
Federal government wants to jab healthy children with untested anthrax vaccine just to see if it works

Federal government wants to jab healthy children with untested anthrax vaccine just to see if it works

Salad dressings often loaded with corn syrup and other junk ingredients

Turmeric spice could have cured pancreatic cancer that killed Steve Jobs, suggests oncologist

A Cancer Prevention Guide for the Human Race [Paperback]
Robert A. Wascher (Author)

Ovarian cancers caused by IVF infertility treatments

Sports drinks loaded with liquid sugars

Halloween face paint found to contain high levels of toxic heavy metals

NaturalNews issues consumer alert about Adya Clarity, imported as battery acid and sold for internal consumption

Adya Clarity Response
October 28, 2011 - 
by MattMonarch

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Eco-Friendly Wall Finishes Paints

Srimati Radharani ~ The Supreme Goddess

Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Dayite

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Improve your Digestion with Yoga and Ayurveda

Green veggies enhance immunity during the flu season

Use of plastic products linked to cancer and impairment of the immune system

Physician speaks out: Gardasil vaccine dangerous, completely useless at preventing cervical cancer

TSA deploys 'VIPR' teams throughout Tennessee to set up illegal security checkpoints on interstates

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Foods, cosmetics and vaccines all widely formulated with toxic smoothing agents (emulsifiers)

殉印度聖人之路靜坐教派宗師 Sant Thakar Singh

野人莫皓光教你 惜飲惜食惜生活

Foods, cosmetics and vaccines all widely formulated with toxic smoothing agents (emulsifiers)

Why you should choose sodium lauryl sulfate free hair and body care

Study: Organic farming outperforms conventional in yields, economic viability, conservation, and health

Sri Mayapur Dham the new home for the whole world

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100-year-old marathoner sets record in Toronto (Vegetarian)

攀玉山主峰不慎 墜谷死者李珠 傷者陳碧雲 台北市野訊登山隊

100-year-old marathoner sets record in Toronto (Vegetarian)
Fauja Singh finishes in 8 hours to become oldest person to complete full marathon
The Associated Press 
Oct 16, 2011 

Man the Frugivore

Gardasil injury victims hold press conference at GOP debate

Teeth found among charred remains on South Sea island are those of missing German sailor who was 'eaten by cannibals'
Stefan Ramin, 40, went missing in Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia.

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水貨 iPhone4S一日跌價4千 先達商:波幅大 免大手入貨

水貨 iPhone4S一日跌價4千 先達商:波幅大 免大手入貨

明報 – 2011年10月16日

【明報專訊】蘋果新款智能手機iPhone 4S前日在全球6個國家開售,首批水貨前晚已由澳洲送抵水貨集散地旺角先達廣場,昨日早上即吸引大批蘋果迷搶購,但由於不斷有人到先達「放機」,在供應充足的情况下,新手機價格由一開始的13,800元,短短一日內跌破1萬元,早上與晚上買同一款手機,差價竟達4000元。

Apple iPhone 

iPhone 4S周五率先在美國、英國、加拿大、澳洲、法國、德國及日本開售。由於澳洲開售時間最早,而當地手機又無上鎖,前晚深夜已經有水貨送到旺角先達。




16GB iPhone 4S水貨回收價格視乎售價浮動,他們維持約1000元的利潤。32GB及64GB的回收價分別維持在1萬及1.1萬元水平,每部大概可賺2000元。姚表示,昨日價格波幅太大,會避免大手入貨,相信持有16GB 4S的散客亦因價格降低了而暫時停售,今日價格可能會輕微回升至過萬元水平。


iPhone4S的硬件有多項提升,包括採用了雙核心A5晶片,運算較上一代高一倍,而形象處理速度更提升7倍。記者昨日親身比較iPhone 4及iPhone 4S,發覺新機的上網速度的確優勝。以本報網站為例,iPhone 4需時20秒才能完全連接上,4S則只需5秒。4S的鏡頭由500萬像素升至800萬像素,以記者現場拍得照片,肉眼來看兩者分別不大,但在電腦將圖片放大,則明顯看到4S相片較為細緻。


iPhone4S的全球銷路持續強勁,早前蘋果已表示,iPhone 4S開放線上預購的24小時內已接到100多萬份訂單,超過iPhone 4的60萬份。美國供應商AT&T表示,昨日的iPhone單日啟用量已是過去最高紀錄的2倍。美國分析師指出,4S本周末於全球銷售量會高達200至300萬部,遠超iPhone 4的170萬。


This Makes You Flabby - and Virtually Forces You to Overeat

揭受同袍虐打 華裔美兵吞槍 父誓死追究

駐阿富汗坎大哈美國華裔陸軍步兵陳宇暉 下巴槍傷橫死軍營

This Makes You Flabby - and Virtually Forces You to Overeat

Media hoax exposed: Recent attack on vitamins a fabricated scare campaign

Doctors speak out: healthcare has been reduced to a making money factory
Improve night vision naturally with bilberries

Cleanse your digestive system the easy way by eating kitchari

The HPV vaccine - what do you really know about it?

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今七國開售 水貨價炒至萬三元 iPhone 4S最快明早抵港

今七國開售 水貨價炒至萬三元 iPhone 4S最快明早抵港

(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)蘋果公司在「教主」喬布斯死前一日發布的智能手機iPhone 4S,今日在七個國家開售,包括日本在當地時間上午八時(香港時間上午七時)發售,原則上水貨最快在下午便可抵港。但由於日圓匯價高企,多個本港水貨商表示已安排到澳洲及美國入貨,故已訂水貨的香港蘋果迷最快到明早才可買得心頭好,預計售價或炒至過萬元。

Apple iPhone 

  由於iPhone 4S加入數項新功能,加上是喬布斯的遺作,有外國蘋果迷在開售前兩天已開始排隊買心頭好。旺角先達廣場商店「i世代」經理姚進表示,現已收到幾十名忠心蘋果迷預訂iPhone 4S,雖然反應不及iPhone 4熱烈,但公司仍派人直接到澳洲入貨,務求最快明早十時可開售。


  「澳洲的iPhone 4S不用解鎖,可即時使用,我們希望有幾多就買幾多,最少首輪要帶幾十部返港,成為全港首間出售iPhone 4S的店鋪。」他表示計算運費、兌換率及人工費等,iPhone 4S 16GB版本售約一萬二千元至一萬三千元,現時已有最少一名港人大手入貨十八部iPhone 4S,用作送禮,「他過去都是大批大批買來送人,之前iPad、iPhone 4都是一買就十幾部。」

  另一店鋪G-world,其負責人劉志剛透露已收到逾八十個查詢,要求預訂iPhone 4S,由於日圓升逾十算,他們將到美國入貨五十至一百部,預計水貨最快周日抵港發售,售約九千元。

  iPhone 4S定於今日在美國、加拿大、澳洲、英國、法國、德國、日本,於當地時間上午八時發售,其中日本是唯一的亞洲國家。位於東京銀座的蘋果產品專門店前,周三晚十一時左右已陸續有人帶着摺椅排隊,其中一名排隊者接受訪問時表示,iPhone 4S具有特殊意義,它不僅是蘋果的一款新手機,更重要的,iPhone 4S是喬布斯的遺作,有特殊的紀念意義。

  倫敦的蘋果專門店外,也從周三開始有人排隊,忠實蘋果迷福克斯排在第一位,有望成為英國首位iPhone 4S的用戶。澳洲雪梨蘋果旗艦店前的情況比較冷淡,在開始發售前二十四小時,只有五名iPhone的死忠用家在排隊。排第一的莫斯卡是中學生,他由周二上午十時半開始排隊,他說,已經以五百五十澳元(約四千三百五十港元)把他的iPhone 4賣掉,「我喜歡新的八百萬像素攝影機和音控等特點」,所以再花點生日時收到的零用錢買新機,試試新功能。莫斯卡是排隊老手,今年初iPad2推出時,他也是排頭位。



What Are GMOs & How Many US Foods Contain Them?

彰化縣登山協會7名成員 花蓮玉里山區 
摸黑下山 登山客林添寶墜崖不治

南投縣仁愛鄉能安縱走 疑高山症罹難

What Are GMOs & How Many US Foods Contain Them? (Infographic)

Antibiotic widely prescribed for decades has dangerous side effects which can kill

Denmark taxes avocados, butter, eggs, nuts, chocolate and coconut oil
The tax on saturated fat outrages health-conscious individuals on many levels. One huge problem is the tax fails to distinguish between industrial junk foods and natural whole foods. Any food containing 2.3 percent or more saturated fat is included in the tax plan.

2011 Gijon Duathlon World Championships Tricast - Elite Men

2011 Gijon Duathlon World Championships Tricast - Elite Women

2011 Yokohama Elite Men Tricast

2011 Yokohama Elite Women Tricast

2011 Beijing Elite Men Tricast

2011 Beijing Elite Women Tricast

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'Natural' breakfast cereals loaded with pesticides and GMOs

'Natural' breakfast cereals loaded with pesticides and GMOs 
- explosive new scorecard from Cornucopia reveals all

Quaker Oats states that it is an "all-natural" product. But Quaker Oats (a unit of PepsiCo) manages a processing plant that emits roughly 19,000 pounds of sulfuryl fluoride yearly. Sulfuryl fluoride is a toxic greenhouse gas used to treat crops like oats in storage.

How vaccines are made: Monkey kidneys, spinal material, animal pus and more

Five exercises to boost colon health

Jerry Brown legalizes 12-year-old children giving 'consent' to Gardasil vaccine injections, 
but bans tanning beds for those under 18

Hidden sources of food coloring chemicals in your diet

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Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation

羊肉牛肉最不環保 Environmental Working Group EWG

NASA Water Balloons in Zero Gravity

Is a Leaky Gut Causing You to Pack on the Pounds?

Hundreds of brave dentists speak out against water fluoridation

Yoni Healing - Womb Healing

Make Tarahumara running sandals (Huaraches) from carpet and shoelaces!

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