



廣州 2013年02月06日  綠色和平調查廣東品牌蔬菜的生產品質,揭發品牌蔬菜農殘情況與非品牌蔬菜相若,當中「旺泰佳」的蔬菜更含有中國禁用農藥氟蟲腈,以及農藥毒死蜱超標。在其種植基地的蔬菜及水源樣本中,發現含有中國禁用農藥硫丹。

家居致癌物氾濫 世衛促限用
塑化劑雙酚A溴化阻燃劑高危 可致不育


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'Organic' from China exposed: The shocking truth about 'organic' foods grown in the world's worst environmental cesspool

10 Scientific Reasons Why You Need a Rebounder!

50 ways to love your liver: Home remedies to detox and keep the life in your liver
Innocent farmers being blamed for failure of Monsanto's frankencrops
'Organic' from China exposed: The shocking truth about 'organic' foods grown in the world's worst environmental cesspool

Eight Big Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods

Ducks develop severe wing deformities after eating human food

Feeding the birds; which usually involves throwing chunks of bread or other human food scraps at flocks of geese and ducks, is actually causing many of these creatures to develop severe wing deformities, a fact that was recently corroborated in a study conducted by the city of Sacramento.

"Feeding bread, seed, crackers, chips, popcorn or even bird seed to ducks is the equivalent of feeding your child nothing but candy," explains the official website of North Richland Hills, Texas, about ducks and the environment. "Ducks like the bread or other food, and will clamor for it much like a child will ask for candy. But the human food has no nutritional value for waterfowl; it fills their stomachs up so that they do not eat the foods they need in order to remain healthy."

Could Cell Phones Be Killing the Honey Bee?

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12 Best & Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Estrogens in Cooked Meat

12 Best & Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Family sugar remedy tested for healing people's wounds

Pouring granulated sugar on wounds 'can heal them faster than antibiotics'

Cleanest sources for chlorella revealed: Natural News publishes metals contamination test results for world's most famous superfood

Shock finding: Most probiotic supplements made with genetically modified flow agents, fillers

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MSG: Many Secrets Guarded (opinion)

防雞染病 黑心雞農餵禁藥

MSG: Many Secrets Guarded (opinion)

Home Remedies for Ringworm – 6 Natural Ringworm Treatments

What You See in the Toilet Can Give You Valuable Insights into Your Health

Danger from Microwaves Worse than You Think

Top 10 Animal Myths

Imported seafood is full of chemicals, drugs and feces - yet the FDA inspects hardly any of it

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12 easy ways to remove acid build-up from your body, alkalize your pH and beat disease





Choosing a water filtration system

12 easy ways to remove acid build-up from your body, alkalize your pH and beat disease

Children Raised on Farms Develop Better Immune Systems

Can vegans stomach the unpalatable truth about quinoa?
Ethical consumers should be aware poor Bolivians can no longer afford their staple grain, due to western demand raising prices

Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops
How should a regulatory agency announce they have discovered something potentially very important about the safety of products they have been approving for over twenty years?

GMOs: We need to go way beyond labeling to keep any healthy food

Simple healing recipes for cleansing your liver and blood

Seven amazing health benefits of sunlight

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Intrusive body scanners to be used at cruise terminal, airport

Go Raw! 歲晚自身大掃除
過兩天便是年廿八,家居洗邋遢進程固然準備就緒,但是常言道齊家前先要修身,又是否要以最純淨的食物果腹,清理身體裏的「污糟嘢」? 提倡Raw Food的綠色分子,認為不經高溫烹煮才能保存食材原來的營養價值。一於就趁年廿八,認識這個比Go Green更純粹的食潮。

隱世齋堂 心裏有素 

萬綺雯 「素」來識食

Intrusive body scanners to be used at cruise terminal, airport
Controversial devices that perform 'virtual strip search' for contraband to be installed at cruise terminal and airport, raising privacy fears
A controversial body scanning system that can see through clothing and has sparked privacy concerns at airports worldwide is to be installed at the new Kai Tak cruise passenger terminal next year.

Dumbed-down populations accept outrageous vaccine logic

Deep fried foods increase risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer by one-third

Tens of thousands of U.S. kids subjected to needless cancer-causing CT scans

Australian government caught spraying highly-dangerous, illegal chemicals on fragile wetlands
Gloricide - endocrine-disrupting herbicide solution

Vietnamese babies potty trained by nine months old

America, land of the 'quick fix' culture

Ice Bath Therapy Runners Recovery Benefits Drawbacks

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26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System

26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System

Why Are Finland's Schools Successful?

Why do Finland's schools get the best results?

Finland's Revolutionary Education System

Finland's education success

When it comes to international results, Finland's schools score consistently at the top.
However, pupils study the fewest number of class hours in the developed world.
The BBC travels to Helsinki to find out the secret of the Finns' education success.

Why Education in Finland Works

AFT President Randi Weingarten visits schools in Finland to learn how they have ascended to the top in student achievement.

Finland's Formula for School Success (Education Everywhere Series)

Early intervention and sustained individual support for every student are keys to educating the whole child in Finnish schools. 

Inside Finland's education system

Finland's students have been lauded as having some of the highest test scores in math, science and reading among developed countries. Teachers from two very different schools share their stories.


U.S. government to allow radioactive waste metals to be 'recycled' into consumers products like belt buckles, silverware




購自蔘茸行 含有老鼠藥

Viral Gene in Genetically Engineered Foods Could Promote Disease

U.S. government to allow radioactive waste metals to be 'recycled' into consumers products like belt buckles, silverware

Hidden, deadly viral gene found in commercial GMO crops

Yet more evidence emerges that our universe is a grand simulation created by an intelligent designer

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Squatting to defecate improves colon health and lowers hemorrhoid risk

Squatting to defecate improves colon health and lowers hemorrhoid risk

Health Benefits of the Natural Squatting Position

6 movements we should be able to easily do (Part 2)

Eating hot food from melamine plates increases risk of kidney stones

The Looming Future of GMO Technology: Transhumanism, Biocrops, and More

How Your Cell Phone Might Be Killing You | Keen On...Dr. Devra Davis

Ashton Kutcher Does The Fruitarian Diet Parody - graphic language.

Burn Fat In 4 Minutes - Tabata Workout #1 - Live Lean TV

BURN FAT FAST Tabata Workout : You Have 4 Minutes #1 - BEXLIFE

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GMO A Go Go - Truth about GMOs explained in new animated cartoon

水耕菜並非有機菜 Hydroponics is not organic vegetables

[真實記錄]一隻內疚的花豹 Facebook Video




灰濛濛的帝都 烏卒卒的肺
如果覺得,普通巿民既不用上京述職,亦不必赴京求救,安居香港就無事,這便想得太簡單,太天真了。一城之隔的廣州近日亦灰霾濃罩,中國環境科學院發表的一份研究報告就指廣州全年有一半的日子,天色都是灰濛濛的,PM2.5 濃度長期超過國家標準。綠色和平於去年12月底,邀請兩位義工在廣州每天二十小時配備可模擬呼吸的PM2.5採集器,化驗後發現他們每天可能吸入的PM2.5的濃度平均值比世衛組織的標準25微克,超出近四倍。收集PM2.5微粒的濾膜都變得烏卒卒,難怪鐘南山教授就說過:「五十歲以上的廣州人的肺都是黑色的。」



Doctors kill 2,450% more Americans than all gun-related deaths combined

GMO A Go Go - Truth about GMOs explained in new animated cartoon

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Fish caught near Fukushima shows more than 2,500 times legal radiation limit for human consumption

自家種菇吃 隨時變「種」毒


Another problem
ALL 玉米澱粉 is from GM corn
Most 米 in China is GM rice

7糖蓮子1八仙果 防腐劑超標

Ozone: How it can repair injured tissue and relieve pain

Black cumin or Black Seed : The secret miracle heal-all remedy

Learn how to detoxify electromagnetic radiation and more with bentonite clay

BPA-free products still toxic, study finds
Growing consumer concern over BPA has led many manufacturers to replace it with the related chemical BPS. However, the new study shows that BPS also functions as an estrogen mimic.
"I think we should all stop and be very cautious about just accepting [BPS] as a substitute for BPA," lead author Cheryl S. Watson said. "We should question the whole process about how we introduce chemicals into the marketplace without properly testing them first."

Fish caught near Fukushima shows more than 2,500 times legal radiation limit for human consumption

Pentavalent vaccine killing children in India, Vietnam

Warning: Many childhood vaccines contain aborted human fetal protein, DNA

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Scary things contaminating our food supply

周兆祥談坐廁/ 蹲廁

Do Bluetooth® Headsets Cause Cancer?

Don't Play Through the Pain: Alternative Exercises for Injured People
by Christie Matheson

For a Beautiful Smile: 7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Calories from sugary soft drinks are more likely to cause weight gain

Routine ultrasound testing not proven safe for pregnant women

Scary things contaminating our food supply

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At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine

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諫肉 - 一位著名腫瘤專家肉食  
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Shock finding: Most probiotic supplements made with genetically modified flow agents, fillers

At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine

Seven ways GMO toxicity affects animals, plants and soil

Study finds that eating fruits and vegetables improves optimism

Cell Phones and Brain Cancer: Group Warns RF Radiation Exposure Poses Health Risks to Cell Phone Users, Bernstein Liebhard LLP Reports
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is currently investigating cell phone radiation lawsuits on behalf of individuals who developed brain cancer, allegedly due to long-term cell phone use.

The unplugged home
A growing movement believes that in order to enjoy life to its fullest, you need to do some things the old-fashioned way (translation: technology-free)

Fibonacci numbers - The Fingerprint of God

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