
比爾蓋茲贊助,基改香蕉 將開始人體試驗

RTHK 《視點31》 2014 04 29

比爾蓋茲贊助,基改香蕉 將開始人體試驗

四疊潭懸崖跳水 試膽玩命

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12 Health Benefits of Lemon Water: A Simple Health Tonic

12 Health Benefits of Lemon Water: A Simple Health Tonic

Avoid The Top 10 Toxic Rip-Offs

My Almond Tabbouleh Recipe and Why It Has No Wheat

Study Says to Hold Babies Like This After Birth to Prevent Nutrient Deficiencies

'I did the right thing': Woman who ate 20 bananas a day while pregnant hits back at critics and says her baby boy is 'thriving' at three months

Vegan Mom Who Ate 20 Bananas A Day During Pregnancy Responds To Backlash http://goo.gl/z94UGp

Why is Conscious Eating Important in Ayurveda?

Cell Phones: Just Like Cigarettes?

Cell Phones & Cigarettes: What do they have in Common?

Dr. Doug Fitness Stunts, Amazing Raw Vegan Athleticism
The largest growing raw food movement, The 80/10/10 Diet, is spearheaded by Dr. Douglas Graham. This video makes it clear to see why so many people are trying the diet, and then sticking with it long term; because it works and continues to work.
Dr. Graham is 59 years old, and doesn't seem to be slowing down much. In fact, he continues to report increases in strength. Look out for his feats of strength video when reaches the ripe age of 60. =)

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澳孕婦堅持素食挨轟 產下健康寶寶

食生與斷食 周兆祥博士

周兆祥博士 2014-06-26



澳孕婦堅持素食挨轟 產下健康寶寶
Loni Jane Anthony

日食20根香蕉 辣媽吃素產健康寶寶

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McDonalds Fast Food: Toxic Ingredients Include Putty and Cosmetic Petrochemicals






基站輻射如殺人網絡 耳鳴頭痛百病生 


2012 Guangzhou Marathon 廣州馬拉松 Videos

McDonalds Fast Food: Toxic Ingredients Include Putty and Cosmetic Petrochemicals

10 body positions we should all find relaxing

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Humans are 100% herbivore

剝卦 -辛卯年

Humans are 100% herbivore
by Quench It! 

The Dangers of MSG - Part 1 (Flavor Enhancers, E621) 

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周兆祥博士 2014-06-26
http://goo.gl/r8L0OX Download MP3 Audio Files

食生,即是吃仍然有生命的、含豐富酵素的食物,同時是指未經過加熱至41°C以上,或經商業加工的食物,即現在愈來愈多人認識的 raw food。但是,使用了化學添加劑的罐頭、經輻射處理的水果等不能算是合適的食物。而有些食物即使未經加熱,例如乾冬菇、蝦米、已過期不能再發芽的豆、白米,幾乎都失去了全部酵素,毫無生命力,這樣對人的益處遠遠不及「食生」。


1. 營養好:食生不但保存了食物的營養,還吸收得更快更好。

2. 睡得好:睡眠質素提升,容易入睡,醒來時舒服又精神。

3. 精神好:睡眠所需時間減少,多勞而不累,精力旺盛,體能增強,耐力倍增。

4. 消化好:排泄暢通,腸胃感覺舒服輕鬆。

5. 儀容好:體型變佳,容光煥發,毛髮變黑又亮麗,皮膚嫰滑,斑紋及其他皮膚問題消失,體臭減少,樣貌返老還童。

6. 身體好:多食生,就能大大減少生病的機會,抵抗力更強,而且百病早癒。

7. 味覺好:不用長期大量吃人工化學添加劑,例如調味料、染料、防腐劑、抗生素等毒物刺激味覺。

8. 心情好:情緒愈來愈正面,時常開心積極,內在充滿喜悅。

9. 生態好:減少消耗能源,生態友善,對保育大有貢獻,而且慈悲蒙福。

10. 靈感好:靈感泉湧,腦力大增,觸覺敏銳,祈禱、練功等效果提升。












1. 斷食(fasting):即是指自願在某段時間之內選擇不吃固體食物。斷食一兩餐,甚至一兩天,往往產生全面而恆久的排毒效果,甚至加速疾病康復。

2. 洗腸:洗腸排毒是一種應急的方法,對各種亞健康及容貌問題,如頭痛、易感冒、慢性疲勞、消化不良、記憶力衰退、失眠,以及臉色發黃、青春痘、各類色斑、皺紋、肥胖、口臭等均有改善功效,同時還對多種疾病如腹瀉、寄生蟲感染、腸道菌群失調、糞石阻塞症、結

3. 音樂:在進餐前後及期間播放柔揚的、有靈氣的音樂,可以改善情緒,令食素食生更滋味、更滿足。

4. 香氛:在進食的地方散發合適的香味,可以提升情緒和內在的感受,把最簡單又清淡的飲食變得精彩刺激。

5. 按摩:在飯前飯後做簡單的按摩(自己做或與他人互相做),尤其是按摩腹部,不但有助消化吸收、通便、排毒,還有靜心的效果,可令每一餐吃得更舒服又開心。

6. 運動:定期晨運、緩跑、跳繩、游泳、打球、踏單車等,不但舒筋活絡,令全身充氧又排毒,食生也食得更滋味、更易消化吸收。

7. 森林浴:樹林裡的空氣含負離子特別多,大自然的能量特別好,時常到多樹木、溪流、野生動物的地方休息,身心靈各方面都得到淨化和「充電」,對過渡到食生很有助益。


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Sick U.S. Nuclear Workers Paid by Federal Government for Toxic Exposure
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GMO bananas are coming to a supermarket near you, thanks to Bill Gates
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Will China Export The Next Chernobyl?

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Fish have feelings too: Expert claims creatures experience pain in the same way humans do - and should be treated better

Fukushima's Children are Dying
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Fish have feelings too: Expert claims creatures experience pain in the same way humans do - and should be treated better

Are Fish As Intelligent As Crows, Chimps... Or People?
The science shows that fish use tools, feel pain, have long memories, and deserve better treatment from us.

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Bacteria-eating combo virus sprayed on meats, cheeses and organic foods
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