
International experts to meet in Austin, TX, March 22-23 to discuss world solutions to the Fukushima disaster

A liver transplanted from one animal into another will grow or shrink to fit its new host

If you drink decaffeinated coffee, make sure the caffeine was removed using water and not toxic chemical solvents

Mercury has a chemical affinity for precious metals, which is why gold mines are the world's number two source of mercury pollution

Top chlorella brands confirmed to capture dietary mercury, uranium and aluminum: Another laboratory breakthrough by the Health Ranger
Fluoride combined with even trace amounts of aluminum in water can cause major brain damage

Monsanto's new herbicide-resistant GM crops threaten American vegetable farmers

International experts to meet in Austin, TX, March 22-23 to discuss world solutions to the Fukushima disaster

Carrageenan: a popular natural ingredient that may compromise health

Most pickles sold in stores have been pasteurized, destroying their probiotic qualities

Scientist discovers way to extract clean drinking water from tree bark

The dangers of fluoridated water

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Wi-Fi-allergic Americans flock to West Virginia town where Wi-Fi is banned

Wi-Fi-allergic Americans flock to West Virginia town where Wi-Fi is banned

The amazing health benefits of goji berries

Fukushima radiation to hit West Coast

Alcohol consumption is directly related to breast cancer: latest scientific facts

Want to succeed in life? Don't become a doctor
If you are brilliant, ambitious and gifted in science, you may consider becoming a doctor. If so, think twice. According to a new survey by personal finance site NerdWallet, most doctors are dissatisfied with the job, and less than half would choose a career in medicine if they were able to do it all over again.

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阿凡達人 ep117 - 醫院產子違反自然?(2)

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