
Nearly all conventional chicken meat is intentionally contaminated with arsenic

2013 London ITU Triathlon World Championships Race Videos

Vattenfall World Triathlon Stockholm 2013 Race Videos

Five so-called 'healthy' snacks to avoid

Hospitals may have infected at least 15 patients with mad cow-like disease via infected surgical instruments

Nearly all conventional chicken meat is intentionally contaminated with arsenic

Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism

Why Being a Hindu Has Made Me a Better Catholic

2013 9 10 Prasad Seva Radhakund

Rawal, a birth place of Radharani

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9 Sneaky Sources of GMOs

9 Sneaky Sources of GMOs

The best natural remedies for removing head lice

Consumption of apple cider vinegar may accelerate weight loss

Five amazing non-dietary uses for coconut oil

Toxic, cancer-causing arsenic found in rice products -- even organic rice milk

8 Health Uses for Apple Cider Vinegar

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白麵粉加麩皮假充全麥 低成本賣高價的民生詐欺


廣州8家月餅包裝含塑化劑 太平洋咖啡costa等上榜


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白麵粉加麩皮假充全麥 低成本賣高價的民生詐欺

精華重溫 - 《冥婚》(一)

精華重溫 - 《冥婚•二》(一)

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Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

God, Christianity and Meat
The Christian teaching of compassion for animals was especially emphasized by St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis not only spoke eloquently about compassion for animals but also taught that kindness to animals is good spiritually and promotes peace among humans. "Not to hurt our humble brethren, the animals, is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission: to be of service to them whenever they require it. If you have people who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity you will have people who will deal likewise with other people."

God Does Not Eat Meat
By Arthur Poletti

Extraordinary images that show just how similar we are to our closest living relative – the bonobo: Affectionate primates share 98.7% of human DNA right down to hair loss
Species is usually found in the Congo, but they are classed as endangered due to conflict and other atrocities
Photographer Graham McGeorge, 42, captured magnificent moments at Jacksonville Zoo, in Florida, US
Bonobos seen acting and behaving similar to humans, showing signs of emotion, intelligence and thought

Do You Know What's Really In Your Tea?

As Fukushima continues to leak radiation, protect yourself with Bentonite Clay

Merck vaccine developer admits vaccines routinely contain hidden cancer viruses derived from diseased monkeys

Test 'reveals Facebook, Twitter and Google snoop on emails': Study of net giants spurs new privacy concerns

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Breakthrough urban food forest tower under construction in Milan

Diana Nyad finishes record-breaking Cuba to Florida swim

'Fruit of the gods' heals cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more

Smokers or past smokers: Six ways to cleanse and revitalize your lungs

Healed by wheatgrass: 74-year-old man with cancer told he would be 'dead in a matter of weeks' proves doctors wrong

Natural News releases Certificate of Analysis for Clean Chlorella, including radiation test results

Breakthrough urban food forest tower under construction in Milan

Advanced research techniques reveal presence of water beneath Moon's surface

Phosphoric acid used in soda pop shown dissolving teeth in rare video

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TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported

Farmers REFUSE to Eat their OWN Food & feel GUILTY Selling it! FUKUshima

Harmful if swallowed - The dangers of food irradiation

TEPCO admits deliberately using radiation detectors that give deceptively low readings; radiation leaks far worse than reported

Top 15 compelling reasons to use cardamom often and generously

Six reasons to avoid carrageenan in your alternative milk products and food purchases

Concentration Is the Key

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Vegetarian Recipes for Athletes

10 Yoga Poses for Runners

Vegetarian Recipes for Athletes

The best home remedies for treating dandruff

Coconut oil halts tooth decay by attacking the bacteria that cause it

Toxic chemical dicyandiamide found in Fonterra milk powder

Quinoa vs. Amaranth: What's Your Pick?

Tea tree oil can work wonders for your skin

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Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop

Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop

Five things you need to do to sleep like a baby

The many health benefits of sauna bathing

Health Basics: What are your choices when the side effects of a medication are worse than the disease?
Ten ways to protect yourself from harmful cell phone radiation

Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines

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真貨年產1,700噸 英媒爆全球大假冒 假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸

白龍王 的9大信條語錄

福島核洩漏 升至「嚴重事件」中國震驚 韓亞取消福島包機綫

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假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸




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Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Bill Gates' Published Plan to Drench the Earth With Sulfuric Acid From Drones
Under the Pretext of Fighting Global Warming, Bill Gates & Monsanto to Monopolize Food Production Using Chemtrails as Herbicidal Warfare:
The Plan to Dump 20 Megatons of Sulfuric Acid Into the Atmosphere From Custom-Designed Drone Airships To Benefit Monsanto's 'Climate Stress' Seed Patents

If cigarette packs carry warnings about death, why don't vaccines?

Wave of protests sweeps UK: Resistance to fracking plans heats up as pollution concerns grow

How to boost your nutrition intake and your health with smoothies

Worse than Bush: Obama fills key government positions in agriculture and trade with biotech execs

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The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

'Safety assessments' on nearly all common food additives found to be manipulated by processed food industry: Study

The 10 false assumptions of modern science (and how to set science free with new paths to discovery)

Money-hungry doctor purposely misdiagnosed patients with cancer to feed his greed

Tax benefits soon to be withheld from parents who don't vaccinate children

Doctor claims new medical breakthrough will allow corpses to be revived within a day of being dead

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5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp

More Chicken McNugget 'strange fiber' photos released by Natural News Forensic Food Labs

24-hour Organ Qi Cycle
Roll your cursor over the Organ names within the colour wheel to learn more about the emotions connected with each organ.

What you need to know about camu camu

Guyabano fruit acknowledged as a miracle cure for cancer

Looking for products that are truly GMO-free? Shop for Natural Food Certifiers non-GMO and 'Apple K' kosher items

From Gunpowder to Teeth Whitener: The Science Behind Historic Uses of Urine

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Tinea Versicolor

Fungal Infection and Tinea Versicolor 變色糠疹(汗斑)

Symptoms. Although the skin normally has fungi, the fungi only become a problem when their growth exceeds the normal range. The excess fungi leads to the condition called tinea versicolor. The areas affected change color, and the discoloration manifests as white small spots on your skin. They are usually found on the back, shoulder area and chest.

Treatment. After extermination, your doctor may prescribe topical, anti-fungal creams to apply to the spots to even-out the skin color. Oral antifungal meds that include Sporanox or Nizoral can also be presribled. You can also go for OTC medications like clotrimazole and miconazole..Additionally, lotions that contain selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc and ketoconazole are very effective.


Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor or ptyriasis versicolor is another common and harmless skin condition that affects skin color.
Causes: It is caused by yeast called Malassezia, which normally exist in small numbers on the skin. Certain conditions however, can cause the overgrowth of the yeast, causing the development of white and reddish-brown spots on skin. Moist, warm, and oily skin encourages yeast overgrowth especially in the upper arms, neck, abdomen, and thighs. It is not a contagious disease.

Tinea Versicolor Remedies
