
Mysterious illness strikes hundreds of flight attendants, causes rashes and hair loss - are 'toxic uniforms' really to blame or is it Fukushima?

一廈7手機信號站 居民憂輻射



Mysterious illness strikes hundreds of flight attendants, causes rashes and hair loss - are 'toxic uniforms' really to blame or is it Fukushima?

Flashpoints Daily Newsmag 05-09-12. Dr. Michio Kaku  

The raw foods diet greatly increased the quality of life of individuals struggling with fibromyalgia

Plume-gate: Secret documents prove global cover-up of continued Fukushima radiation pollution

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老醫師二次大戰日本原子彈爆炸後倖存 94歲仍硬朗

Satya Narayana Pooja Mantras - Holy Spiritual Chantings

老醫師二次大戰日本原子彈爆炸後倖存 94歲仍硬朗


25年後 - 今天 切爾諾貝爾核電廠(圖)

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搶救切爾諾貝爾 ( Battle of Chernobyl 1986') Film

日本福島核輻射我們可以做什麼 ?

Total information blackout on Fukushima Unit 4 reactor raises serious questions about truth of situation

Mainstream media halts accurate reporting on Japan's worsening nuclear catastrophe; disinfo campaign now underway

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U.S. Senator sounds alarm about 'precarious' Fukushima situation, warns of imminent release of radiation

眼科醫:螢幕解析度再高 久視仍易不適 

U.S. Senator sounds alarm about 'precarious' Fukushima situation, warns of imminent release of radiation

Episode 0128- RVR- The Fruitarian Diet Work with Michael Arnstein

S.O.S. alert: Help STOP Out-of-control Science from destroying us all

Infographic - S.O.S. - Stop Out-of-Control Science
Sports and energy drinks irreversibly damage teeth by 'bathing' them in acid

Changing the oil in your car every 3,000 miles is a SCAM!

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Fukushima woman eats high radiation diet because she can't say no to her mother

Fukushima woman eats high radiation diet because she can't say no to her mother

One man creates 1,360 acre forest

A vegan diet offers relief from inflammatory disease and reduces heart disease risk

Pineapple's bromelain enzyme provides amazing health benefits

Turning plastic into oil would eliminate plastic waste and stick it to greedy oil companies

Vaccine bombshell: Baby monkeys given standard doses of popular vaccines develop autism symptoms
The Measles Lie, and the ongoing ad campaign disguised as news

Four different approaches for preventing and healing vaccine injuries

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Breast Cancer Survivor & Six-Time Ironman Triathlete, Dr. Ruth Heidrich 80/10/10 Interview

毒甲醛噴白菜 菜農稱保鮮  

山東毒白菜 噴致癌甲醛成潛規則 


Time to Eat the Dog?: The Real Guide to Sustainable Living [Paperback]
Robert Vale (Author), Brenda Vale (Author) 



Breast Cancer Survivor & Six-Time Ironman Triathlete, Dr. Ruth Heidrich 80/10/10 Interview
Today, we have an EPIC INTERVIEW! Dr. Ruth Heidrich, a breast cancer survivor and record setting female Ironman athlete shares her time, experience, and insights with us. The interview is a bit long, but it's worth the listening time. Dr. Ruth even discusses how she has increased her bone density, in her 50s!
Join Dr. Graham and sponsor FoodnSport's very own, Grant Campbell, at the Woodstock Fruit Festival!
Connect with Dr. Graham & FoodnSport:

Earthing: A simple (and free) way to reduce pain and inflammation
Use these natural remedies to fight and overcome superbugs

The People vs. Monsanto: How the lying giant prevailed (opinion)

Chief executive of GAVI wants to 'immunize every kid on earth'

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The Christ of India - Essene roots of Christianity

The Christ of India
Essene roots of Christianity

Their contact and interchange with Indian religion–Brahminical practices in particular–were manifested in several ways among the Essenes:

1. They practiced strict non-violence.

2. They were absolute vegetarians and would not touch alcohol in any form. Nor would they eat any food cooked by a non-Essene. (Edersheim says: "Its adherents would have perished of hunger rather than join in the meals of the outside world.")

3. They refused to wear anything of animal origin, such as leather or wool, usually making their clothes of linen.

4. They rejected animal sacrifice, insisting that the Torah had not originally ordered animal sacrifice, but that its text had been corrupted–in regard to that and many other practices as well. Their assertion was certainly corroborated by passages in the scriptures such as: "Will I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats?" (Psalms 50:13). "To what purpose [is] the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord:…I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats" (Isaiah 1:11). "For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices" (Jeremiah 7:22). The quotation from Isaiah is particularly relevant since he was himself the Master of the Essenes.

The disciples of Saint Thomas

By their own preference the disciples of Saint Thomas were usually referred to in India as "Ishannis." This means "of Isha," just as Lutheran means "of Luther." Although Jesus' Aramaic name was Yeshua, in India he was known as Isha. Perhaps Ishanni could awkwardly, but accurately, be translated "Jesusites" or "Isha-ites." Some Indian scholars such as Swami Abhedananda make the conjecture that either Ishanni is actually a derivation of Essene (Essenees), or that the Essenes themselves were called Ishannis, "Isha" in their case being a reference to God "the Lord." This would certainly reveal their Indian spiritual roots.

Some Distinctive Traits of the Ishanni Sampradaya

A great number of the Ishanni Sampradaya's characteristics have already been discussed, but a few more should be mentioned to help us better understand the Ishanni Sampradaya.

1. Ishannis were vegetarians, abstaining absolutely from meat, fish, and eggs–as well as from alcohol–in any form or quantity. (In 1604, many Ishannis of Cranganore fled into the hills to escape being forced by the Western missionaries to eat fish.)

3. Ishannis held that the twin laws of karma and rebirth were the fundamental truths about human existence, and that without them no religious or personal philosophy can be either true or viable.

4. Ishannis believed that there are three eternal things: God (Parameshwara), the individual souls (jivas), and primordial matter (pradhana or mulaprakriti). These three are the real Father, Son(s), and Holy Spirit (Mahashakti)–or: Pita, Putra, and Prakriti. From the standpoint of God these three are one in an incomprehensible manner. From the standpoint of the individual soul these three are distinct from one another.

Unknown Life of Jesus Christ

The Four Soul Killers

For this reason those who seek higher consciousness should scrupulously avoid: 1) all animal flesh, including fish and eggs; 2) tobacco in any form; 3) alcohol in any form; and 4) mind-altering drugs, including the legal ones. The use of these substances is a form of mental and spiritual suicide–and often physical suicide, too, for the number of suicides committed by those who are pumped full of "tranquillizers" and "anti-depressants" is simply incredible.

Meat, Fish, and Eggs

First let us look at meat. The effect of meat on the mental and psychic states of those who eat it is detrimental to the attempt at attaining higher consciousness. It is even destructive of normal, balanced mental states for, as stated above, our minds are fields of energy which absorb the subtle energies of whatever we eat and are affected thereby. To eat meat is to absorb the mental state of the animal.

The Cave Where Jesus Stayed
A growing mass of evidence indicates that Jesus spent much of his "Lost Years" in India.

This is the cave north of Rishikesh in which Jesus lived for some time. In the last century both Swami Rama Tirtha and Swami (Papa) Ramdas lived there (at separate times), and had visions of Jesus meditating there, though they had no prior knowledge of his having lived there.

Spiritual Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet
Chapter Four of How to Be a Yogi

Christian Vegetarianism
The Esoteric Side Of Diet


Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous

Use vinegar to kill weeds naturally and give Monsanto's Roundup the heave ho

Artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers are dangerous

The anti-aging superfood avocado

Discover a common yard weed that's proven to kill cancer cells

Learn about the amazing health benefits of juicing raw cannabis (marijuana) leaves

Chemist declares fluoride to be 'one of the greatest public health threats of modern times'

No jab, no education: New CA law requires middle schoolers to provide proof of Tdap vaccination in order to receive education

Graphic photos surface of Michigan DNR forced shooting of baby pigs, breastfeeding momma pig

Hacking expert David Chalk says 100 percent certainty of catastrophic failure of smart energy grid within three years

Dangerous glass fibers in cigarettes worsen lung damage for smokers

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The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

新北市男子方進木怕付不起搜救費…電告妻子別報案 山區迷路枉送命  



紅燒肉添加劑食上癮 「如罌粟欲罷不能」 專家警告有害  

新 app監察手機輻射

講手機怕吸收太多「輻射」? 以色列App提供警示  

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking
by Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell

Human genes engineered into experimental GMO rice being grown in Kansas

The greatest (health) lie from medicine

Five hidden health dangers around the house

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榴槤 Durian 水果簡介

榴槤 英文:Durian - 水果






台灣進口榴槤有一半是來自泰國,1997年更高達3.6萬頓;在泰國當地人較喜愛青尼(Chanee),原因在於它有非常濃厚的榴槤香,但果肉率不及金枕頭,故國人大都以消費金枕頭MonThong 為主。另還有甲倫(干倫、KradumThong)、KanYao等品種。





簡介:Kanyao 在泰國是指果梗長之意,Kanyao 是其他榴槤品種中果梗最長的品種。圓形、扁圓、卵形,中大型果,平均果重約2-3.5公斤,果皮綠色,果肉淡黃色,味甜,種子大。


擁有高科技極速冷凍技術和真空急凍乾燥設備,利用這些技術與設備,將新然水果極速冷凍乾燥後,只剩約3%的水份,重量縮減了90%以上,保留下水果本身的鮮味、色澤,而營養成份也不流失,再加以真空包裝,無任何添加物(防腐劑、糖、添加劑),Sunshine 公司也通過HACCP、GMP、 ISO 9001等多項認證,品質有保證。




水果 月份 4 - 7



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