
Chinese herbs: elixir of heath... or pesticide cocktail?

Chinese herbs: elixir of heath... or pesticide cocktail? 
http://adf.ly/R2Aqd  Read more
http://adf.ly/R2B1n  Download the full report PDF
In the past these herbs grew deep in the forest, in very particular soil conditions and picked at specific times. But in a new era of industrial agriculture all of this has changed, with herbs now grown in farms that are heavily dependent on chemical pesticides. 

綠色和平最新檢測中港兩地 9 個城市共 65 個中藥材樣本,發現逾 74% 含有殘餘農藥,並驗出混合殘餘農藥、多種禁用農藥,以及遠超於歐盟標準的農藥殘留量,情況令人擔憂。問題癥結在於:

香港政府監管機制嚴重落後,逾萬種中藥材中只有不足 2% 列入規管
全球有 40 億人曾使用中藥治療,世界市場有多達 7 成中藥材原材料來自中國,因此中國的中藥材殘餘農藥問題影響深遠。請立即登記緊貼最新進展,與我們攜手阻止中藥材繼續受到農藥污染。




New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures

New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures

Organic coconut oil: A superfood with amazing health benefits

Supercharge your health with seaweed
Safest source for sea vegetables
Sea vegetables act like a sponge and absorb minerals and heavy metals in the water. This is why they are such rich sources of calcium, magnesium and iodine but they also can soak up lead, arsenic and cadmium. Many ecologists use sea vegetables as a biomonitor to determine levels of heavy metal pollution in a body of water. They seem to absorb arsenic more than other metals. Hijiki has been tested to have the highest levels of arsenic.
It is always best to look for sea vegetables from a highly reputable company where it is raised in a certified organic manner. With the radiation fall-out in the Pacific Ocean many are concerned this is affecting the iodine of the sea vegetable. This has yet to be proven but always look for clean organic sources. Some of the best are from the clean waters off the coast of Maine.

China approves three new GMO seed varieties for import
June 22, 2013 
According to Reuters, China's agricultural ministry has officially authorized the import of three new varieties of GM soy, all of which are grown in Brazil, the world's second largest soy producer - the U.S. is number one. One of the varieties, known as Intacta RR2, is produced by none other than Monsanto, while the other two varieties, CV127 and Liberty Link, are produced by BASF Plant Science and Bayer, respectively. All three varieties collectively represent Brazil's largest agricultural product.
If carbon dioxide is so bad for the planet, why do greenhouse growers buy CO2 generators to double plant growth?
June 22, 2013

Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid – Hazardous Ingredients In Supplements

Problem with Magnesium Stearate and Absorption.

Feeding the soil: An introduction to the no-till gardening method

Department of Homeland Security DHS documents prove Boston Marathon bombing was false flag 'drill' planned months in advance
June 22, 2013 

Will Obama murder whistleblower and American patriot Edward Snowden with drones? Ron Paul expresses serious concerns
June 22, 2013

Sri Nanda-Nandanastakam - Deva Premal 

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素食教練kk.Chan (Vegetarian Bodybuilding Trainer)

http://cf.ly/1Y1n    Download PDF  

孔雀石綠再現 毒魚死灰復燃



香港人英文愈嚟愈差,其實而家大國崛起,中國人民站起來了,仲有冇必要學英文文法呢?­定係好似新加坡、馬來西亞人咁,自撰 Chinglish 呢?嗱,以前華工一句 Long time no see 都係咁啦!財爺就似乎有意效法,試看以下三句:
1. Are the Italians going to pull their show together?
2. We had more windfall.
3. With the low birth rate, people in Hong Kong are diminishing!
財爺,你喺波士頓教過書,我唔敢話你錯,係 Michael Chugani 話有問題咋,唔關我事呀。

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HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and liver disease

HPV and Hepatitis B vaccines do not prevent cervical cancer and liver disease
June 18, 2013

How to do a mini detox to jumpstart your body

Probiotics help relieve stress

paleo primal bodybuilder snaps leg in squat rack

D20: How to get a perky butt! 100 Squats a day. Join me!

Media credibility in collapse: Less than one-fourth of Americans trust newspapers

Snow job: If government spying on all Americans is such a good thing, then why is it being conducted in secret?

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Tanka Bar Traditional Buffalo Cranberry Bars Native American Natural Foods

Tanka, Tanka Bar, Traditional Buffalo Cranberry Bar, 12 Bars, 1 oz (28.4 g) Each
http://bit.ly/145tHjo Buy from iHerb

Native American Natural Foods
†All buffalo and cranberries have no artificial ingredients and are minimally processed with care.

100% Natural† Buffalo Cranberry Bars
70 Calories 7 Grams Protein
Gluten Free, Soy Free, No Nitrates*
Hormone Free**
Real Meat · Real Fruit · Real Good

*No nitrates except for those naturally occurring in sea salt and celery juice.
**Federal regulations prohibit the use of growth hormones in buffalo.

Other Ingredients
Buffalo, dried cranberries (cranberries, sugar), sea salt, lactic acid, celery juice, black pepper, spices, garlic, onion powder, red pepper.

Tanka, Tanka Bar, Spicy Pepper Blend, 12 Bars, 1 oz (28.4 g) Each
Tanka, Tanka Bites, Buffalo Cranberry, 6 Pouches, 3 oz (85 g) Each
Tanka, Tanka Bites, Spicy Pepper Blend, 6 Pouches, 3 oz (85 g) Each
Tanka, Tanka Wild, Buffalo Stick, With Cranberry & Wild Rice, 24 Pack, 28 g Each
Tanka, Tanka Wild, Buffalo Stick, Spicy Pepper Blend, 24 Pack, 28 g Each

Tanka products are built on our ancestors' knowledge of the Ideal Portable Energy for endurance, top performance and healthful life. Based on traditional wasna and pemmican, they combine high-protein, prairie-fed buffalo and tart-sweet cranberries. Take some with you the next time you hit the trail, or whenever you need a quick burst of energy. 

About Native American Natural Foods
They are Oglala Lakotas on the Pine Ridge Reservation, SD, with a deep commitment to helping the People, the Buffalo and Mother Earth. They look forward to providing you with the very best foods that are sustainably grown by Native American producers, minimally processed with care and respect, to help you feed mind, body and spirit. 

To "Be Tanka" means to live your best life: in harmony with your spirit and with the earth. They created Tanka products to help you do just that.

Pilamaya (thank you). 


HPV 加衛苗的真相 Listen on Youtube

能量飲品紅牛歐澳禁售 提神飲品咖啡因增加心臟病及中風危機

香港順勢療法醫學會會長 - 杜家麟教授 - 健康是財富
Youtube Audio Recordings

HPV 加衛苗的真相 上集 20090531 part 1
HPV 疫苗上集 part 2
HPV 疫苗下集 part 1
HPV 疫苗下集 part 2

Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda

Death Vaccine Reactions News

Case Reports on Vaccine Injury

Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is one of the most outspoken physicians in the country on the hazards of vaccines and vaccination.

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30 stunning facts they don't want you to know about Gardasil and HPV vaccines

台灣瓜瓜園蕃藷 蕃薯 冰烤番薯 冰烤地瓜 香港

港漢劉健台東南迴公路溜單綫滾軸溜冰鞋 遭運油車撞倒輾過慘死 

「中藥飲片」攙假 染色加金屬損肺壞腦

有毒化工原料給中藥飲片染色增重 12廠受查 


The Simple Knee Maintenance 
(Do you agree with the points ?)

Taiwan's nuclear debate - Part 1

30 stunning facts they don't want you to know about Gardasil and HPV vaccines 
The radiation cleansing properties of Bentonite Clay 

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A World of Research showing the harm GMOs can cause:

Break Up with Your Makeup: It Could Be Toxic

16 Superb Health Benefits of Cucumber

Toxic shock: California allows up to one thousand times more glyphosate in drinking water than needed to cause breast cancer in women

Comprehensive research database offers global picture of harm caused by GMOs

A World of Research showing the harm GMOs can cause:

Top seven free apps to get fit

How to Keep Your Info Private (Even From the NSA)

Boston Marathon bombing was meticulously plotted in advance ... by the police!
June 16, 2013

Bol Hari Bol - YouTube 

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染髮劑致敏 可奪命



蓖麻隨手可得 生化危機罩本港


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A critical look at three popular alternate cancer cures: Oxygen, high pH and baking soda/molasses

A critical look at three popular alternate cancer cures: Oxygen, high pH and baking soda/molasses

GMO feed turns pig stomachs to mush! Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn
June 12, 2013
(NaturalNews) If you have stomach problems or gastrointestinal problems, a new study led by Dr. Judy Carman may help explain why: pigs fed a diet of genetically engineered soy and corn showed a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets. In males, the difference was even more pronounced: a 400% increase. (For the record, most autistic children are males, and nearly all of them have severe intestinal inflammation.)

Meat scrap leftovers now being reprocessed into ice cream: The dismal future of food

Improve your athletic performance naturally with beets: Research
June 14, 2013
Beet juice is naturally high in nitrate (NO3), which the body uses to make both nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide. Nitrite is known to protect the blood vessels from injury, while nitric acid expands blood vessels and therefore increases the flow of oxygen to the cells. This, in turn, increases both the power available to the muscles and the length of time that the muscles can exercise without tiring.

Seven amazing uses of hemp

Vitamin C can kill every virus known to mankind

Studies link sugary drink consumption to heart disease

Five natural pain-relieving alternatives to aspirin and NSAIDS that work fast
Kratom, Devil's Claw, Cannabis, Arnica with DMSO

Vedic Wedding in Vrindavan

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太陽報 6/12/2013


高劑量類固醇 令新沙士病情惡化

內地「游」客湧港 「出位」暢泳


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The 100: Count ONLY Sugar Calories and Lose Up to 18 Lbs. in 2 Weeks [Hardcover]

The 100: Count ONLY Sugar Calories and Lose Up to 18 Lbs. in 2 Weeks [Hardcover]
Jorge Cruise (Author) 5/21/2013 http://amzn.to/13ETb6M

ISBN-10: 0062227076
ISBN-13: 978-0062227072

Be a part of the diet revolution and change your relationship with calories forever

America's favorite diet and fitness expert, Jorge Cruise, will change the way you think about calories. For years, conventional wisdom has continued to state the wrong and outdated research that says simply counting calories is the key to weight loss, and if you cannot follow that plan, you must lack willpower. Now Jorge Cruise's passion for dietary science has revealed the true cause of the obesity epidemic—counting the wrong calories!

The 100 will free you from counting calories and points and constantly trying to eat less with the conclusive truth: all calories are not created equal. Jorge has been working to uncover the latest advances in dietary science for more than a decade, and now the newest science confirms that Sugar Calories are the only calories you'll need to keep track of on this simple, fast, and guilt-free weight-loss plan. Enjoy unlimited amounts of delicious and healthy no-count calories and still eat the foods you love. Learn the right foods to eat without ever feeling hungry or deprived on a plan that is so easy to incorporate and maintain that you can finally put an end to the vicious cycle of dieting.

In addition to the 4-week plan, you get shopping lists and recommended food guides that can help you drop up to 18 pounds of stubborn belly fat. The 100 is the only plan you'll ever need. Stop counting the wrong calories and start losing weight and changing your life today with the help of Jorge Cruise and the no-count calorie revolution!

About the Author
Jorge Cruise is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of more than fifteen weight-loss books. His mission is to guarantee weight loss for busy people. Science has proven that fitness begins in the kitchen, not the gym. By merging breakthrough dietary science with great taste, he produces delicious belly-fat-melting menus. Jorge has appeared on numerous television shows including the Today show, the Dr. Oz Show, the Rachael Ray Show, Good Morning America, The View, and LIVE with Kelly and Michael.


How Cleansing Cures Cancer: the Evita Ramparte Story

Compound in Carrots – Falcarinol – Credited with Preventing Colon Cancer
 June 9, 2013

How Cleansing Cures Cancer: the Evita Ramparte Story
The relationship between unhealthy eating and the development of disease is undeniable. When most people get a cancer diagnosis their doctors are quick to prescribe drugs and harsh treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery. All of these treatments have a harrowing effect on the body opening it up to a whole host of other problems.

Holistic health practitioners, on the other hand, will often recommend detoxification methods such as cleansing to eliminate cancer from the body. Here Allison Biggar interviews European journalist and ovarian cancer survivor Evita Ramparte about how she cured her cancer naturally through a raw vegan diet without chemotherapy, surgery or radiation. 

Chemical additives lurking in fresh cuts of meat
June 08, 2013 

China grows its rice on land contaminated with industrial waste
June 08, 2013

The 9 Foods You Should Never Eat

6 hidden causes of cancer
Bisphenol A and plastic bottles
Plasticisers and clingwrap
Trans fats
Cell phone radiation

Breaking: New PRISM slide leaked by the Guardian: NSA has direct access to servers of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple and others
June 09, 2013
When the government knows your secrets, it controls you
PRISM isn't about tracking terrorists; it's about stalking and surveilling influential Americans

Documents Reveal NSA Reads Your Internet Chats: Here's How to Avoid Being Spied On

Sunny Days® Production: How Our Delicious Herbal Drops Are Made

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