
NASA space weather prediction center predicts massive M9-class solar eruption to strike earth today

1 Minute Raw Meal

NASA space weather prediction center predicts massive M9-class solar eruption to strike earth today
January 23, 2012 

Avoid antibiotics - There are alternatives

Toxic chemical formaldehyde found in common personal care products

Monsanto: 'There is no need for, or value in testing the safety of GM foods in humans'
Cigarette tobacco leaves are genetically engineered to produce pesticides

Parsley attracts predatory insects that protect your garden against pests
Planting beans to fix nitrogen in the soil, corn for the beans to climb, and squash to shade the ground.

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Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines

9個月跨14國2.1萬公里 澳洲阿甘 Pat Farmer 北極跑到南極

Popular orange juices flavored with secret "flavor packs" not listed on the label

Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice (Yale Agrarian Studies Series) [Paperback]
Ms. Alissa Hamilton (Author)

Intermittent fasting and high intensity fitness boost HGH

Discover the Power of Chlorophyll

Four reasons to add chlorella to your diet today

Red beets and beet juice top the list of healing antioxidants due to polyphenol and betalain concentration

Refineries facing heavy government fines for not blending a biofuel that doesn't exist

Vaccine warfare! Texas carpet-bombs 7,000 square miles with air-dropped rabies vaccines

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Understand the calcium myth; here's what really makes healthy bones

治本清源(1) 不吃藥的健康智慧 伍志堅

滴滴金:生不入醫門 醫療事故 治療死亡 - 勞永樂

Study: Nearly all women with breast cancer have parabens in their breast tissue

Some foods and chemical additives cause arthritis inflammation, gout and fibromyalgia pain

New scientific study links bee deaths to pesticides

Understand the calcium myth; here's what really makes healthy bones

Learn to love fevers, not fear them

Wild edible plants and natural solutions for diabetes

Mold, rot, and filth: Why your child's school could be making him or her sick

What Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about bromelain

At least 7,000 websites black out their homepages in protest of SOPA and PIPA internet censorship bills

Sec 105 of SOPA threatens freedom of health speech, aligns with FDA Trilateral Cooperation Charter to potentially eliminate access to dietary supplements

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The Most Interesting Man In The World


聽阿祥講---- Audio

The Most Interesting Man In The World
Actor Joel Brody. Joel has been eating a raw food diet for many years, vegetarian for over 40 years. See his acting site at http://joelbrody.com

10 Animal Quotes

Radiation poisoning? Homeopathic and other natural remedies provide protection and treatment

Dulse is a clinically proven antioxidant, protein source, and plant-based source of iodine and potassium

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Five practical ways to raise your consciousness in 2012 (and beyond)

Teenage bee keeper on a mission to save the bees from colony collapse disorder

Medical journal openly questions science, ethics of HPV vaccinations
At least 12 schoolgirls in New York develop debilitating mystery illness, health department refuses to disclose cause (Gardasil?)

Seaweed fibers boost weight loss

25 Amazing (and Weird) Facts About How Food is Made and Where it Comes From

Fabric softeners contain toxic chemicals

Five practical ways to raise your consciousness in 2012 (and beyond)

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Anemia Treatment Information Video

Anemia solutions through foods, herbs and nutritional supplements

Anemia Videos

Barley grass improves health in type 2 diabetics and reduces cholesterol

Anemia sufferers - Improve your absorption of iron
July 22, 2011

Naturally avoid and correct dangerous anemia
March 23, 2011 

RAW Juicing for Iron Deficient Anemia: Michael & Gina Share: Parsley, Spinach, Chard, Lemon

How to Counter Anemia Naturally through Correct Diet
September 04, 2010 

Spirulina helps treat anemia

Folic acid deficiencies are widespread; here's why nearly everyone needs more folate
December 29, 2005

Anemia news, articles and information:

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Sprouting Chia Seeds

綠色和平項目主任江卓珊表示,易潔鑊塗層中可能含有全氟化合物(PFCs),它具有不粘、防水等的特性,不過部分全氟化合物已被實證有干擾內分泌的作用,能夠影響發育中的免疫系統,以及令生物雌性化、精子數量減少、甚至不育,故此,當易潔鑊塗層損壞後,最好立即停止使用。plus toxic 塗層 will melt at high temp.

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葉子僑 Bella Ip 麵包製作

BOKASHI 廚餘處理系統

Bed, Bath & Beyond pulls radioactive tissue holders off shelves

Are UN soldiers responsible for bring deadly cholera superbug to the Americas? Scientists say yes


Study: Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US, mostly babies, in weeks following disaster

Study: Fukushima killed at least 14,000 people in the US, mostly babies, in weeks following disaster

Flier health in danger as Canadian Authorities trial in-flight Wifi

How to detox aluminum and why it's necessary
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 by: PF Louis

Pepsi's lawyers say Mountain Dew can dissolve a mouse

Eating healthy on a budget
Juicing medical marijuana the latest trend in amazing cures

Proteins, not sugar, increase energy expenditure

Gardasil - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls

Law enforcement officials can now secretly install GPS tracking on your vehicle and spy on you without a warrant, says judge

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Plastic like substance being peeled off fresh Romaine lettuce leaves



Plastic Lettuce
Plastic like substance being peeled off fresh Romaine lettuce leaves

The China Study AudioBook (Disc 1 , Track 1)

Stop Iatrogenesis - The number three killer in America is preventable

Recent breast implant scandal shows lunacy of injecting silicone into the body

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Whole Grains Flours Guide

Guide to Whole Grains and Flours | WholeFoodsMarket

Whole Grains - Get The Facts
Is whole wheat flour whole grain?

Whole Grain Flour Breakdown

A whole-grain glossary
Twenty whole grains to cook and eat
By Carrie Floyd June 19, 2008

Flour from Grains


JUST DO IT - How to be a Fruitarian!

香港攀登名將 ○八年長洲太平清醮搶包山冠軍黎志偉撞車傷脊椎恐癱

草苑日本語學校證實 2遇害台灣女林芷瀅和朱立婕為該校學生
東京留學生血案 死者朱立婕曾夢被追殺

JUST DO IT - How to be a Fruitarian!

Ani Phyo's 2012 Raw Food Jumpstart Report 

Study debunks myths on organic farms
By Paul Hanley, Special to The StarPhoenix October 17, 2011

The tragic news coming out of Argentina is 14 babies who participated in a vaccine trial died. 

13-year-old Girl Runs 50-Mile Ultramarathon
MacKenzie Riford, 13, and her mom take on the JFK Ultramarathon

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18 of Nature’s Most Powerful Medicinal Plants

潮州饒平男生邱燦松狂斬8人求槍斃 自稱想死 被砍30刀女生邱麗梅危殆

【本報訊】這婚宴沒有豪華裝飾,但有藍天綠蔭作伴;新娘拒絕穿金戴銀,以草織婚戒做證;逾百賓客自備碗筷,品嚐沒有鮑參翅肚的有機素食,席間充滿歡樂。一對 80後新人昨舉行了一場綠色婚禮,身體力行告訴大家,婚禮毋須物質堆砌,回歸自然,更叫難忘。

野人.阿牛 Green Couple真人示範 11年 03月02日

Find health with the super food synergy of Indian gooseberry and African mango

Local farms use human waste as fertilizer, renamed "biosolids"

Fisetin from fruits and vegetables protects the aging brain and helps fight cancer

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