
Five reasons every athlete should do yoga

Five reasons every athlete should do yoga

Be conscious of these top toxin sources that may be affecting your health

Most Gardasil 'safety' data discovered to be fraudulent

Pacu, Testicle-Biting Fish, Will Target Skinny Dippers, Authorities Warn

Swedish male skinny-dippers warned after testicle-attacking pacu fish found in local lakes

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Stop Hair Loss and Graying Hair

Stop Hair Loss and Graying Hair

What the researchers found was that graying hair is primarily caused by a buildup of hydrogen peroxide at the root of hair follicles, due in great part to a reduction in the natural antioxidant compound catalase. In addition to helping cleanse the scalp and follicles, onion juice also promotes the production of catalase. Catalase prevents graying hair and thicker hair follicles.

More natural solutions for graying hair
Over the years, many remedies for graying hair have been used with mixed results. Some of the better known ones include:

The oriental remedy fo-ti has a long history of being used for gray hair. Fo-ti is also called He Shou Wu, which translates to “black-haired Mr. He” or “Mr. He’s black hair”.

Black Strap molasses has worked well for many people for restoration of color, but it may take some time (as is true with other remedies as well).

Pine needle tea is another remedy which has been used to help with graying hair.

Many have reported that moringa leaf and moringa root extracts have restored hair color as well as helped with thinning hair.

Nutrition for healthy hair
Some of the best foods for hair health include:

• Oats
• Nuts and seeds
• Leafy, green vegetables
• Root vegetables, such as carrots, rutabagas, parsnips, ginger, turnips
• Winter squash
• Black beans
• Pumpkin
• Black pepper
• Brown rice syrup
• Seaweed
• Microalgae

Foods to avoid for better hair health:
• Cold foods and drinks
• Sugary foods and drinks
• Fatty foods
• Animal protein
• Tofu
• Salt
• Dairy products


Microbeads in personal care products are polluting our oceans and lakes

EMF exposures destroy health and well-being, claims panel of top international scientists

Microbeads in personal care products are polluting our oceans and lakes

Young woman's ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck 'forgot to research' effects of vaccine on female reproduction

World's first test-tube grown hamburger served up in London restaurant

Stem cell scientists grow human teeth from urine
According to the researchers at the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, actual human urine pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be used to create different cell types that mimic tooth components like dentin, enamel, cementum and pulp, but the strength of these teeth is far from the strength of normal, healthy teeth.

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4G/LTE mobile network poses greater chronic health risks than previous incarnations

Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years

4G/LTE mobile network poses greater chronic health risks than previous incarnations
4G/LTE handset "smart" antennas
4G designers needed to increase bandwidth receiving capability in 4G handsets/devices, so they developed "smart antennas" - a series of 4 antennas in a single phone handset. This is like the equivalent of having four cell phones in one device rather than one (tumor, anyone?). The mobile telecom industry is fully aware of the potential carcinogenic effect of their products, but instead of searching for ways to reduce the potential threat to public health, they are multiplying it. This is just plain unethical business practice.

Colloidal silver is an antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral miracle

Monsanto now overriding natural law by attempting to patent multiple common vegetables, fruits

Genetically modified babies? - New science lets parents select child's genetic sequence, rearrange DNA

Appealing health benefits of apple cider vinegar

Man dies from rabies after receiving infected transplant kidney

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Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years

Vietnamese father and son found living in a treehouse for 40 years
A father and son who fled their village during the Vietnam War 40 years ago have apparently been discovered living in a treehouse deep in the jungle.

Found after 40 years: Man who went missing with his son in the Vietnamese jungle when his mother and two of his children were killed in a bomb at their home
Ho Van Thanh, 82, and Ho Van Lang, 41, disappeared during Vietnam War
They have been found four decades later by villagers foraging for firewood

Tale of 2 rescued jungle men who lived 40 years in forest

2 jungle men found after 40 years living in Vietnam forest

越戰避世 父子匿叢林40年



8歲半女孩徒步700公裡 從深圳回湖南老家

越戰避世 父子匿叢林40年


表面醫生 內裏畜牲
2013年08月06日(二)  The Sun

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The Myths and Facts About Soy Milk

Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

Cells Extracted From Urine
Scientists develop ways to extract cells from urine. 
Cells from urine can be used instead of embryonic stem cells to produce neurons in the brain. 

Nosodes: The Homeopathic Alternative to Vaccines - by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D

The Myths and Facts About Soy Milk

12 Fascinating Fruit & Vegetable Relatives

Kirtan Bhajan Devotional Songs

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食蜂蜜超9倍 男「狂蜜病」中毒
梫木毒素 grayanotoxin


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素食臉書討論區 Facebook Groups Pages


Raw Power HK 食生新人類

素食青年 Hong Kong





素食 環保 才能救地球





Food and lifestyle: non-chemo treatments for colon cancer

Food and lifestyle: non-chemo treatments for colon cancer

Cancer breakthrough: Probiotics may save patients from deadly chemotherapy; antibiotics may cause chemo to be fatal

Amazing India: The Spiritual Town of Varanasi, by Stephen Knapp

6 Most Dangerous Beaches in the World (Slideshow)

Incan Mummies' Hair Samples Suggest Children Were Given Drugs, Alcohol Before Ritual Sacrifice

Free energy breakthrough? Holy grail of water splitting technology now achieved with sunlight, mirrors and seawater

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京滬穗15款保鮮紙 塑化劑嚴重超標


京滬穗15款保鮮紙 塑化劑嚴重超標


主持:鐘源 Farumradio 花冧電台 7/30/2013

Tell me about it

疑似陳百強鬼魂現身屋企〈恐怖在線〉 2013-07-30

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Eight telltale signs you've eaten toxic food

Cal Ripken of running to end record 45-year streak

98 million Americans were given polio vaccine contaminated with cancer-causing virus, admits CDC

Misdiagnosed Texas woman nearly killed by chemoQuack doctor

Eight telltale signs you've eaten toxic food

GMOs not needed: Brazil scientists developing lifesaving superfoods through traditional plant breeding methods

Organic rice farmer in India yields over 22 tons of crop on only two acres, proving the fraud of GMOs and Big Ag
As reported by Gaia Health, Indian rice farmers using traditional, organic growing methods are achieving yields far higher than farmers using more modern methods.

Hemp is legal to grow in nine states, but feds still threaten raids and prison time for farmers

Brain Imaging Study Supports Notion of Food Addiction
A new study has found that eating highly processed carbohydrates can cause excess hunger, as well as stimulate the regions of the brain involved in reward and cravings.

Who Is The World's Fastest Swimmer? (Infographic)

How To Slim & Tone Butt & Thighs With Freelee

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探射燈:空氣勁污染 跑步變吸塵
探射燈:規劃掣肘多 控污染靠補鑊



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8 Myths about Lightning (Slideshow)

Invisible DNA body spray technology may soon be installed at a business near you
SelectaDNA Spray, as it is called, coats robbers with an invisible DNA mist that cannot be washed off and remains present on skin and hair for weeks, allowing authorities to better link culprits to the crimes they commit. 

Beware of Hidden Animal Ingredients in Food

Thyroid cancer patients turned into walking dirty bombs after drinking radioactive poison as cancer therapy
Cancer patients who receive radiation of their thyroid glands by being given radioactive iodine are highly radioactive for up to a week following their release from the hospital -- and they end up irradiating not just hospital rooms but also other patients, friends and family members. Radiation levels are so high in these people that they have set off radiation alarms designed to detect terrorist threats, says a congressional report.

basking shark swims with kayaker in donegal

8 Myths about Lightning (Slideshow)

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甜蜜謊言 Manuka 功效低 平貨含抗生素 四分一摻糖份

甜蜜謊言 Manuka 功效低 平貨含抗生素 四分一摻糖份


兩代香港行山王 舊照片話當年
Video + Old Photos

郎咸平 「郎旋風」警惕 基因改造食物!

龜殼花毒蛇被捕 疑注毒「自盡」

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New technology capable of better detecting GMOs in food, animal feed and seeds

2013 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg Race Result Videos

Seven undeniable reasons to eat avocado every day

You've heard of the wonders of colloidal silver, but how about colloidal gold?

EPA massively increase allowable herbicide levels in food, despite public outcry

New technology capable of better detecting GMOs in food, animal feed and seeds
Droplet Digital PCR, or ddPCR, works to improve GMO screening efforts in the more than 60 countries around the world that now require GMO labeling.
And ddPCR appears to be not only more accurate than existing technologies, but also more cost effective.
Is your doctor receiving Big Pharma payoffs? Here's how to find out

Eat your weeds!

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Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?

'Our daughter died of a brain tumour. We blame her mobile'
A teenage girl who spent hours talking on her mobile phone each day has died from a brain tumour.
Samantha Miller, 17, spent hundreds of pounds a month on 'topup' cards to pay for calls to her friends.
Her parents are convinced her constant mobile phone use triggered the tumour that killed her.
Less than a year after she bought the phone Samantha started complaining of headaches, ringing in the ears and a numb face.

Danish woman Annette Fredskov runs 366 marathons in 365 days… and says it has cured her multiple sclerosis 

Rochelle Harris, British Woman, Has Flesh-Eating Worms Removed From Her Ear

Avoid these food items commonly mistaken for 'health foods'

Excess salt consumption found to be the cause of millions of heart disease deaths worldwide

A chiropractor's point of view on pillows and sleeping position

Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?
At least 22 children in India have died as a result of eating soy-based school lunches served to them in the country's Bihar state, according to new reports. The tainted lunches, which were loaded with genetically-modified (GM) soybeans and pesticide chemical residues, were given to the student victims as part of a U.K.-based government meal program similar to the one currently being implemented in the U.S. by Michelle Obama for American public schoolchildren.

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Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Former Gates Foundation executive pushing universal norovirus vaccine
July 16, 2013 
Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean
July 16, 2013 

Parents should limit their child's cell phone use; says federal radiation health watchdog

Boycott Monsanto! Live in the Garden of Eden with fruits and vegetables grown from organic heirloom seeds

Does kitty litter contain harmful substances? 

99% of terrorists caught by the FBI are faked, author reveals

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism [Hardcover]
Trevor Aaronson (Author) 1/2013

What I eat per week (in winter) on a raw vegan diet

30BAD Freelee & DurianRider Promote & Sell GMO "BULL SHIT"? Please Sign the Petition!

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日本“福島勇士”指揮官病故 疑遭核輻射(圖)

核燃料廠殺到埋身 反對期最後三天

震驚 中國人還能活多久 - 這個視頻觸目驚心

ep36 – 西醫製造疾病?download mp3


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Sun exposure proven therapeutic, while avoiding sun harms health

High Cell Phone Use Linked With Less Physical Activity

Sun exposure proven therapeutic, while avoiding sun harms health

Mmmmm, fresh, organic streptomycin and tetracycline in every bite
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)'s National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is passing apples and pears as organic even though they contain the two antibiotic drugs streptomycin and tetracycline.

How I lost my period on a Raw Vegan Diet

Menstruation--is it really necessary?

Best supplements for pain relief

10 Things the Processed Food Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Nanosized aluminum being sprayed in the atmosphere, causing degenerative disease, says neurosurgeon

Fukushima update - North American food supply poisoned along Pacific Coast
Are you eating bug poison and weed killer daily?

Chest X-rays proven useless for preventing lung cancer, so why are they still used?

The secret's out: Monsanto is Big Ag's top spender on lobbying, spending nearly $8.7 million annually on seed patents

MSNBC a media puppet for the White House, says former producer

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iHerb Inc. Earns NSF Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Registration

iHerb Inc. Earns NSF Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Registration
Fri Jul 12, 2013 

GMP registration demonstrates iHerb’s commitment to quality

iHerb.com, a leading online retailer of nutritional supplements and wellness products announced today that its Moreno Valley, CA distribution facility is now a Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) facility following certification by NSF International. NSF International is an independent, not-for-profit organization that writes standards, tests and certifies products and facilities across many industries. NSF’s goal is to protect and improve human health on a global scale.

Earning GMP registration from NSF International verifies that the iHerb Inc. facility has the proper methods, equipment, facilities and controls in place for warehousing and distributing dietary supplement products. While GMP certification is not a requirement for distribution centers, iHerb pursued the registration designation as part of its commitment to quality assurance.

“We are pleased to have GMP registration and believe this is a testament to the commitment to quality our employees deliver with each and every customer order,” said Troy Vanwormer, Director of Operations at iHerb. “Today’s consumers want and deserve to have a distribution center with the highest quality standards especially when ordering products online. With this registration, iHerb is ensuring its facility is adhering to the highest quality controls and processes for an online retailer.”

The NSF GMPs were developed in accordance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 21 CFR part 111 regulations on dietary supplement packaging and distribution.

The NSF GMP registration builds upon the Google Trusted Store Badge, awarded to iHerb earlier this year. The Google Trusted Store Badge designates that iHerb delivers on its promise of excellent customer service and on-time shipping. The Google Trusted Store Badge was awarded after completion of a 28-day evaluation period that reviewed iHerb’s customer service and shipping performance. As of July 1st, iHerb has processed over 400,000 orders with a 98% on-time shipping, and a 99.9% issue-free order rate.

About iHerb Inc.

iHerb Inc. (iHerb.com) is a leading online retailer of nutritional supplement and wellness products. Via its e-commerce website, iHerb.com delivers 35,000 products from over 1,500 brands direct to the customer in more than 150 countries. iHerb.com offers nutritional supplements such as vitamins, minerals, herbs and other botanicals, as well as bath and beauty products, pet care, sports nutrition and children’s health products.

Visit iHerb.com for more information.
John McCarthy, Director of Marketing
(951) 616-3600 ext. 2089


Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits

Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits
And how did it happen? Doctors falsely pronounced her dead by fraudulently claiming she had suffered "cardiopulmonary arrest" and "irreversible brain damage." This gave them the medical justification to start slicing away even while the woman's heart was still beating.

Report - Female prisoners at California state prisons illegally sterilized

Research - Roundup toxicity much worse than what Monsanto, government claims
July 11, 2013

Cherries a superfood? Research confirms this well-known fruit tackles cancer, insomnia, high blood pressure and gout

Even Chinese parents stop buying Chinese products for infants

Obesity epidemic caused by EMF exposures in the home according to startling new research

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order

Crazy workouts you've never tried

Crazy workouts you've never tried

Can dental stem cell technology make root canals obsolete?

Exclusive: San Francisco jetliner crash caused by airlines turning pilots into 'computer geeks who can't fly' says commercial pilot

Philosophy of Regeneration by Dr Chen ~ Sunrider International ~ An Introduction 

Philosophy of Regeneration (part 1)

Philosophy of Regeneration (part 2)

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赤腳跑1.9萬公里 濟赤貧 從加拿大到阿根廷 將跨14國

韓亞空難 180死傷 華兩女學生葉夢圓和王琳佳斷魂 


赤腳跑1.9萬公里 濟赤貧
從加拿大到阿根廷 將跨14國


六月廿一日是夏至。近日的天氣非常炎熱,求診者中,卻出現不少受寒疾病。原因,不出其二,一是冷氣 (空調),二是冷飲。

Anita Moorjani 曾經被癌症蹂躪四年,然後在短短數天便完全恢復健康,成為國際轟動的個案。她的書《死過一次才學會愛》
(I believe in NDE, but I am skeptical about this person.)

Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
by Anita Moorjani  (Author)

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order

How to spot signs of liver damage

Epic challenge of the man who is running the entire length of America - equivalent to 450 marathons - and all while BAREFOOT
7 July 2013

How to spot signs of liver damage

Five must-have herbs for healing your body and mind

List of words to avoid using if you don't want the NSA to flag your emails, phone calls

72 percent of Americans believe NSA is blackmailing judges and members of Congress

Laughing Quadruplets - The Next Day

iHerb $5 to $10 Discount Off First Order


Study finds that home births are safer than hospital births

Study finds that home births are safer than hospital births

Ten signs of a toxic gym

These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca Cola?

Geoengineering ( #chemtrails ) shredding ozone layer daily, putting all life on earth at risk
July 07, 2013 

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西江支流水質受污染 7/07/2013

遠至新加坡和馬來西亞也籠罩著破紀錄的嚴重空氣污染,警醒我們森林破壞的事實,也揭示了火災的罪魁禍首 — 棕櫚油種植園。

貝澳嶼南路 撞死八頭牛慘案 誰是兇手? 


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今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman

今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman,年齡對她來說從來不是問題,她做到的POSE令年輕人也自嘆不如。



全球中藥材市場抽檢 36 樣本幾近全含殘餘農藥

南水北調 「致癌工程」
催生癌症村 毒水入京

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Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones

How to make lab tests lie 

Supreme Court rules cops can collect your DNA if they arrest you

Find out which foods we eat in America are banned in other countries - the facts will scare you
Synthetic food colorings
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) 
Potassium bromate
Dairy hormones rBGH and rBST 
Olestra or olean

Hospitals, cancer centers now getting women drunk at 'mammogram parties' to lure them into having their breasts irradiated

Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones
June 29, 2013
.......We urge health agencies and the public to act immediately to reduce exposure to radiofrequency/ microwave radiation. This is especially important for children, who are physiologically more vulnerable to this exposure and for whom adults have a safeguarding responsibility. Children's health should be put ahead of convenience and commercial benefits. Children should not use mobile phones except in an emergency, and WiFi should be replaced with wired alternatives in schools and other settings where children spend considerable time.

How consistent hospital error is having a deadly effect on the healthcare system
July 02, 2013 

Is autism linked to air pollution?
The pregnant women living in areas that had the highest levels of diesel fuel or mercury were most at risk,

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Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy

Orangutan Pees In Own Mouth  
Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy!

Matt Monarch & The Magic Raw Cookie Paradigm Parody

The benefits of going vegetarian: Weight loss, a healthier heart, drastically reduced cancer risk and more

Studies Prove Monsanto's Roundup Is Killing You
Anthony Gucciardi speaks with scientist Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo on the massive amounts of research that shows Monsanto's #1 selling herbicide Roundup is leading to conditions like lymphoma and DNA damage. 

Over $30M spent last year on lobbying to keep GMOs hidden in foods

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