
How Cleansing Cures Cancer: the Evita Ramparte Story

Compound in Carrots – Falcarinol – Credited with Preventing Colon Cancer
 June 9, 2013

How Cleansing Cures Cancer: the Evita Ramparte Story
The relationship between unhealthy eating and the development of disease is undeniable. When most people get a cancer diagnosis their doctors are quick to prescribe drugs and harsh treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. All of these treatments have a harrowing effect on the body opening it up to a whole host of other problems.

Holistic health practitioners, on the other hand, will often recommend detoxification methods such as cleansing to eliminate cancer from the body. Here Allison Biggar interviews European journalist and ovarian cancer survivor Evita Ramparte about how she cured her cancer naturally through a raw vegan diet without chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. 

Chemical additives lurking in fresh cuts of meat
June 08, 2013 

China grows its rice on land contaminated with industrial waste
June 08, 2013

The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat

6 hidden causes of cancer
Bisphenol A and plastic bottles
Plasticisers and clingwrap
Trans fats
Cell phone radiation

Breaking: New PRISM slide leaked by the Guardian: NSA has direct access to servers of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple and others
June 09, 2013
When the government knows your secrets, it controls you
PRISM isn't about tracking terrorists; it's about stalking and surveilling influential Americans

Documents Reveal NSA Reads Your Internet Chats: Here's How to Avoid Being Spied On

Sunny Days® Production: How Our Delicious Herbal Drops Are Made

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美基因改造污染農田 全球關注

糉葉勁毒 含重金屬銅傷肝腎

美基因改造污染農田 全球關注 - YouTube 


塑膠難分解 焚化釋毒

[爆] 揭露美國情報部門秘密收集私隱 斯諾登:不滿美國政府不摘手段 - YouTube 

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Raw Food 齋口又齋心

Raw Food 齋口又齋心

Raw Food入門產品



動手做有營Raw Snack



2013年04月03日 The Sun

食生(Living Food),即吃仍然有生命的、含豐富酵素的食物,包括未經加熱至41℃以上,或未經商業加工的食物(Raw Food)。周兆祥博士的新書《食生》,是通過多年的資料收集、研究和親身實踐,發現食生對人體益處最大。書內解答了食生的疑問和方法,內附作者推薦的食材、食油、購買途徑及其他健康資訊,教大家擇善而吃。


作 者:周兆祥博士 出版社:皇冠出版社

Raw Food初探吃出天然原味



Helpful ways to better afford organic food on a tight family budget

Helpful ways to better afford organic food on a tight family budget
Lies of breast cancer industry unravel as screening review shows startling over-diagnosis and lack of truthful information
(NaturalNews) Most of the women who undergo routine mammogram screenings for breast cancer will never actually derive any real benefit from the radioactive procedure, while the majority of those who end up testing positive for tumors as a result of mammography will undergo needless treatments for malignancies that never would have led to any health problems.

Air pollution particulates promote hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease

The salt of the earth: The wonders of Epsom salt in holistic therapy

Smart meter waves reported to have devastating impact on all life
(NaturalNews) "Smart grid technology" is coming to your town - whether you like it or not. But, many health experts are questioning the sanity of such efforts. Keep in mind - cordless phones, cell phones, WiFi and (the latest addition) smart meters attached to your home have the potential to bombard your body with chaotic, electromagnetic frequency vibrations.

Spy state shock: Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Facebook, Skype, AOL, Apple all secretly sharing private user communications with NSA

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Why coconut oil is the best vegetable oil

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Has Links to GMOs
June 04, 2013
Did You Know the Purported "Benefits" of GM Crops Are Largely Untrue?

Luiz Antonio: Why He Doesn't Want to Eat Octopus - Translated into English

How safe are root canals?

Seven undeniable reasons to homeschool your children
May 30, 2013 

Why coconut oil is the best vegetable oil

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Hippocrates (960 - 377 B.C.), the father of Western Medicine said, 
"Every one of us has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick is to feed your sickness."

'Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food' 
Hippocrates ( father of Western medicine )

All chemical drugs are harmful.


Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients.Hippocrates

- 古希臘著名醫學之父希波克拉提斯


How three fateful actions helped lead to the failure of today's mainstream medicine

2013 ITU World Triathlon Madrid Elite Race Videos Results

How three fateful actions helped lead to the failure of today's mainstream medicine

Tree man 'who grew roots' may be cured
An Indonesian fisherman who feared that he would be killed by tree-like growths covering his body has been given hope of recovery by an American doctor - and Vitamin A.

After testing samples of the lesions and Dede's blood, Dr Anthony Gaspari of the University of Maryland concluded that his affliction is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), a fairly common infection that usually causes small warts to develop on sufferers.

Tree man regains use of his limbs
The 'Tree Man of Java' is hoping to get married after doctors performed four major operations to hack away the bark-like tissue sprouting from his hands and feet.

Tree man's roots begin to grow back
The tree man of Java has suffered a setback after bark-like growths that doctors removed from his hands and feet began to grow back.

South Korea joins Japanese ban on U.S. wheat imports after shocking GMO contamination announcement by USDA

Taxpayer dollars used by U.S. government to promote GMOs in other countries

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Cutting umbilical cords too early places babies at risk of anemia

Cutting umbilical cords too early places babies at risk of anemia
May 31, 2013 

Japan halts imports of U.S. wheat after USDA's shock finding of genetic pollution from GMOs

China Incinerates 3 US Shipments of Genetically Modified Corn

Monsanto Corporation gets owned by 11 year old boy

What are Roundup Ready & Bt Pesticide GMO crops? You need to know! 

Who in his right mind freezes a lemon?

Nine-year-old girl grills McDonald's CEO over 'tricking kids into eating food that isn't good for them'

Your feet are full of fungi - 200 species live there, say scientists

Cancer is cured safely, in spite of widespread suppression by the "cancer industry"

Al Gore backlash: Why environmentalists are celebrating rising CO2 levels

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黃薑 -薑黃素( Curcumin)可減少大腸內息肉的體積,減少日後演變成腸癌的風險。美國霍普金斯大學醫學院進行一小型研究,五名腸內長有癌前息肉的病人,每天進食480毫克的薑黃素三次,為期半年,息肉數量減六成,息肉體積也縮半,研究員指這食物主要成份有助預防腸癌。




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湖北武漢市︰持毛像抗轉基因 左派呼「打倒漢奸」

SPORTUNES 體通體透 第47集: 戒糖食麥包
嘉賓: 必達四條「煙」黃仲文
主持: 牛英
日期: 2013-05-28
萄葡糖胺 Glucosamine - not recommended

6.3%港人暴飲酒 添患癌風險

20130527關鍵時刻之4─全球最大基因改造帝國美國〝孟山都〞!? - YouTube 

湖北武漢市︰持毛像抗轉基因 左派呼「打倒漢奸」

美國驚現 非法基因改造小麥 日本及南韓宣布暫停進口

世界第一洗腎元兇 一點就變Q彈毒澱粉風暴!?
关键时刻 (2013年05月27日) 

放近WiFi 種子枯死
白蠟樹吸收輻射 樹皮生腫瘤

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