
Top 5 foods for vitamin C

'Gospel of Jesus' Wife' Papyrus Is Ancient, Not Fake, Scientists And Scholars Say

The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife Enters the Limelight
April 11, 2014
With the charges of forgery now debunked, scholars can now assess the full significance of this document -- including how it fits into the complex understanding of Christian beginnings

Gospel of Jesus’ Wife papyrus is not a fake, scientists say
Radiocarbon dating confirms papyrus fragment with Coptic text is definitely ancient, but expert warns it doesn't prove that Christ was married

Chia seeds contain 7.5 times the omega-3 content of salmon, as well as the highest protein content of any edible seed

Top 5 foods for vitamin C

California lowers organic standards in face of historic drought

Junk food can be as addictive as heroin

Japanese physicians link spike in cancer to Fukushima radiation

Petroleum-based skin care: The #1 pore-clogging toxin sold in the USA

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Cha-Cha-Chia! 9 amazing uses for the ancient Inca superfood chia

Dying to live: Global cooling scheme increases dangerous seafood toxin that destroys kidney function

Monsanto, biotech stocks plummet the day after activists launch Operation Monsanto Stock Plunge

Why vaccines spread disease; an in-depth analysis of flawed vaccination science

Cha-Cha-Chia! 9 amazing uses for the ancient Inca superfood chia

Clove oil alleviates toothaches, improves dental health

Apple Inc. poisons the Earth: the legacy of toxic iPhone e-waste

Unvaccinated children less prone to disease: study

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