
商天娥:開心之餘勿傷害人 拒評論陳山聰

商天娥:開心之餘勿傷害人 拒評論陳山聰

 (明報)2011年3月11日 星期五 



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How to find poisons in vaccines...

Do you know how to find the ingredients in vaccines?

Three powerful steps that will radically change the way you look at vaccines, probably forever.
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Which is the Best Type of Dental Implant?

Which is the Best Type of Dental Implant?

There are many different brands of implants with some being more expensive than another. Because it is something that is inserted in your body and can be expensive, complicated and bad for you health if it goes bad, the bigger brand names are recommended.

Nobel Biocare, ITI Straumann, Astra Tech, BioHorizons, Biomet 3i,  Zimmer Center Pulse, Dentsply Friadent


Dental Insurance
Dental Implant

Every dentist will have his own preference based on his training and experience in a particular brand or system. So, leave him to choose and or choose a different implant who specialises in the brand you are interested in.

There are several "best" brands, and dozens of "cheaper" brands. All of them comply with the basic manufacturing rules, in order to get the license to be sold. Between them, the differences in implant success and implant survival are usually below the margins of statistical error.

The deciding factors for implant success remain a. the surgical skills of the surgeon and b. the prosthetic skills of the dentist who places the implant supported prosthesis.

In the hands of a skilled surgeon and a skilled prosthetic dentist, the vast majority of implant brands have an excellent prognosis. But no implant brand will save the inexperienced doctor from failures.