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FDA approves controversial drug to beef up farm animals despite being reported as the most dangerous livestock drug on market and being banned in 150 countries

Global warming HOAX unravels... globalist science fraud engineered to control humanity, not save it

Fukushima fallout: One million cases of cancer just the tip of the iceberg
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Communities Which Have Rejected Fluoridation Since 1990

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Zeolites contain high levels of lead and aluminum:

Zeolites contain high levels of lead and aluminum: Health Ranger publishes lab test results after being threatened with legal action by manufacturer

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All zeolites contain high concentrations of aluminum and lead. But when zeolites are in granular form, these elements aren't digestible in the human body because intact, granular zeolites pass through your digestive tract like tiny rocks. However, when zeolites are "micronized" and ground into a very fine powder, high levels of aluminum and lead may be released during the grinding process. 

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iHerb Weekly Specials and New Products


Do runners need more salt?

Sodium – do we need it?


Do runners need more salt?
Too much salt has been linked with high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.
 In rare cases, a dangerous condition called hyponatremia can occur if the salt to water ratio in the body becomes unbalanced. Note that this is caused by drinking too much water, not by taking in too little salt.

Don’t sweat – there’s no need replenish all the sodium you lose through sweat, though. In fact, studies show that there is no difference between runners’ performance when using a typical sports beverage vs. a high sodium one. Keep in mind that high sodium sports drinks also aren’t protective against hyponatremia since the condition is caused by drinking too much water, regardless of salt intake. In fact, taking in too much salt can be bad for your health because it can hinder your body’s ability to hydrate.

Be mindful when taking salt tablets, though. Experts don’t agree on whether they’re helpful or harmful. Follow the directions on the package carefully.

Fueling Facts
Maintain your peak condition with a balanced diet.
Athletes don't have to go overboard, however. Shay helped a runner who had done a 100-mile race and couldn't understand why he had gained 10 pounds. As it turned out, he was taking salt tablets and using electrolyte drinks throughout the race–more sodium than his system could process, even at an ultradistance.

"When your levels are off balance, you create a difficult environment for your muscles to function [in] properly–too much sodium, you'll get bloated," she says. "It's almost the same as your thirst mechanism. Your body tells you when it's thirsty. If you're craving salt, you need it–but don't take it blindly. Realize that most gels have a little bit of electrolyte in them, and it's probably enough to get you through a marathon."

Next-Generation Sports Drinks
New products claim to be more easily adbsorbed. Is it hype or science?
Noakes contends that electrolytes are unnecessary during exercise. Although sodium and other minor electrolytes are lost in sweat, the relative amount of sodium lost is less than the amount of water lost. So in athletes who do not drink anything at all during a long run, blood sodium concentrations actually go up, not down. This also means that a sports drink with sodium in it won't prevent hyponatremia.

Noakes, however, points to research showing that people who lose a lot of salt in their sweat already have an excess of sodium in their diet; their bodies are trying to get rid of sodium by sweating it out.

Getting the salt intake wrong will cause hydration problems. 
Too much salt can cause nausea and bloating. 
Excessive salt seems to be related to Electrolyte Capsules.

Salt is VERY toxic to the human body

Spread the awareness that ALL INORGANIC SALTS are wholly injurious to the human organism.  This includes all sea , earthly and manufactured salts such as:  Himalayan Pink Rock Salt, Celtic Grey Salt, Hawaiian Black Salt, Hawaiian Red Salt,  Utah’s Real Salt, Baking Soda, Table Salt & Mono Sodium Glutamate, etc. These inorganic salts have the EXACT OPPOSITE EFFECT on the body from that of the pure distilled waters.

Salt, Friend or Foe?

by Dr. Charles Partito N.D.   
Salt is VERY toxic to the human body whether it's table, sea, or Himalayan. 

Salt Eating Chapter XVI

Salt is wholly innutritious and affords no nourishment to the body. It is both indigestible and unassimilable. It enters the body as a crude inorganic salt which the body cannot utilize, it is absorbed unchanged, goes the rounds of the general circulation as an unassimilated salt, and is finally eliminated as such.
The sweat of the salt eater is salty, it tastes of salt. The sweat of the non-user is not so salty, and does not taste so strongly of salt.

In the human body, in large doses, common salt is an irritant poison.

In smaller doses it is said to be a beneficial stimulant. This is a delusion. Salt has the same kind of effect whether the doses are small or large - the difference is only a matter of degree. A small amount of salt put into the eye or a cut will reveal its irritating power. Salt water will induce vomiting, In small quantities it does not induce such a violent reaction. It is eventually excreted by the skin and kidneys as salt. This is why the sweat of the salt-eater tastes very salty. The sweat of the non salt-eater does not taste strongly of salt.

The 'need' for salt in the tropics is no more than the normal need for organic mineral salts in a person whose diet is lacking in fruits and vegetables. If taking salt does reduce cramps, this is only palliating the symptoms and is not removing the cause. A more natural diet is the correct approach.


"The more salt we consume, the more we destroy and deteriorate our cells." – Dr. Timothy Trader, NMD, PhD

Inorganic Salt Is Poisonous by Andrew Norton Webber

Do runners need more salt?