
Shocking: Mutant pig born with human face in China

Shocking: Mutant pig born with human face in China

HealthForce supposedly didn't know their founder had died until Natural News reported it six months later

Zika hoax: We are wasting $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus

Microwaves, Wi-Fi, and other EMF signals linked to headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and more

Know the facts about root canals and their link to cancer

Many soft drinks found to be contaminated with lead and cadmium

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Natural Hygiene on Onions and Garlic

The Jain cuisine is completely vegetarian and also excludes onions, potatoes, brinjals and garlic, similar to the shojin-ryori Buddhist cuisine of Japan.
On the other hand, onions, eggplant and garlic are considered "tamasic" as they are believed to have a quality of darkness, lethargy and a putrid smell.
Strict Jains don’t eat root vegetables such as potatoes, onions, roots and tubers, because such root vegetables are considered ananthkay. Ananthkay means one body, but containing countless lives. 
Strict Buddhist cuisine is similar to Jain cuisine in leaving out onions and garlic. The term satvika often implies Indian cuisine without onions and garlic; strict Jain cuisine also excludes other root vegetables like potatoes.

Natural Hygiene
Also taboo are yogurt, cottage cheese, whole milk, spinach, asparagus, onions and garlic.
Most experts agree that the overuse of salt contributes significantly to cellulite among other conditions, since it tends to cause water retention in the tissues. Thus, avoid adding salt to food, and stay away from those containing generous quantities - canned soups, smoked or processed meats, potato salads, pickles, etc.-as well as flavorings such as celery or garlic salt and the like.
Garlic and onion are undesirable because they contain mustard oil - an ingredient that disrupts the action of certain digestive enzymes. 

What about some herbs that are relished in a raw state, such as garlic, onions, parsley, and so on? In general, these types of herbs are not needed and may prove harmful to the organism. Garlic and onions, two of the most popular flavoring herbs, are full of noxious toxins, like mustard oil and allicin. Parsley is also a strong herb whose use can overstimulate the kidneys. It is a very concentrated green herb which should probably not be a part of the regular diet.
You can read up on what else is said; just wanted to give you a peek.  I know Dr. D wouldn't eat things like onions, ginger, and garlic.  

Forbidden Foods: Mushrooms, Garlic, Onion, and Other “Unnatural” Items
Prominent Natural Hygienist Herbert Shelton rejected all spices, garlic, onion, seaweed, and even mushrooms.
Many Asian health philosophies eliminate garlic, onion and strong spices, finding them too “stimulating.”
Garlic and onion are simply too strong. You could never make a meal out of them. They contain toxic mustard oil that irritates the digestive track.
Garlic, onions and spices are irritants and after a fast a person would not be able to tolerate these irritants.


INDUSTRY IN DENIAL: Health Ranger warns about the massive heavy metals poisoning problem in the dietary supplements industry

Hamburger Chef Jamie Oliver Proves McDonald's Burgers "Unfit for Human Consumption"

The Health Benefits of Beetroot

Why Your Child (And You!) Still Need Enzymes

Mistaken Identity: You Are Not Your Body | Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda | Science of Identity
Most people identify themselves as being their physical body, but is that who you really are? Scientific research concludes that there is a complete change of the cells making up our bodies every five years. Discover how this evidence proves that you are not your body and launch your quest to find your true self.

INDUSTRY IN DENIAL: Health Ranger warns about the massive heavy metals poisoning problem in the dietary supplements industry

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Salmon caught near Seattle overloaded with antidepressants, cocaine and more

Salmon caught near Seattle overloaded with antidepressants, cocaine and more

Ten American Foods Banned In Other Countries

Unauthorized GMO Wheat Found In Washington State
International trade could be impacted

The Wonder Fruit: Eat Pomegranate to Fight Ageing and Improve Endurance

Why Do Sunflowers Turn To The Sun? Researchers Find An Answer
They actually have circadian rhythms

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Fish Can Produce Their Own Sunscreen, Biologists Say

 Fish Can Produce Their Own Sunscreen, Biologists Say
 No lotions needed: Many animal species produce their own sunscreen

15 Supplement Ingredients to Always Avoid

Top 10 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow Yourself

The Coat on Fruits – Wax?
Ms. Michelle CHAN, Scientific Officer, 
Risk Assessment Section, 
Centre for Food Safety

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推翻水務署說法  專家:需用第一浸水驗鉛

水務署取水方法曾被質疑不準確,但該署總水務化驗師陳健民曾堅持程序符合國際標準。委員會代表律師石永泰昨日公開英國毒理學家John Fawell及科大副校長李行偉兩名專家證人的初步聯合報告,指如要了解水中鉛含量,含鉛焊料與食水接觸時間是關鍵因素。


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愛自拍要小心 研究:手機輻射恐加速老化


華人健康網 2016/07/14


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How Digestive Enzymes Work on Eggs

How Digestive Enzymes Work on Eggs

The end of root canals? Revolutionary 'stem cell fillings' trigger teeth to repair themselves

Two Women Diagnosed with "Smartphone Blindness"
"Transient Smartphone Blindness" is real, but it won't hurt you

What Happens to Your Online Accounts When You Die?
Policies and Steps to Take for Contacting Popular Sites About a Deceased User

5 Natural Oils That Work As Sunscreen

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6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots or Patches Naturally

Amazing Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon

6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of White Spots or Patches Naturally

Tridosha Kitchari: A Meal to Balance All Three Doshas

The Mystery of Life, Death & Immortality from Katha Upanishad

6 Natural Ways to Defeat Toenail FungusDon't let this sometimes painful condition sideline you. Treat it early with these easy, natural solutions.

The Death Of The Raw Food Diet
"The Raw Food Diet Craze – R.I.P. 1998-2013"
"Cooked Food is Not a Sin" Uncle Jethro Raw
Simple raw is better than gourmet raw.

80/10/10 Vs High-Fat/ Gourmet Raw

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Cacao and Chocolate - Superfood or Toxic Poison

Why is there so much cadmium, a toxin, in cocoa powders but not in dark chocolate?

Cacao - Raw Chocolate Not Healthy Warning

Raw Cacao (Chocolate) Almost Killed Me
The Raw Life Health Show

Many health gurus promote Raw Cacao (Chocolate) as a healthy superfood. This lady found out the reality about Chocolate the hard way. This is not an isolated case. A good amount of people have contacted me over the years with stories like this. 

ConsumerLab, Natural News Labs both confirm high levels of toxic cadmium in popular cacao powders

Cocoa Powders, Extracts and Chocolate -- Sources of Flavanols  

Flavanols in Cocoa, Cacoa, and Chocolate Products Reviewed by ConsumerLab.com
Your Cocoa May Be Contaminated! See What's Really in Cocoa, Cacao, and Chocolate Products

Why Are People Still Pushing Raw Chocolate?


Cacao and Toxemia in Focus
Is Cacao Truly Raw and Is It Good For Us?
Dr. David Klein’s Response



Ecuadorian cacao powder (Pacari) heavy metals lab tests published by Natural News

Chocolate: Friend or Foe?


Chocolate and cacao

Raw Cacao Toxic to your health

RAW CACAO RAW CHOCOLATE? Is it a superfood or toxic poison?

Carob Powder at iHerb


What Makes Raw Chocolate Unhealthy And Toxic For Your Body.

by Paul Tarbath

Cacao: Not As Good As Youve Been Lead To Believe. 

by Paul Nison 

Harvesting and Processing Cocoa Beans

'Theobroma Cacao' – The Cocoa Tree


Quaker Oats sued over glyphosate found in its 'all natural' oats..

Quaker Oats sued over glyphosate found in its 'all natural' oats... the truth is starting to come out about widespread glyphosate contamination of the food supply

Insects Have the Capacity for Consciousness

Traditional Ghee Healthier than Refined Oil: New Study

Proper Diet in Ayurveda
"From food all creations are born, whatever dwell on earth, by food, again, surely, they live, then again to the food they go at the end." – (Taittiriya Upanishad)

Ice Bath Therapy Runners Recovery Benefits Drawbacks

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Ice Bath Therapy Runners Recovery Benefits Drawbacks

A Recovery Ice Bath Isn't (Always) Such a Good Idea
They're painful but also magical, relieving the post-workout soreness that afflicts so many athletes. But do they really aid recovery? Increasingly, the evidence says no.
By: David Despain Apr 30, 2015

Ice bath Benefits(speculative) & Drawbacks
In sports therapy, an ice bath or sometimes a cold-water immersion or cold therapy is a training regimen usually following a period of intense exercise in which a substantial part of a human body is immersed in a bath of ice or ice-water for a limited duration. 

While it is becoming increasingly popular and accepted among athletes in a variety of sports, the method is controversial and potentially dangerous with little solid scientific evidence to support or refute its usefulness or to understand its method of operation within the body, although there is speculation about processes within the body regarding vasoconstriction. In medicine, the practice would be classified as cryotherapy which uses low temperatures as medical therapy.

Bathing in ice after intense exercise 'does not work', says new report
• Sports people 'risk their health' by plunging into icy water
• Report claims ice baths have no beneficial impact on body
8 November 2012 

Ice bath dos and don’ts: When runners should resort to ice baths and how to get the right temperature 
By cooling down irritated, inflamed muscles, tendons and ligaments, the expected post-event muscle soreness will be way less the next day; the cooling decreases your body’s natural inflammatory response.

8 Ice Bath Dos and Don'ts
By Andy Schmitz • USA Triathlon