
食水含氟 fluoride 損健康


用老鼠藥潔齒?世紀大騙案 Fluoride — 我們飲用的食水/日常使用的牙膏都經常強調加入氟﹐目的絕不是為牙齒健康? 氟=有毒化學廢料? 研究指出其毒性僅次於批霜? 氟會令牙齒更加不健康? 氟可引各種慢性疾病? 氟可令你被政府洗腦? 今集⋯我們一起向<氟>產業說⋯不




We call to Stop Hong Kong Water Fluoridation


The 5 Worst Condiments

Are you unknowingly supporting companies that oppose GMO labeling?
If you want to support GMO labeling on your foods, you may consider dropping some of your favorite brands and looking for alternatives. That may be hard to hear, but did you know that Lara Bar, Cascadian Farm Organic, Food Should Taste Good and Muir Glen are owned by General Mills? Or that Burt's Bees is owned by Clorox? Or that Dagoba Organic Chocolate is owned by Hershey? You may also be surprised to learn that these companies have donated funds to oppose I-522, the Washington State GMO labeling initiative.

Vinyl floors expose children to toxic phthalates

Wind turbines making people sick with mysterious illnesses

The 5 Worst Condiments

Historical data shows vaccines are not what saved us

Mad science: In the name of 'geoengineering,' delusional scientists may destroy human civilization

Doctors Against Forced Organ Harvesting

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荃灣東涌 空氣污染差過廣州及深圳

荃灣東涌 空氣污染差過廣州及深圳

防輻射窗簾布 咪信可禦癌

手機金屬貼 輻射反激增

發射站危害 高手機千倍

《蘋果》抽驗 四大中藥品牌不合格
硫磺超標 八珍湯包、華潤堂最毒


國企干預 法例由嚴變寬

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金玉其外藏毒其中 小心江西臍橙

金玉其外藏毒其中 小心江西臍橙



指嚇行山女 持刀賊敗逃

IDFA 2011 | Trailer | Big Boys Gone Bananas!*
2012 青春有為主題紀錄片影展_【正面蕉瘋】中文版預告

【短片】推廣吃素 台大校內4女裸身 

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China's industrial pollution is so bad that it's dumping toxic mercury on Japan's Mount Fuji

China's industrial pollution is so bad that it's dumping toxic mercury on Japan's Mount Fuji

Bee Pollen: 50/1000th of a Millimeter Particle is a Complete Superfood

Hospital and Judge try to Force Mom into C-Section Against her Will

Turmeric starves tumours, increases the efficacy of chemo

Scientists develop fully bionic 'man' capable of breathing, walking and talking

The super detoxifying power of infrared sauna

The unique superfood power of mangosteen - here's the latest research

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A broken ocean: The aftermath of Fukushima

A broken ocean: The aftermath of Fukushima

Video: 95% Of Fukusihma Radiation Transported Across Pacific

Before 1940, more than 85% of the U.S. population used drugless healers

Ban cellphones, Internet use in children's and teenagers' bedrooms, U.S. doctors urge parents

Is the Fiberglass Health Threat the New Asbestos?

32 Vegan Recipes That Are Perfect For Thanksgiving

Deva Deva Sivananda mit Shakti

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My iherb Health Food Natural Body Care Products Order

My iherb Health Food Natural Body Care Products Order 2/28/2011

子宮頸癌 HPV 疫苗副作用

The Great HPV Vaccine Hoax Exposed


Vaccine Side Effects

2011 Heart of Green Awards
Vote for those who've done the most to help green go mainstream.

解麗蓉李思思李思夢3母女暴斃 公安搶屍撞死人 
家屬指花心丈夫謀殺妻女 警稱自殺

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'Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food' 
- Hippocrates ( father of Western medicine )

All chemical drugs are harmful.



How My Son Jesse Got Well--And Stayed Well--On All Raw Organic Vegan Living Foods
By Dr. Ruza Bogdanovich, N.D.

Vaccination - Did You Know ?

Turmeric - The Spice that Helps Prevent Cancer - Now Being Used to Repair Stroke Damage

Single Point Suspension on the new OMNI-SWING Pull-Up Bar
Andrea Demos Single Point Suspension on the Center Ring of the novel new Pull-Up Bar of the latest Omni-Swing design. Ideal for increased comfort and security in full-on Inversion Therapy with the swing hung higher up, and for Pelvic Traction with the swing low to the floor.

If you would like to know what ingredients are in a specific vaccine, check here.  You might also ask your pediatrician why they don't have these inserts handy for parents to look at...

This  government  site  explains  how to report an adverse reaction to vaccinations.

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7 Must-Read New Books for Sustainable Eating

台東縣卑南主山北側的馬西巴秀山 男彭銘富高山症發作過世另傅美琦猝死台東卑南山

洋男友搬走 鄭欣宜:有緣無份

有緣千里能相會 無緣相逢不相識

7 Must-Read New Books for Sustainable Eating

Time to clear some of the confusion on Iodine supplementation

Little Krishna Videos on Youtube Trilogy HD

Ramayana Animated Movie Full English Subtitle 1:37:51

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FDA finally admits conventional chicken contains toxic arsenic

Unraveling food industry lies - Many honey and spice products are counterfeit
FDA finally admits conventional chicken contains toxic arsenic

Quinoa questionable as a gluten free grain

Fukushima Radiation Traced in Pacific Seafood
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has insisted that seafood caught near the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is safe to eat. Scientists have voiced concerns, however, that radioactive isotopes could accumulate in fish and pose a danger to human health. Henry Ridgwell recently visited Japan and has this report for VOA.

11 Facts About The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Holocaust That Are Almost Too Horrifying To Believe

Fukushima nuclear plant operators prepare for dangerous procedure

Beijing Marathon Course Record Finally Broken By Tadese Tola of Ethiopia
Tola and Rono began to sprint with 900 metres to go as Kipyego seemed to fall back a bit, but he was going nowhere in the end. With 500m left, all three were going full throttle, a sight not often seen in the Marathon, and for a while it seemed like all three would reach the finish line at the same time.
But with some 150m to go, Tola finally emerged as the winner, clocking a course record of 2:07:16 for the win.

BJ Marathon: Women's Race sees Chinese champ for 22nd straight year (Video)

HG Deena Bandhu Prabhu / Sri Damodarastakam

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The unique superfood power of maca - Latest research

Wikipedia admits hundreds of 'sock puppet' editors gang up to make distorted edits to their pages

Chemical industry never developed methods to assess multiple chemical exposure health risks

Chemtrails: Learn how to protect yourself from these treacherous poisons

The unique superfood power of maca - Latest research

The inside story on vaccine dangers

Women: Chlorella supplementation reduces risk of anemia, edema and proteinuria during pregnancy

Radha Kund & Syama Kund / Radha Kund Bahulastami

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不能說的真相 - 全球暖化騙局 - 嘉賓 :周兆祥博士






Hong Kong Vegfest 2013 香港素食嘉年華中醫西醫同台講素食

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Curing cancer the natural way

Pre-teens at risk from cordless phones
Pre-teens were more likely to suffer headaches if they made long or frequent calls on cordless phones or cellphones.
"Modern cellphones use the lowest amount of power that they need to transmit, but a cordless phone always works on full power."

The synergestic miracles of chlorella and its ability to reduce high blood pressure and cerebral stroke lesions

Mexico halts all GMO corn from being planted

Improving your health with alfalfa sprouts

Curing cancer the natural way

Electropollution, EMF radiation sources revealed in latest episode of 'Secrets to Health' with the Health Ranger

Shiva Trilogy Books Trailers
- The Immortals of Meluha
- The Secret of the Nagas 
- The Oath of The Vayuputras: Shiva Trilogy 3

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