
Chinese hepatitis B vaccinations claim the life of a 12th infant victim

Recreational pot now legal to buy in Colorado; the nation is watching to see results
The state of Colorado has become the first state in the nation to open its doors to the retail sale of marijuana for recreational purposes.

Chinese hepatitis B vaccinations claim the life of a 12th infant victim

Dogs Poop in Alignment with Earth's Magnetic Field

Man shares photo of BIGFOOT he claims to have killed a year ago after luring it with pork ribs from Walmart

Scientist show off new glow in the dark pigs

Man tries to sell stolen brains on eBay, police say

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6 Most Toxic Things In Your Purse Health hazards you're keeping way too close

The Dirty Truth About Antibacterial Soap

6 Most Toxic Things In Your Purse
Health hazards you're keeping way too close

11 Reasons To Bring Back Landlines In 2014 (Seriously)

Hidden Scary #Sushi Ingredients Exposed

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5 Cooking Oils You Think Are Healthy…But Aren’t

Man says raw food diet has made him 'almost superhuman'

Health Notes: Diabetes and obesity linked to iced drinks
Cold drinks is believed to dull tastebuds by reducing their sensitivity
Researcher found sweet tastes are less intense when drinking iced drinks
 Iced drinks had an effect on chocolate but not on savoury cheese

Sarah Massey Is Big, Blonde, And Beautiful With Her Seven-Foot Butt (VIDEO)

The Truth About Grapeseed Oil: Is it Really Healthy?

Grape Seed Oil – A "Health Food" That is Not Healthy at All

5 Cooking Oils You Think Are Healthy…But Aren't

6 Healthiest Cooking Oils

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