
香港新舖王 呎價63萬 波斯富街地舖 3.8億易手

香港新舖王 呎價63萬 波斯富街地舖 3.8億易手
 (明報)2011年1月15日 星期六 

【明報專訊】香港新舖王誕生!銅鑼灣    時代廣場附近的波斯富街76號地舖(與羅素街交界),一個建築面積僅600方呎的舖位,以高達3.8億元易手,成為本港歷來以「建築面積」計最貴的舖位,呎價達到63.3萬元。換言之,一張普通雙人床(4呎乘6呎)所佔面積,價值已逾1500萬元。

英皇買入 對面舖英皇鐘表

舖王新買家是英皇國際    ,其執行董事張炳強昨向本報表示,該地舖位於羅素街、波斯富街單邊,是罕有黃金地段。他表示,英皇視上述收購為長線投資,至於租約完結後會否收回自用則未有評論。張炳強表示,該舖位價格肯定較廣東道6及8號地舖(之前的舖王)更高。英皇國際發出通告指出,買舖價將由公司內部資源加上銀行融資方式支付;舖王原先由鄧元勳及鄧奇勳持有。

Real Estate




事實上,英皇國際2009年12月曾以8.43億元購入尖沙嘴    廣東道6至8號地舖,該物業建築面積合共約1520平方呎,以此計算,呎價約為55.46萬元,若以「實用面積」1212平方呎計,呎價更達到近70萬元,為本港歷來舖王。






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Make your own nontoxic cleansers with these simple recipes for cheap green cleaning.

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Spiritual effects and benefits of cow's milk
An "Indian" cow's milk is one of the most sattvik drinks. Milk from cows from other countries is 50% less sattvik than the milk from an Indian cow. It has the ability to attract Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya) and emits subtle vibrations of Divine Energy (Shakti).

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He turned vegan this year from vegetarian, and also more and more raw food.
He is a Wing Chun (master) to me.

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Antibiotics make animals(livestock) fat and sick

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Researchers discover a shocking 96 percent decline in four major bumblebee species

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Know thy master
Are Sacramento's Ching Hai devotees eco-conscious, vegan, meditation masters—or members of the region's fastest-growing cult?

15 New Year's Resolutions That Actually Make a Difference for the Environment

China to impose new GMO regulations, but will anything change?

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Anaesthesia has same climate change effect as 1,000,000 cars

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Nuclear Power in China

Nuclear Power in China
Updated 10 December 2010

China claims new nuclear technology
China state media claims scientists have mastered a key technique to reprocess spent uranium
Jonathan Watts in Beijing
guardian.co.uk, Monday 3 January 2011 

China Ready to Reprocess Nuclear Fuel
January 3, 2011

Construction schedule on Chinese third-generation nuclear plants races ahead of European models
Local experience and long working hours speed progress
Harold Thibault
Guardian Weekly, Tuesday 28 December 2010 

China: new tech eases uranium-supply worry
Jan. 4, 2011

China hails nuclear tech breakthrough
Global Times 
January 04 2011

Nuclear fuel sources may last 3,000 years: officials
Global Times 
January 04 2011

China claims new nuke technology
Beijing News.Net
Tuesday 4th January, 2011 (ANI)

核電 動力堆 乏燃料 後處理技術

解決鈾供應 中國獲致技術突破
(路透)2011年1月3日 星期一 


本報記者 馬浩亮

中國核能技術突破 鈾儲量用多3000年
 (明報)2011年1月4日 星期二 



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The top five negative-calorie health foods that burn fat while making you feel full
Pickles - disagree
Full-spectrum sea salt - disagree

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Scientist says animals have spiritual experiences, too

The Spiritual Doorway in the Brain: A Neurologist's Search for the God Experience [Hardcover]
Kevin Nelson (Author)
The world's leading neurologist on out-of-body and near-death experiences shows that spirituality is as much a part of our basic biological makeup as our sex drive or survival instinct. 

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