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WHO警告日本輻射污染擴大/福島等4縣 葉菜牛奶禁出貨

WHO警告日本輻射污染擴大/福島等4縣 葉菜牛奶禁出貨




東京等九都縣 自來水也受污染







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日強震》災區傳失控 婦女遭性侵

日強震》災區傳失控 婦女遭性侵


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List of books about energy issues

List of books about energy issues

This is a list of books about energy issues:

Title Author(s) Year
Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility Christopher A. Simon 2006
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future Jeff Goodell 2006
Brittle Power: Energy Strategy for National Security Amory Lovins 1982
The Carbon War: Global Warming and the End of the Oil Era Jeremy Leggett 1999
Canada’s Deadly Secret: Saskatchewan Uranium and the Global Nuclear System Jim Harding 2007
The Clean Tech Revolution: The Next Big Growth and Investment Opportunity Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder 2007
Crude Interventions: The United States, Oil and the New World (Dis)Order Garry Leech 2006
The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World Paul Roberts 2004
Energy and American Society: Thirteen Myths Benjamin K. Sovacool and Marilyn A. Brown (editors) 2007
Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social & Technological Case for Renewable Energy Hermann Scheer 2007
Energy Technology Perspectives International Energy Agency biennial
Energy Victory: Winning the War on Terror by Breaking Free of Oil Robert Zubrin 2007
Global Warming: Opposing Viewpoints (2002) James Haley 2002
Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy Mark Diesendorf 2007
Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of Energy Independence Robert Bryce 2008
Half Gone: Oil, Gas, Hot Air and the Global Energy Crisis Jeremy Leggett 2005
The History of the Standard Oil Company Ida M. Tarbell 1904
Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution--And How It Can Renew America Thomas L. Friedman 2008
The Hype about Hydrogen: Fact and Fiction in the Race to Save the Climate Joseph J. Romm 2004
Licensed to Kill? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Shoreham Power Plant Joan Aron 1998
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-first Century James Howard Kunstler 2005
Nuclear Implosions: The Rise and Fall of the Washington Public Power Supply System Daniel Pope 2008
Nuclear Nebraska: The Remarkable Story of the Little County That Couldn’t Be Bought Susan Cragin 2007
Nuclear or Not? Does Nuclear Power Have a Place in a Sustainable Energy Future? David Elliott 2007
Out of Gas: The End of the Age of Oil David Goodstein 2004
Outlook On Renewable Energy In America American Council on Renewable Energy 2007
The Party's Over: Oil, War, and the Fate of Industrial Societies Richard Heinberg 2003
Plows, Plagues and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of Climate William Ruddiman 2005
Power Down: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World Richard Heinberg 2004
Power Hungry: The Myths of "Green" Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future Robert Bryce 2010
Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy Gwyneth Cravens 2007
Reaction Time: Climate Change and the Nuclear Option Ian Lowe 2007
Renewable Electricity and the Grid: The Challenge of Variability Godfrey Boyle 2007
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2010
Small is profitable: The hidden economic benefits of making electrical resources the right size Amory Lovins 2002
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air David J. C. MacKay 2008
Ten Technologies to Save the Planet Chris Goodall 2008
Three Mile Island: A Nuclear Crisis in Historical Perspective J. Samuel Walker 2004
Untapped: The Scramble for Africa's Oil John Ghazvinian 2007
Whole Earth Discipline Stewart Brand 2009
Winning the Oil Endgame Amory Lovins 2005
Confronting Collapse: The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World Michael Ruppert 2009

List of books about renewable energy

List of books about renewable energy

This is a list of books about renewable energy:

Alternative Energy: Political, Economic, and Social Feasibility
The Clean Tech Revolution
Energy and American Society: Thirteen Myths
Energy Autonomy: The Economic, Social & Technological Case for Renewable Energy
Greenhouse Solutions with Sustainable Energy
Non-Nuclear Futures: The Case for an Ethical Energy Strategy
Outlook On Renewable Energy In America
Renewable Electricity and the Grid
Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation
Small is Profitable: The Hidden Economic Benefits of Making Electrical Resources the Right Size
Solar Electricity Handbook
Ten Technologies to Fix Energy and Climate
The Fourth Revolution: Energy

Cancer on the rise globally as developing nations eat American foods and use American products

Ahimsa अहिंसा   is a term meaning to do no harm 
- the avoidance of violence. 
Ahimsa means kindness and non-violence towards all living things including animals; it respects living beings as a unity, the belief that all living things are connected. 
All kinds of violence entail negative karmic consequences.


中山醫學大學應用外語系四年級學生張博崴登台灣百岳之一白姑大山失蹤 搜救無所獲 (Still not yet found)


Squatting and the knees

8 Stupid Myths about Squatting

Cancer on the rise globally as developing nations eat American foods and use American products

Breast Cancer Deception

U.S. nuclear officials suspect Japanese plant has a dire breach

公然招騁網絡打手?! 行家盡爆「打手」行內秘密

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Anti-nuclear demonstrations held across Spain

Anti-nuclear demonstrations held across Spain
(AFP) – 3/18/2011

MADRID — Hundreds of people took part in protests held across Spain Thursday to demand the closure of the country's six nuclear power stations after Japan's nuclear accident following a massive earthquake.

Demonstrators, many wearing masks or holding signs that read "No nuclear power, neither here nor in Japan", gathered in small groups in more than 30 cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia.

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The protests were organised by Greenpeace and Spanish environmental umbrella group Ecologists in Action, who want the government to gradually close the country's six nuclear power plants by 2020.

They are especially concerned over two nuclear plants -- one at Garona in the north and another at Cofrentes in the east -- which use the same boiling water reactor design as the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan that is facing a meltdown.
"What is happening in Japan shows that what is improbable ends up happening," Ecologists in Action spokesman Francisco Castejon said at the protest in Madrid, which drew around 200 people.

Castejon said renewable energy sources like wind and solar power could make up for the loss of the electricity that is currently produced at Spain's six nuclear power plants.

"Around 40 percent of the electricity which we consume comes from renewables, double the energy that comes from nuclear. Since 2004 we have exported electricity to all our neighbours," he said.

The Spanish government said Wednesday it will review security measures at all its nuclear power plants following the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeast Japan and crippled the Fukushima nuclear power station, raising the risk of uncontrolled radiation.

Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero vowed during general elections in 2004 and 2008 to gradually phase out nuclear power when the lifespan of the country's six nuclear plants expired.
But he has since softened his stance, and in July 2009 the government said it would extend the operating licence for the Garona plant for another two years until July 2013.

The government extended the life of the plant at Cofrentes by a decade on March 10, a day before the massive earthquake hit Japan.

Spain has taken a lead in renewable energy in recent years, becoming one of the world's biggest producers of electricity from wind and solar power, as it seeks to cut its oil dependence and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

利比亞大空襲 格達費官邸毀了

利比亞大空襲 格達費官邸毀了





Long Distance Phone

炸利比亞 美:孤立老格等政變




昨天首波攻擊從海上發射戰斧巡弋飛彈(Tomahawk),第二波攻擊主要由美軍戰鬥機和轟炸機執行。美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)表示,美國考慮將這次任務的主導權轉移給盟軍,可能是法國、英國,或北大西洋公約組織(NATO),時間就在「幾天之內」。

海軍中將哥特尼(William Gortney)告訴記者,昨天和今天的連續攻擊,已經給予巨大損害,大舉削弱格達費的空中防禦,阻止他的軍隊開拔到反抗軍佔據的班加西(Benghazi),並讓他的軍隊感到不知所措。






美國參謀首長聯席會議主席穆倫(Mike Mullen)今天出席多場電視訪問,解釋這次任務目的。他表示,主要目標是保護平民不受格達費軍隊進一步暴力攻擊,讓人道援助得以進行。


他在美國廣播公司(ABC)節目「本週」(This Week)上說:「我認為未來隨情況而定,現下我還無法判斷行動時間長短。」他表示,任務的早期結果非常令人振奮,美軍、盟軍或平民都沒傳出傷亡。





盲求繁榮 日本瘋建核廠

盲求繁榮 瘋建核廠
 (明報)2011年3月21日 星期一

【明報專訊】過去一周,日本    以至國際傳媒不時大談日本人忍耐、堅持及和善等所謂「民族性」。有西方評論指日本的「羞恥文化」(shame culture),促成日本人的循規蹈矩,以免被負面評價,去解釋災後「沒有搶掠」的情况。《紐約    時報》指出,日本災民的確井然有序,但也不忘指出,核災難的爆發,根源也與日本人的價值觀有關——戰後盲目追求物質財富和安逸的價值觀,促成將55個核反應堆建在這片世上地震最頻繁的土地。有評論甚至認為,很多有關日本「民族性」的吹捧,只是「神話」。


Computers Hardware

紐約博客西敏斯(Charles Simmins)在一篇名為《日本文化使核危機惡化?》的評論文章中質疑,日本人的「面子」文化,亦是加劇核危機的原因之一。他質疑,為強調形象的重要,日本文化竭盡全力掩蓋現實。「他們的社會要求服從,這與我們所說的日本價值觀『面子』相關,公司或個人的形象幾乎較任何其他品質都要重要。」他指出,東電處理今次核危機的方式,固然有為面子掩飾錯誤之嫌,日本政府也似乎出於面子問題,遲遲未有積極尋求美國    協助處理核災。

神戶地震 災區現強姦

國際傳媒近日稱讚日本災後「沒有搶掠」,但從日本傳媒和法新社昨天的宮城縣搶掠報道來看(詳見A3),這可能並非實情。美國知識分子雜誌《大西洋月刊》的博客網The Daily Dish近日便以「為何日本沒有搶劫?」為題作討論。有網民留言質疑,關於日本無搶掠的概念根本就是媒體創造出來的神話,日本詞彙中就有一個形容災難中搶掠的詞叫「kajibadorobou」(かじばどろぼう,火事場泥棒,中文即趁火打劫)。




MOX plutonium fuel used in Fukushima's Unit 3 reactor two million times more deadly than enriched uranium

MOX plutonium fuel used in Fukushima's Unit 3 reactor two million times more deadly than enriched uranium

'We have been betrayed': Mayor of town near stricken Japanese nuclear plant claims his people have been 'abandoned'

Protocol for Nuclear Contamination: Iodine, Glutathione, Chelation, Clay, Baking Soda

Precautionary and restorative measures to take in the event of radioactive contamination


Benefit from the detoxification power of activated charcoal 

Bouncing on a rebounder strengthens every cell in the body

Ten reasons to try cast iron cooking

Taking Probiotics Greatly Reduces Infections in Athletes


Yoga improves mood, reduces inflammation and relieves chronic diseases

Diet Rich in Plant-foods Aids in Preserves Muscle Mass in Older Adults

Slaughterhouse Workers Suffer Neurological Destruction From Inhaling Pig Brain Particles

Iowa legislature prompted by Big Ag to ban secret filming of animal abuse

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U.S. Surgeon Murders Patient to Harvest Organs for Waiting Recipient

U.S. Surgeon Murders Patient to Harvest Organs for Waiting Recipient

FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

古偉牧 - 失控核電 南柯夢醒 ——福島以外看核電科技
 (明報)2011年3月18日 星期五 

夫子自唱 - 劉銳紹撰文

Call to Compassion: Religious Perspectives on Animal Advocacy from a Range of Religious Perspectives
Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, and Daoist Traditions
Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Traditions
Ancient Indigenous Religious Traditions and Modern Wicca

Iodine protects the thyroid gland from radiation damage
But not all the iodine available is the same.

If you're concerned about radiation from the damaged Japanese nuclear plants...

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Iodine protects the thyroid gland from radiation damage

Iodine protects the thyroid gland from radiation damage
But not all the iodine available is the same.

by Robert Redfern, your personal health coach.

You may have heard about Iodine from the media reporting on Japan's nuclear catastrophe and the fear that winds or rain could spread radiation around the world as happened in the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. I remember this well as we were living on North Wales in the UK at the time, where so much radioactive rain fell that the sheep became radioactive.

There has been a panic rush to purchase potassium iodide (a compound of potassium and Iodine, the sort found in junk salt), which has traditionally been recommended by scientists to protect your glandular system from radiation poisoning.

The Japanese and other South East Asian governments are handing out this supplement in huge quantities to the survivors and to other citizens at risk. In an ideal world we would be getting Organic Iodine in our foods rather than taking potassium iodide (a synthetic form).

Here at Naturally Healthy Publications, we've received many requests from people wanting to know where they can find available supplies of Iodine.

At present Nascent Iodine (the nearest form of iodine closest to Organic Iodine) is the iodine supplement my whole family use everyday to stay healthy and radiation sickness is the last thing on our minds. You need this everyday just for good health.

What is iodine?

Iodine is a basic element or mineral that doctors realized over 100 years ago was critical to human health.

We now know we cannot live without it and deficiency is a contributory factor in many disease. They also realized that it is a rare mineral (47th in abundance) and it was missing in the average diet due to shortages in the soil and industrialized farming methods and it has only got worse in the junk industrialized food culture.

The form of iodine we should be ingesting should be Organic Iodine which is only available in the diet through seaweed like kelp and some seafoods

Unfortunately table salt was chosen as the method to supplement iodine in the population but they chose potassium iodide to add to sodium to make table salt as they did not fully understand organic iodine and its colloidal properties. 

I do not fully understand why they take out all of the other 65 minerals from the sea salt which would have saved countless lives.

How is organic iodine different than iodine?

The mineral, iodine is highly poisonous as basic element and it takes only three grains to kill you. 

When a plant absorbs iodine (or any minerals) from the soil or mineral it converts it to an non-toxic organic form (or better described as colloidal form). 

Organic (colloidal) Mineral research became popular in the 1930's and a leading researcher, Dr Watson demonstrated drinking a glass full of colloidal iodine to show its safety

As no land based food containing iodine can easily be identified (even organic foods), there is only seaweed and seafoods in high quantities containing organic iodine.

The closest you can get (and what my family take) to Organic Iodine is the product Nascent Iodine

Why boost my organic iodine levels to protect against radiation? If your body does not get enough of any mineral and in this case iodine then your body may take in the next (available) mineral on the periodic table.

Radioactivity contains radioactive iodine and therefore anyone deficient in iodine is at risk of absorbing this radioactive iodine which will end up all over the body in all of the places where iodine is used and especially the thyroid.

Radioactive Iodine has a life of 15 million years and so supplementation is essential throughout the lives of anyone exposed to radioactivity. 

Therefore the important thing is to get iodine into your body in a safe supplement form. This does not have to be "potassium iodide" if there is a safer supplement is available. It can also be in the form of Nascent Iodine, which is a high-quality iodine supplement that has been available in the natural product marketplace for several years. 

(Do NOT drink topical antiseptic iodine products as they may be toxic). 

To protect against radioactive contamination take 10-drops of Nascent Iodine 4 times per day.

What is iodine used for in the body normally?

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include:

Muscle cramps,
Cold hands and feet,
Proneness to weight gain,
Poor memory,
Depression and headaches,
Dry skin and brittle nails,
Selenium deficiency - Iodine is essential for utilization of selenium,
Fluoride poisoning - If iodine not in the diet then fluoride will be absorbed.

Iodine deficiency has been linked to:

Breast and other Cancers
Fibrocystic Breasts
Graves Disease
Hashimotos's Disease
Immune dysfunction
Mental Retardation - The prime cause is iodine deficiency.

It is also essential as a co-factor for the proper use of another critical trace mineral called selenium which is also no longer in the food chain and needs supplementation.

Do I need take iodine supplements daily?

The simple answer is yes. It is highly likely that everyone, including and especially children, need to take an iodine supplement. Doctors insisted on governments ensuring iodine supplementation over 100 years ago for every member of the public which is why potassium iodide was added to sodium to make table salt. 

Now doctors are aware of just how bad table salt (inc. the junk salt added to processed foods) is and are quite rightly telling their patients to STOP consuming this junk table salt. 

Even the best, sea-salt, rock salt and the latest craze, Himalayan Rock salt, do not have sufficient organic iodine to ensure good health. 

Seaweeds and sea food may have enough but you would need to check and make sure you were eating the correct levels.

Will taking iodine interfere with the drugs I am taking for my thyroid?

It is highly likely that those taking an iodine supplement or eating high levels of certain seafoods may need to lower the use of thyroid drugs. 

They therefore need to seek advice on how to measure the suitability of these drugs.

Sources for Iodine

Nascent Iodine - in a dropper bottle that enable precise measuring of the dose and especially for children.

Seaweed (kelp and Kombu) up to one oz daily for normal supplementation and normally and up to 3 ounces in emergencies, dried Variable; may be greater than 18,000 mcg (18 mg) per ounce.

Potassium Iodide supplements from your health store or multi-Vit formulas containing it.

Remember: Iodine is a mineral that is critical to your families good health and is not normally in todays diet.


Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off

Underground information on what's happening at Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan - a dirty bomb waiting to go off
March 16, 2011

紀曉風 - 毗鄰地震帶兼用國貨廣東「核電陣」圍堵香港
信報 15.3.2011

Podcast 63: Dave Wolfe on Radiation Protection

Iodine supplement supplies wiped out by nuclear fallout fear - here are the foods that contain high levels of natural iodine

Iodine protects thyroid and glandular system from radiation damage: Here's where to get some

用添加瘦肉精的飼料餵養的健美豬 豬肉可致癌

The Decade of Vaccines - Bill Gates continues his attempt to gain support
Bill Gates chooses to ignore valid independent studies that indicate there are causal links between the damage done by vaccines and the vaccines received. The picture of chronic disease of children as recent as the 1950's was almost non-existent. At the present time, nearly half of our children suffer with some form of a chronic disease during childhood and one in four is condemned to a lifetime of disease. This dramatic rise in the rate of childhood disease directly mirrors the introduction of more and more vaccines to the CDC's aggressive schedule.

10 Telltale Signs of a Work-From-Home Scam

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