
Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Raw fruit and vegetable diet healed British woman's severe skin condition

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Colgate toothpaste found to contain cancer-causing chemical

Hidden history: Energy drinks used to contain radioactive elements, were sold with claims of boosting performance

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[唔係嚇你] 冬青膏亂搽會致命!
香港中毒諮詢中心於2010年刊出報告,指冬青膏等外搽止痛藥膏,含有「甲基水楊酸」 (Methyl salicylate),長期使用,會令提升血液內的水楊酸鹽水平。

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Shocking: Mutant pig born with human face in China

Shocking: Mutant pig born with human face in China

HealthForce supposedly didn't know their founder had died until Natural News reported it six months later

Zika hoax: We are wasting $1.1 billion to fight the Zika virus

Microwaves, Wi-Fi, and other EMF signals linked to headaches, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and more

Know the facts about root canals and their link to cancer

Many soft drinks found to be contaminated with lead and cadmium

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