

Even a year ago, as the Monitor reported, Japan's earthquake-prone geology caused concern among activists and raised the specter of a quake-induced Chernobyl. Comparisons to Ukraine's 1986 disaster have been stated repeatedly in recent days, despite officials downplaying such a scenario.

The Wall Street Journal's Op-Ed page has criticized American media for "overreacting" to the nuclear crisis in Japan. "Unlike the Soviets at Chernobyl, the Japanese have been taking sensible precautions like evacuating people near the plants and handing out iodine pills even if they may never be needed. These precautions increase public worry, but better to take them even if they prove to be unnecessary," the WSJ said.

"We should learn from the Japanese nuclear crisis, not let it feed a political panic over nuclear power in general," the Journal said.