
Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop

Fukushima in freefall: radioactive water filters taken offline, Tepco in desperation as leaks just won't stop

Five things you need to do to sleep like a baby

The many health benefits of sauna bathing

Health Basics: What are your choices when the side effects of a medication are worse than the disease?
Ten ways to protect yourself from harmful cell phone radiation

Parents charged with murder of baby that was actually killed by vaccines

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真貨年產1,700噸 英媒爆全球大假冒 假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸

白龍王 的9大信條語錄

福島核洩漏 升至「嚴重事件」中國震驚 韓亞取消福島包機綫

真貨年產1,700噸 英媒爆全球大假冒
假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸




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Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Bill Gates' Published Plan to Drench the Earth With Sulfuric Acid From Drones
Under the Pretext of Fighting Global Warming, Bill Gates & Monsanto to Monopolize Food Production Using Chemtrails as Herbicidal Warfare:
The Plan to Dump 20 Megatons of Sulfuric Acid Into the Atmosphere From Custom-Designed Drone Airships To Benefit Monsanto's 'Climate Stress' Seed Patents

If cigarette packs carry warnings about death, why don't vaccines?

Wave of protests sweeps UK: Resistance to fracking plans heats up as pollution concerns grow

How to boost your nutrition intake and your health with smoothies

Worse than Bush: Obama fills key government positions in agriculture and trade with biotech execs

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The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

'Safety assessments' on nearly all common food additives found to be manipulated by processed food industry: Study

The 10 false assumptions of modern science (and how to set science free with new paths to discovery)

Money-hungry doctor purposely misdiagnosed patients with cancer to feed his greed

Tax benefits soon to be withheld from parents who don't vaccinate children

Doctor claims new medical breakthrough will allow corpses to be revived within a day of being dead

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5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp

5 Surprising Health Benefits of Hemp

More Chicken McNugget 'strange fiber' photos released by Natural News Forensic Food Labs

24-hour Organ Qi Cycle
Roll your cursor over the Organ names within the colour wheel to learn more about the emotions connected with each organ.

What you need to know about camu camu

Guyabano fruit acknowledged as a miracle cure for cancer

Looking for products that are truly GMO-free? Shop for Natural Food Certifiers non-GMO and 'Apple K' kosher items

From Gunpowder to Teeth Whitener: The Science Behind Historic Uses of Urine

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Tinea Versicolor

Fungal Infection and Tinea Versicolor 變色糠疹(汗斑)

Symptoms. Although the skin normally has fungi, the fungi only become a problem when their growth exceeds the normal range. The excess fungi leads to the condition called tinea versicolor. The areas affected change color, and the discoloration manifests as white small spots on your skin. They are usually found on the back, shoulder area and chest.

Treatment. After extermination, your doctor may prescribe topical, anti-fungal creams to apply to the spots to even-out the skin color. Oral antifungal meds that include Sporanox or Nizoral can also be presribled. You can also go for OTC medications like clotrimazole and miconazole..Additionally, lotions that contain selenium sulfide, pyrithione zinc and ketoconazole are very effective.


Tinea Versicolor

Tinea versicolor or ptyriasis versicolor is another common and harmless skin condition that affects skin color.
Causes: It is caused by yeast called Malassezia, which normally exist in small numbers on the skin. Certain conditions however, can cause the overgrowth of the yeast, causing the development of white and reddish-brown spots on skin. Moist, warm, and oily skin encourages yeast overgrowth especially in the upper arms, neck, abdomen, and thighs. It is not a contagious disease.

Tinea Versicolor Remedies



Pityriasis Alba

Pityriasis Alba 白色糠疹
Symptoms. It is characterized by tiny white patches on your skin confined to your arms, neck and face areas. This skin is common to children of ages between six to twelve years. Its initial manifestation is irregularly shaped reddish-pink lesions on the skin. After some time, the lesions will form scaly white marks on the child's superficial skin.

Treatment. Usually, the skin returns to its original color over time without using any treatments. However, you can still use some skin care products like topical corticosteroids to give the skin its natural color/an even color. It is also important to keep your skin moisturized and avoid harsh sun exposure at the same time.


Pityriasis Alba

This common skin discoloration affects children and adolescents. This condition is characterized by the appearance of dry, scaly white patches on one's face. These white skin patches are more visible during summer because of tanning in the surrounding skin. In winter, patches become dry and scaly. Raised reddish spots may appear and later turn pale, becoming smooth and flat patches. They are often found on the neck, shoulders, upper arms, and face. The cause is unknown.

No treatment is required and the patches in time will settle.


Fire Ant Bite Remedies

Fire Ant Bite Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar

There are also many home remedies of varying efficacy, 
including immediate application of urine 

Paste of baking soda and water
Paste of baking soda and vinegar

Don't pop the blister. 
After a few hours the swelling will subside a little and a blister will form. As long as you don't pop the blister, the area shouldn't become infected. Avoid scratching it, as this can cause it to break.
If the blister breaks, cleanse the area with soapy water and monitor it for signs of infection.
If the area becomes discolored or starts leaking pus, it may have become infected. Seek medical attention immediately.


One of the first duties of the physician

Frequent exposure to sunshine lowers rheumatoid arthritis risk

The history and health benefits of spirulina

One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses not to take medicine. ---- Sir William Osler

The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine. –William Osler, M.D.

If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity. –O.W. Holmes, M.D., Prof. of Medicine, Harvard

Every drug increases and complicates the patient's condition. –Robert Henderson, M.D. (Healing Power Beyond Medicine)

Medicine is a collection of uncertain prescriptions the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind. ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

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安全範圍攝取糖 仍損健康

防手機輻射產品搵笨 用後增加輻射



安全範圍攝取糖 仍損健康

核能發電不是解決 氣候變遷 問題的答案,
Pandora’s False Promises

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ConsumerLab Supplement Testing Review

ConsumerLab Supplement Testing 

Why don't we have Consumer Lab test our products?

Evaluating The Evaluators from Consumer Lab


Five reasons every athlete should do yoga

Five reasons every athlete should do yoga

Be conscious of these top toxin sources that may be affecting your health

Most Gardasil 'safety' data discovered to be fraudulent

Pacu, Testicle-Biting Fish, Will Target Skinny Dippers, Authorities Warn

Swedish male skinny-dippers warned after testicle-attacking pacu fish found in local lakes

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Stop Hair Loss and Graying Hair

Stop Hair Loss and Graying Hair

What the researchers found was that graying hair is primarily caused by a buildup of hydrogen peroxide at the root of hair follicles, due in great part to a reduction in the natural antioxidant compound catalase. In addition to helping cleanse the scalp and follicles, onion juice also promotes the production of catalase. Catalase prevents graying hair and thicker hair follicles.

More natural solutions for graying hair
Over the years, many remedies for graying hair have been used with mixed results. Some of the better known ones include:

The oriental remedy fo-ti has a long history of being used for gray hair. Fo-ti is also called He Shou Wu, which translates to “black-haired Mr. He” or “Mr. He’s black hair”.

Black Strap molasses has worked well for many people for restoration of color, but it may take some time (as is true with other remedies as well).

Pine needle tea is another remedy which has been used to help with graying hair.

Many have reported that moringa leaf and moringa root extracts have restored hair color as well as helped with thinning hair.

Nutrition for healthy hair
Some of the best foods for hair health include:

• Oats
• Nuts and seeds
• Leafy, green vegetables
• Root vegetables, such as carrots, rutabagas, parsnips, ginger, turnips
• Winter squash
• Black beans
• Pumpkin
• Black pepper
• Brown rice syrup
• Seaweed
• Microalgae

Foods to avoid for better hair health:
• Cold foods and drinks
• Sugary foods and drinks
• Fatty foods
• Animal protein
• Tofu
• Salt
• Dairy products


Microbeads in personal care products are polluting our oceans and lakes

EMF exposures destroy health and well-being, claims panel of top international scientists

Microbeads in personal care products are polluting our oceans and lakes

Young woman's ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck 'forgot to research' effects of vaccine on female reproduction

World's first test-tube grown hamburger served up in London restaurant

Stem cell scientists grow human teeth from urine
According to the researchers at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, actual human urine pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be used to create different cell types that mimic tooth components like dentin, enamel, cementum and pulp, but the strength of these teeth is far from the strength of normal, healthy teeth.

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4G/LTE mobile network poses greater chronic health risks than previous incarnations

Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years

4G/LTE mobile network poses greater chronic health risks than previous incarnations
4G/LTE handset "smart" antennas
4G designers needed to increase bandwidth receiving capability in 4G handsets/devices, so they developed "smart antennas" - a series of 4 antennas in a single phone handset. This is like the equivalent of having four cell phones in one device rather than one (tumor, anyone?). The mobile telecom industry is fully aware of the potential carcinogenic effect of their products, but instead of searching for ways to reduce the potential threat to public health, they are multiplying it. This is just plain unethical business practice.

Colloidal silver is an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral miracle

Monsanto now overriding natural law by attempting to patent multiple common vegetables, fruits

Genetically modified babies? - New science lets parents select child's genetic sequence, rearrange DNA

Appealing health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Man dies from rabies after receiving infected transplant kidney

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Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years

Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years
A father and son who fled their village during the Vietnam War 40 years ago have apparently been discovered living in a treehouse deep in the jungle.

Found after 40 years: Man who went missing with his son in the Vietnamese jungle when his mother and two of his children were killed in a bomb at their home
Ho Van Thanh, 82, and Ho Van Lang, 41, disappeared during Vietnam War
They have been found four decades later by villagers foraging for firewood

Tale of 2 rescued jungle men who lived 40 years in forest

2 jungle men found after 40 years living in Vietnam forest

越戰避世 父子匿叢林40年



8歲半女孩徒步700公裡 從深圳回湖南老家

越戰避世 父子匿叢林40年


表面醫生 內裏畜牲
2013年08月06日(二)  The Sun

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The Myths and Facts About Soy Milk

Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

Cells Extracted From Urine
Scientists develop ways to extract cells from urine. 
Cells from urine can be used instead of embryonic stem cells to produce neurons in the brain. 

Nosodes: The Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccines - by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D

The Myths and Facts About Soy Milk

12 Fascinating Fruit & Vegetable Relatives

Kirtan Bhajan Devotional Songs

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食蜂蜜超9倍 男「狂蜜病」中毒
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Food and lifestyle: non-chemo treatments for colon cancer

Food and lifestyle: non-chemo treatments for colon cancer

Cancer breakthrough: Probiotics may save patients from deadly chemotherapy; antibiotics may cause chemo to be fatal

Amazing India: The Spiritual Town of Varanasi, by Stephen Knapp

6 Most Dangerous Beaches in the World (Slideshow)

Incan Mummies' Hair Samples Suggest Children Were Given Drugs, Alcohol Before Ritual Sacrifice

Free energy breakthrough? Holy grail of water splitting technology now achieved with sunlight, mirrors and seawater

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京滬穗15款保鮮紙 塑化劑嚴重超標


主持:鐘源 Farumradio 花冧電台 7/30/2013

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疑似陳百強鬼魂現身屋企〈恐怖在線〉 2013-07-30

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