
Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits

Horror as patient wakes up in NY hospital with doctors trying to harvest her organs for transplant profits
And how did it happen? Doctors falsely pronounced her dead by fraudulently claiming she had suffered "cardiopulmonary arrest" and "irreversible brain damage." This gave them the medical justification to start slicing away even while the woman's heart was still beating.

Report - Female prisoners at California state prisons illegally sterilized

Research - Roundup toxicity much worse than what Monsanto, government claims
July 11, 2013

Cherries a superfood? Research confirms this well-known fruit tackles cancer, insomnia, high blood pressure and gout

Even Chinese parents stop buying Chinese products for infants

Obesity epidemic caused by EMF exposures in the home according to startling new research

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Crazy workouts you've never tried

Crazy workouts you've never tried

Can dental stem cell technology make root canals obsolete?

Exclusive: San Francisco jetliner crash caused by airlines turning pilots into 'computer geeks who can't fly' says commercial pilot

Philosophy of Regeneration by Dr Chen ~ Sunrider International ~ An Introduction 

Philosophy of Regeneration (part 1)

Philosophy of Regeneration (part 2)

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赤腳跑1.9萬公里 濟赤貧 從加拿大到阿根廷 將跨14國

韓亞空難 180死傷 華兩女學生葉夢圓和王琳佳斷魂 


赤腳跑1.9萬公里 濟赤貧
從加拿大到阿根廷 將跨14國


六月廿一日是夏至。近日的天氣非常炎熱,求診者中,卻出現不少受寒疾病。原因,不出其二,一是冷氣 (空調),二是冷飲。

Anita Moorjani 曾經被癌症蹂躪四年,然後在短短數天便完全恢復健康,成為國際轟動的個案。她的書《死過一次才學會愛》
(I believe in NDE, but I am skeptical about this person.)

Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing
by Anita Moorjani  (Author)

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How to spot signs of liver damage

Epic challenge of the man who is running the entire length of America - equivalent to 450 marathons - and all while BAREFOOT
7 July 2013

How to spot signs of liver damage

Five must-have herbs for healing your body and mind

List of words to avoid using if you don't want the NSA to flag your emails, phone calls

72 percent of Americans believe NSA is blackmailing judges and members of Congress

Laughing Quadruplets - The Next Day

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Study finds that home births are safer than hospital births

Study finds that home births are safer than hospital births

Ten signs of a toxic gym

These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

What Happens To Our Body After Drinking Coca Cola?

Geoengineering ( #chemtrails ) shredding ozone layer daily, putting all life on earth at risk
July 07, 2013 

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西江支流水質受污染 7/07/2013

遠至新加坡和馬來西亞也籠罩著破紀錄的嚴重空氣污染,警醒我們森林破壞的事實,也揭示了火災的罪魁禍首 — 棕櫚油種植園。

貝澳嶼南路 撞死八頭牛慘案 誰是兇手? 


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今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman

今年已經87歲的瑜珈導師 Bette Calman,年齡對她來說從來不是問題,她做到的POSE令年輕人也自嘆不如。



全球中藥材市場抽檢 36 樣本幾近全含殘餘農藥

南水北調 「致癌工程」
催生癌症村 毒水入京

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Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones

How to make lab tests lie 

Supreme Court rules cops can collect your DNA if they arrest you

Find out which foods we eat in America are banned in other countries - the facts will scare you
Synthetic food colorings
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) 
Potassium bromate
Dairy hormones rBGH and rBST 
Olestra or olean

Hospitals, cancer centers now getting women drunk at 'mammogram parties' to lure them into having their breasts irradiated

Open Letter by UK Doctors on Health and Safety of Wi-Fi, Mobile Phones
June 29, 2013
.......We urge health agencies and the public to act immediately to reduce exposure to radiofrequency/ microwave radiation. This is especially important for children, who are physiologically more vulnerable to this exposure and for whom adults have a safeguarding responsibility. Children's health should be put ahead of convenience and commercial benefits. Children should not use mobile phones except in an emergency, and WiFi should be replaced with wired alternatives in schools and other settings where children spend considerable time.

How consistent hospital error is having a deadly effect on the healthcare system
July 02, 2013 

Is autism linked to air pollution?
The pregnant women living in areas that had the highest levels of diesel fuel or mercury were most at risk,

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Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy

Orangutan Pees In Own Mouth  
Orangutans Practice Urine Therapy!

Matt Monarch & The Magic Raw Cookie Paradigm Parody

The benefits of going vegetarian: Weight loss, a healthier heart, drastically reduced cancer risk and more

Studies Prove Monsanto's Roundup Is Killing You
Anthony Gucciardi speaks with scientist Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo on the massive amounts of research that shows Monsanto's #1 selling herbicide Roundup is leading to conditions like lymphoma and DNA damage. 

Over $30M spent last year on lobbying to keep GMOs hidden in foods

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Protect Privacy on the Internet NSA Spying on Americans private data online

50 Ways to Protect Your Identity in a Digital Age: New Financial Threats You Need to Know and How to Avoid Them (2nd Edition) [Kindle Edition] Steve Weisman (Author) 10/10/2012

How to Be Invisible: Protect Your Home, Your Children, Your Assets, and Your Life [Kindle Edition]
J.J. Luna (Author) 7/17/2012

How to shield all your electronic communications from the NSA

How to Keep Your Info Private (Even From the NSA)

Documents Reveal NSA Reads Your Internet Chats: Here’s How to Avoid Being Spied On




混合農藥是否經過專業指導。他說:「全靠自己摸索,靠經驗吧。在耕種以 及剛下種時會用比較厲害的藥品,其中包括「克百威」及「甲拌磷」。因為是用來殺地下的蟲,所以通常會直接灑在地裡。成長期就會混合多種農藥使用。噴了一段時間蟲 有了抗藥性,就要換藥。」



肉膠黏併台灣大雞扒 Video


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Two more reasons to take turmeric: It protects your heart, fights autoimmune disease

Chinese herbs: elixir of heath... or pesticide cocktail? 
http://adf.ly/R2B1n  Download the full report PDF
In the past these herbs grew deep in the forest, in very particular soil conditions and picked at specific times. But in a new era of industrial agriculture all of this has changed, with herbs now grown in farms that are heavily dependent on chemical pesticides. 

New study finds 7 in 10 Americans on at least one prescription drug, many of which can be deadly

Bought Trailer
The hidden story about vaccines, autism, drugs and food... Americas health has been BOUGHT.

Regular consumption of red and processed meats boosts diabetes risk by nearly fifty percent
A research team from the University of Singapore reports their findings in the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) that demonstrates a strong correlation between red and processed meat consumption and the risk of developing type II diabetes (T2DM).

Two more reasons to take turmeric: It protects your heart, fights autoimmune disease

How to spot a medical quack - top 10 signs

Basil is an anti-aging superfood

On a budget? Try these affordable six superfood staples

Sungazing: Discover the bright rewards of this ancient practice

Benefits of elderberries, plus a recipe

Ed Snowden beware: U.S. State Dept. has confirmed history of running covert abductions of Americans in Ecuador
June 24, 2013

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悅意 - 有機當歸粉

Bhutan on the Road to Becoming Fully Organic

藜麥 Quinoa  ,也稱灰米,屬藜科的草本植物,源於南美洲安第斯山脈,有「印加黃金」之稱,普遍用作五穀,但其實是種子,其口感像芝麻,帶淡淡堅果味。

右腦退化 記憶力下降

Water Kefir 同「天山雪蓮菌」是否同種?
天山雪蓮菌的英文名是 Milk Kefir ,其顆粒是蛋白質、脂質和糖組成的基質上的細菌和酵母菌的複合體,外觀呈白色鬆軟芝士或椰菜花狀,與 Water Kefir 的半透明白色不規則晶體顆粒不同。另外,它與 Water Kefir 生長條件的不同,天山雪蓮菌要在牛奶或羊奶等奶製品中發酵,會產生酸的、充滿碳酸氣、略含有酒精的類似酸奶的飲料。
Water Kefir 或「天山雪蓮菌」對癌症病人有用嗎?


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