
真貨年產1,700噸 英媒爆全球大假冒 假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸

白龍王 的9大信條語錄

福島核洩漏 升至「嚴重事件」中國震驚 韓亞取消福島包機綫

真貨年產1,700噸 英媒爆全球大假冒
假 Manuka 蜂蜜 年售近萬噸




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Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Cell phone radiation fears - Canada's largest teachers union votes to turn cell phones off in the classroom

Bill Gates' Published Plan to Drench the Earth With Sulfuric Acid From Drones
Under the Pretext of Fighting Global Warming, Bill Gates & Monsanto to Monopolize Food Production Using Chemtrails as Herbicidal Warfare:
The Plan to Dump 20 Megatons of Sulfuric Acid Into the Atmosphere From Custom-Designed Drone Airships To Benefit Monsanto's 'Climate Stress' Seed Patents

If cigarette packs carry warnings about death, why don't vaccines?

Wave of protests sweeps UK: Resistance to fracking plans heats up as pollution concerns grow

How to boost your nutrition intake and your health with smoothies

Worse than Bush: Obama fills key government positions in agriculture and trade with biotech execs

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The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

The Fraud of Bill Gates, Monsanto and the Vaccine Connection

'Safety assessments' on nearly all common food additives found to be manipulated by processed food industry: Study

The 10 false assumptions of modern science (and how to set science free with new paths to discovery)

Money-hungry doctor purposely misdiagnosed patients with cancer to feed his greed

Tax benefits soon to be withheld from parents who don't vaccinate children

Doctor claims new medical breakthrough will allow corpses to be revived within a day of being dead

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