
Govt OK’s Growing Rice for Public Sale Within Fukushima Contamination Zone

2014 ITU World Triathlon Grand Final Edmonton Race Videos

A Simple Laser Blast Could Help Grow Your Teeth Back

Govt OK's Growing Rice for Public Sale Within Fukushima Contamination Zone

Attention Vegetarians: 8 Foods with Hidden Animal Products

The Healing Power of Sunlight
 Sunlight is actually good for you. Just like how people have lost touch with what is natural to eat, they have also lost touch with the importance of sunlight. Without it, all kinds of illness set in. Sunlight actually helps heal illness and disease. Contrary to what many have been led to believe, it is not the cause of skin cancer. It may aggravate it, but not cause it. Watch this important inspiring video and open your eyes to a vital necessity of health and happiness.

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