
New technology capable of better detecting GMOs in food, animal feed and seeds

2013 ITU World Triathlon Hamburg Race Result Videos

Seven undeniable reasons to eat avocado every day

You've heard of the wonders of colloidal silver, but how about colloidal gold?

EPA massively increase allowable herbicide levels in food, despite public outcry

New technology capable of better detecting GMOs in food, animal feed and seeds
Droplet Digital PCR, or ddPCR, works to improve GMO screening efforts in the more than 60 countries around the world that now require GMO labeling.
And ddPCR appears to be not only more accurate than existing technologies, but also more cost effective.
Is your doctor receiving Big Pharma payoffs? Here's how to find out

Eat your weeds!

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Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?

'Our daughter died of a brain tumour. We blame her mobile'
A teenage girl who spent hours talking on her mobile phone each day has died from a brain tumour.
Samantha Miller, 17, spent hundreds of pounds a month on 'topup' cards to pay for calls to her friends.
Her parents are convinced her constant mobile phone use triggered the tumour that killed her.
Less than a year after she bought the phone Samantha started complaining of headaches, ringing in the ears and a numb face.

Danish woman Annette Fredskov runs 366 marathons in 365 days… and says it has cured her multiple sclerosis 

Rochelle Harris, British Woman, Has Flesh-Eating Worms Removed From Her Ear

Avoid these food items commonly mistaken for 'health foods'

Excess salt consumption found to be the cause of millions of heart disease deaths worldwide

A chiropractor's point of view on pillows and sleeping position

Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?
At least 22 children in India have died as a result of eating soy-based school lunches served to them in the country's Bihar state, according to new reports. The tainted lunches, which were loaded with genetically-modified (GM) soybeans and pesticide chemical residues, were given to the student victims as part of a U.K.-based government meal program similar to the one currently being implemented in the U.S. by Michelle Obama for American public schoolchildren.

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Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean

Former Gates Foundation executive pushing universal norovirus vaccine
July 16, 2013 
Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean
July 16, 2013 

Parents should limit their child's cell phone use; says federal radiation health watchdog

Boycott Monsanto! Live in the Garden of Eden with fruits and vegetables grown from organic heirloom seeds

Does kitty litter contain harmful substances? 

99% of terrorists caught by the FBI are faked, author reveals

The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism [Hardcover]
Trevor Aaronson (Author) 1/2013

What I eat per week (in winter) on a raw vegan diet

30BAD Freelee & DurianRider Promote & Sell GMO "BULL SHIT"? Please Sign the Petition!

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