
One More Girl documentary about dangers of HPV vaccine needs YOUR support

One More Girl documentary about dangers of HPV vaccine needs YOUR support

WHO scandal exposed: Advisors received kickbacks from H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
June 05, 2010 by Mike Adams

4嬰猝死 日停用兩款腦膜炎與肺炎疫苗
Scientists deliberately create 127 hybrid viruses from H1N1, then warn they are dangerous

Unreliable detection and twice the radiation - FDA approves new mammogram technology
A Woman's Best Hope for Detection of Breast Cancer Does Not Need to Involve Radiation

The myth of the normal mammogram
Because screening does not detect all cancers and does not detect all cancers sufficiently early to permit cure, screening should not be thought of as a method to reassure someone she does not have cancer.

The Ownership of All Life [Kindle Edition]
Jon Rappoport (Author)
Jon Rappoport removes the mask from gigantic corporate strategies and reveals their underlying ambitions: not only control of vast material power but the owning of life processes themselves, literally making the planet a commodity. From media scandals to government collusion and cover-up, from sterilization vaccines to genetically engineered patented food crops, from an epidemic of medical malpractice resulting in widespread death to fraudulent AIS research, these notes provide a picture of global takeover by modern pirates whose front is complete respectability and "concern for human life." Read this expose of the big lie.

Vibram Five Fingers: Discover the Barefooting Alternative

Sugar-sweetened drinks cause higher blood pressure
high-fructose corn syrup

The 8 Commandments of Natural Beauty
Green beauty tips covering natural cosmetics, organic skincare products and other basics of natural beauty.

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Shocking Truth about High Bone Density & Breast Cancer

Foolish the doctor who despises the knowledge acquired by the ancients. ~ Hippocrates

- 古希臘著名醫學之父希波克拉提斯

The Shocking Truth about High Bone Density & Breast Cancer, and Much More...
In this lecture series Sayer Ji, deconstructs the illegitimate logic surrounding DXA scans, the T-Score, Bone Drugs, Too Much Calcium, and the amazing connection between higher bone density and 200-300%+ increased risk of Breast Cancer. 

Common Medical Procedure Dangers
This database provides information on the potential risks associated with common medical procedures and related technologies.

X-ray Diagnostic Technologies

X-ray Mammography

Vaccination: Hepatitis B

Vaccination: HPV (Gardisil)

Fukushima Reactor No. 3 suffers likely core breach, now leaking water at 10,000 times normal radiation levels

14座在地震高危險區核電廠 台灣4座都上榜

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Prostate cancer screening has zero benefit, concludes 20-year study

全國最少六個省共數千人被感染一種被稱為 陰性愛滋病
的陰滋病 殺入香港

SANE Vax, Inc. presents global concerns about HPV vaccines at the British Society for Ecological Medicine Conference

Prostate cancer screening has zero benefit, concludes 20-year study
In other words, prostate cancer screening is really a bogus test used to exploit men's fear and recruit them into unnecessary and potentially harmful cancer treatments.

Study: Pesticides, toxins can absorb directly into crops through soil

Medical doctors speak out about why they avoid naked body scanners at airports
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說文識字 - 正

Protect against radiation safely and naturally with purple dulse
Monday, April 11, 2011

Sperm counts continue to plummet, say researchers

Plasma donation impairs the circulation

Scientists discover way to create "green" cars from fruit fibers

Many Eco-friendly bulbs contain toxic chemicals
The LED bulbs sold as safe and eco-friendly can contain high levels of lead, arsenic and other hazardous substances, a new UC Irvine study shows — the same bulbs widely used in headlights, traffic lights, even holiday lights.

HPV - The bad-girl of STDs

Doctors don't tell patients the truth about the treatments they'd use themselves

Bentonite clay adsorbs radiation
Bentonite, an edible, mineral-rich clay, has been used for centuries to draw toxins away from intestinal walls while cleansing the colon. Another use for bentonite clay is adsorption of radiation.

Nuclear Energy Free No Nuclear Power Plants 

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A Tragic Decision That May Have Cost Steve Jobs His Life?

德國六歲大肉牛逃亡百日投案 全家甭做牛排了
German Fugitive Cow, Yvonne, On The Run


「菜籃伯」騎淑女車 鐵人三項奪第四名


Picture of 2011 Hong Kong National Triathlon Championships 
- 10 October 2011 by Bello

2011 Meat Eater's Guide to Climate Change + Health

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Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer

Steve Jobs dead at 56, his life ended prematurely by chemotherapy and radiotherapy for cancer

TSA celebrates Breast Cancer Awareness month by fondling survivor's breasts

Scientific studies conclude GMO feed causes organ disruption in animals

Why Are Toxin Proteins Genetically Engineered Into Your Food?
You're Likely Eating Foods That Contain a Built-in Pesticide and Don't Even Know It

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蘋果公司 iPhone4S預訂搶手半日售逾20萬部

星島日報 – 2011年10月8日星期六

雖然蘋果公司推售iPhone5的計畫泡湯,日前宣布發售iPhone 4S後令許多人大失所望,但蘋果公司創辦人喬布斯逝世後,iPhone4S突然成為搶手貨,未正式開售已經掀起熱潮。


美國AT&T宣布,在周五開始接受 iPhone4S預訂的頭12小時內,預訂的數目已經超過20萬部。這是自從蘋果公司推出iPhone系列智能手機以來,預售情況最成功的一款產品。

  AT&T的競爭對手包括Sprint Nextel公司、Verizon Wireless,也於周五起接受消費者預訂iPhone 4S,但該兩家公司都沒有披露預訂數目。

  華爾街分析家表示,儘管iPhone5告吹令不少「蘋果迷」失望,但iPhone 4S無論在在硬件和軟件方面,都作出了多項重要的改進,相信正式推出後會獲得消費者受落,成為另一款熱賣產品,也定必為蘋果公司帶來豐厚利潤。


Vegetarian Quotes

Vegan and vegetarian Quotes

Vegetarian Quotes & Thoughts

Vegan Quotes

a great list of vegetarian quotes to live by


Swimming feat of limbless Frenchman Philippe Croizon

貪靚潮女染髮變豬頭 逾九成永久性染髮劑含苯二胺 PPD 成分


辛亥革命尚未成功 10/03/2011


Swimming feat of limbless Frenchman Philippe Croizon
BBC News, Paris

5 Reasons to Eat Less Meat

Dangerous Toxins From Genetically Modified Corn Found in Blood of Women and Fetuses

The dark side of energy drinks - risking your health for temporary stimulation

Raw organic foods have stronger 'energy field' than cooked or pasteurized conventional foods

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GMO update and interview with Jeffrey Smith



四川雪寶頂2日突發雪崩 山難導致一死一傷

跣腳翻滾20米 警長董光亮墮坡危殆

GMO update and interview with Jeffrey Smith
Mike Adams (the Health Ranger) interviews Jeffrey Smith about the latest information on GMOs (genetically modified organisms) and GM foods.

How to Recover from Vaccinations
By Kal Sellers | September 16, 2011

There's wood in my food?
Wood-derived ingredients common in processed food

New study - Whole food vegetarian diets reverse and eliminate many serious illnesses

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蘋果 iPhone 5 明晨登場 5千元有找

iPhone 5明晨登場 5千元有找
經濟日報 – 

【經濟日報專訊】一眾粉絲引頸以待的新一代iPhone,料於本港時間明日凌晨登場。數月來,市場對這部智能手機寵兒推測不斷,最新傳出有電訊商誤將資料外洩,顯示蘋果公司今次將一口氣推出iPhone 5及升級版iPhone 4S。


Apple iPhone 

苦等15個月,新iPhone將於蘋果位於美國加州的總部亮相。發布會前夕,美國小型電訊商Cincinnati Bell卻不慎露口風,於網站登出新iPhone的銷售資料。雖然資料很快便遭刪除,但已被眼利的網民發現。

4吋屏幕 800萬像素鏡頭

根據有關資料,蘋果將同時推出iPhone 5及iPhone 4升級版iPhone 4S。

iPhone 5將配置4吋屏幕,較舊有版本大半吋,鏡頭升級至800萬像素,並配有更快的4G數據速度。網站顯示32G的正價為699.99美元(約5,460港元),經回贈後為639.99美元(約4,992港元)。

iPhone 4S則和iPhone 4的設置無異,但處理器升級為雙核心A5處理器,和iPhone 5及iPad 2一樣;16GB的正價為400美元(約3,120港元),經回贈後只售99.99美元(約780港元),相信走低價路綫,是為進軍新興市場舖路,與市面低價的Android智能手機打對台。


逾4成北美用家 引頸以待
全球最大獨立流動廣告網絡InMobi,上月底對智能手機用家進行調查,北美有41%用家稱,將投向iPhone 5懷抱,並以黑莓(Blackberry)用家「變心」機會最高,達52%;Android亦有27%;iPhone現有用戶計劃升級的則達51%。不過,若蘋果只推升級版iPhone 4S,便只有28%黑莓用家表示會換機。

分析亦指,蘋果或推平價iPhone 4S,可見其進入低檔市場、與平價Android手機一戰的決心。

德銀分析師Chris Whitmore相信,平價iPhone 4S對於蘋果的未來發展很重要,因公司已視中國等新興國為重要市場,預料iPhone的可獲取市場規模(TAM)將於短期內倍增,有望帶動其股價隨之上揚。

iPhone 5 亮相前夕 內地搗山寨機 只售300元 福州檢61部

iPhone 5 亮相前夕 內地搗山寨機 只售300元 福州檢61部


就在新產品發布前夕,內地新華網昨報道,福州市政府近日突擊檢查市面店舖,查獲一批山寨iPhone 5,部分功能比現時傳聞的iPhone 5更強勁,但售價只要300元人民幣。


福州市台江區工商局執法人員近日突擊檢查大利嘉數碼電子城,在店舖展櫃裏擺放的多款手機中,發現其中一款標籤為「最新iPhone 5」的手機,具有「雙卡雙待」和「數據導航」等功能。

經銷商稱這是最新的「高仿iPhone 5手機」,該手機無論是外殼材料還是操作系統,都仿冒蘋果iPhone,據稱「相似度高達90%」,手機背面也印有蘋果公司標誌。

雙卡雙待 號稱九成似

經銷商表示,該手機產自深圳。執法人員發現在手機和包裝盒上沒印有任何生產廠家的資料,也沒看到正牌手機標示的入網許可證等證明,經初步鑑定,該手機侵犯了蘋果的商標權,當場扣查61部山寨iPhone 5。


福州市台江區工商局指出,山寨iPhone 5雖以假亂真,但質量問題甚多,例如滑動屏幕菜單時,山寨手機反應十分遲緩,低價鏡頭拍的照片模糊不清;同時,山寨手機具備的雙卡雙待等功能亦有問題。

內地山寨機廠商對iPhone情有獨鍾,近月已不斷傳出有山寨iPhone 5出現,售價由200至500元不等,有部分山寨iPhone具有MP3和MP4播放功能,甚至支援Wi-Fi 無線上網,機身亦比iPhone 4更薄。






■「iPhone 5原型機」短片﹕