


悅意 - 有機當歸粉

Bhutan on the Road to Becoming Fully Organic

藜麥 Quinoa  ,也稱灰米,屬藜科的草本植物,源於南美洲安第斯山脈,有「印加黃金」之稱,普遍用作五穀,但其實是種子,其口感像芝麻,帶淡淡堅果味。

右腦退化 記憶力下降

Water Kefir 同「天山雪蓮菌」是否同種?
天山雪蓮菌的英文名是 Milk Kefir ,其顆粒是蛋白質、脂質和糖組成的基質上的細菌和酵母菌的複合體,外觀呈白色鬆軟芝士或椰菜花狀,與 Water Kefir 的半透明白色不規則晶體顆粒不同。另外,它與 Water Kefir 生長條件的不同,天山雪蓮菌要在牛奶或羊奶等奶製品中發酵,會產生酸的、充滿碳酸氣、略含有酒精的類似酸奶的飲料。
Water Kefir 或「天山雪蓮菌」對癌症病人有用嗎?


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Chinese herbs: elixir of heath... or pesticide cocktail?

Chinese herbs: elixir of heath... or pesticide cocktail? 
http://adf.ly/R2Aqd  Read more
http://adf.ly/R2B1n  Download the full report PDF
In the past these herbs grew deep in the forest, in very particular soil conditions and picked at specific times. But in a new era of industrial agriculture all of this has changed, with herbs now grown in farms that are heavily dependent on chemical pesticides. 

綠色和平最新檢測中港兩地 9 個城市共 65 個中藥材樣本,發現逾 74% 含有殘餘農藥,並驗出混合殘餘農藥、多種禁用農藥,以及遠超於歐盟標準的農藥殘留量,情況令人擔憂。問題癥結在於:

香港政府監管機制嚴重落後,逾萬種中藥材中只有不足 2% 列入規管
全球有 40 億人曾使用中藥治療,世界市場有多達 7 成中藥材原材料來自中國,因此中國的中藥材殘餘農藥問題影響深遠。請立即登記緊貼最新進展,與我們攜手阻止中藥材繼續受到農藥污染。




New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures

New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures

Organic coconut oil: A superfood with amazing health benefits

Supercharge your health with seaweed
Safest source for sea vegetables
Sea vegetables act like a sponge and absorb minerals and heavy metals in the water. This is why they are such rich sources of calcium, magnesium and iodine but they also can soak up lead, arsenic and cadmium. Many ecologists use sea vegetables as a biomonitor to determine levels of heavy metal pollution in a body of water. They seem to absorb arsenic more than other metals. Hijiki has been tested to have the highest levels of arsenic.
It is always best to look for sea vegetables from a highly reputable company where it is raised in a certified organic manner. With the radiation fall-out in the Pacific Ocean many are concerned this is affecting the iodine of the sea vegetable. This has yet to be proven but always look for clean organic sources. Some of the best are from the clean waters off the coast of Maine.

China approves three new GMO seed varieties for import
June 22, 2013 
According to Reuters, China's agricultural ministry has officially authorized the import of three new varieties of GM soy, all of which are grown in Brazil, the world's second largest soy producer - the U.S. is number one. One of the varieties, known as Intacta RR2, is produced by none other than Monsanto, while the other two varieties, CV127 and Liberty Link, are produced by BASF Plant Science and Bayer, respectively. All three varieties collectively represent Brazil's largest agricultural product.
If carbon dioxide is so bad for the planet, why do greenhouse growers buy CO2 generators to double plant growth?
June 22, 2013

Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid – Hazardous Ingredients In Supplements

Problem with Magnesium Stearate and Absorption.

Feeding the soil: An introduction to the no-till gardening method

Department of Homeland Security DHS documents prove Boston Marathon bombing was false flag 'drill' planned months in advance
June 22, 2013 

Will Obama murder whistleblower and American patriot Edward Snowden with drones? Ron Paul expresses serious concerns
June 22, 2013

Sri Nanda-Nandanastakam - Deva Premal 

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