
Cancer on the rise globally as developing nations eat American foods and use American products

Ahimsa अहिंसा   is a term meaning to do no harm 
- the avoidance of violence. 
Ahimsa means kindness and non-violence towards all living things including animals; it respects living beings as a unity, the belief that all living things are connected. 
All kinds of violence entail negative karmic consequences.


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Cancer on the rise globally as developing nations eat American foods and use American products

Breast Cancer Deception

U.S. nuclear officials suspect Japanese plant has a dire breach

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Anti-nuclear demonstrations held across Spain

Anti-nuclear demonstrations held across Spain
(AFP) – 3/18/2011

MADRID — Hundreds of people took part in protests held across Spain Thursday to demand the closure of the country's six nuclear power stations after Japan's nuclear accident following a massive earthquake.

Demonstrators, many wearing masks or holding signs that read "No nuclear power, neither here nor in Japan", gathered in small groups in more than 30 cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, Seville and Valencia.

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The protests were organised by Greenpeace and Spanish environmental umbrella group Ecologists in Action, who want the government to gradually close the country's six nuclear power plants by 2020.

They are especially concerned over two nuclear plants -- one at Garona in the north and another at Cofrentes in the east -- which use the same boiling water reactor design as the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan that is facing a meltdown.
"What is happening in Japan shows that what is improbable ends up happening," Ecologists in Action spokesman Francisco Castejon said at the protest in Madrid, which drew around 200 people.

Castejon said renewable energy sources like wind and solar power could make up for the loss of the electricity that is currently produced at Spain's six nuclear power plants.

"Around 40 percent of the electricity which we consume comes from renewables, double the energy that comes from nuclear. Since 2004 we have exported electricity to all our neighbours," he said.

The Spanish government said Wednesday it will review security measures at all its nuclear power plants following the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated northeast Japan and crippled the Fukushima nuclear power station, raising the risk of uncontrolled radiation.

Spain's Socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero vowed during general elections in 2004 and 2008 to gradually phase out nuclear power when the lifespan of the country's six nuclear plants expired.
But he has since softened his stance, and in July 2009 the government said it would extend the operating licence for the Garona plant for another two years until July 2013.

The government extended the life of the plant at Cofrentes by a decade on March 10, a day before the massive earthquake hit Japan.

Spain has taken a lead in renewable energy in recent years, becoming one of the world's biggest producers of electricity from wind and solar power, as it seeks to cut its oil dependence and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

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利比亞大空襲 格達費官邸毀了





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炸利比亞 美:孤立老格等政變




昨天首波攻擊從海上發射戰斧巡弋飛彈(Tomahawk),第二波攻擊主要由美軍戰鬥機和轟炸機執行。美國國防部長蓋茨(Robert Gates)表示,美國考慮將這次任務的主導權轉移給盟軍,可能是法國、英國,或北大西洋公約組織(NATO),時間就在「幾天之內」。

海軍中將哥特尼(William Gortney)告訴記者,昨天和今天的連續攻擊,已經給予巨大損害,大舉削弱格達費的空中防禦,阻止他的軍隊開拔到反抗軍佔據的班加西(Benghazi),並讓他的軍隊感到不知所措。






美國參謀首長聯席會議主席穆倫(Mike Mullen)今天出席多場電視訪問,解釋這次任務目的。他表示,主要目標是保護平民不受格達費軍隊進一步暴力攻擊,讓人道援助得以進行。


他在美國廣播公司(ABC)節目「本週」(This Week)上說:「我認為未來隨情況而定,現下我還無法判斷行動時間長短。」他表示,任務的早期結果非常令人振奮,美軍、盟軍或平民都沒傳出傷亡。



