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Is there such a thing as too much WiFi?

3,000 different bacteria live on U.S. dollar bills

Selective climate alarmism of White House ignores imminent threats of EMP attack, debt collapse and Fukushima catastrophe

When a microwave oven is running, you should be too

What Is 'Organic'? Groups Hash it out over Synethetic Ingredients in Organics

Is there such a thing as too much WiFi?
Though most parents and educators celebrate the move, some are raising concerns about the possible health impacts of the radio-frequency (RF) radiation on which wireless technologies operate. Exposure levels to this kind of radiation, which fall in the same frequency bandwidth on the electro-magnetic spectrum as radios, televisions and mobile phones, continue to rise as wireless technologies become more prevalent.

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Mung Bean Sprouts can Drastically Reduce Cancerous Tumors

Monsanto's RoundUp Chemicals Found to Damage Enzyme Pathways

Mung Bean Sprouts can Drastically Reduce Cancerous Tumors

New Study: Marijuana Compound Found to Prevent Blindness

Toxic Truth: Evidence GMO Foods are Far Different from Non-GMO Foods

Major Energy Breakthroughs of 2013: The Year of Clean Energy Advances

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