
Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

Omegawave ITU World Triathlon Series San Diego Race Videos Results 4/20/2013

Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

April 18, 2013

Surgical errors too profitable to stop!

Monsanto lies through their teetrh
April 21, 2013 
(NaturalNews) By now, most of us are aware of the controversy surrounding genetically modified crops that are horrendously sprayed with Monsanto's herbicide Roundup Ready with its active ingredient glyphosate.

Exclusive: Scientific paper that announced high levels of lead in rice suddenly retracted by its author

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Nine reasons to never eat processed foods again

Ishigaki ITU Triathlon World Cup 2013 Race Video Results

Nine reasons to never eat processed foods again

Green smoothies' performance effects are the subject of new Boutenko documentary

Studies reveal how maggots clean wounds and aid healing

Why you should be concerned about MSG
Additives that always contain MSG

6 Gross Ingredients in Your Food

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美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」 中原﹕額外印花稅 樓盤價升量跌

美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」 中原﹕額外印花稅 樓盤價升量跌
 (明報)2011年3月1日 星期二

【明報專訊】兩大龍頭物業代理行中原和美聯對當前熾熱的樓市都感到事不尋常,美聯集團    指樓市已處於「非理性亢奮」狀態,故放棄較早前今年全年樓價升11%的預測,暫時「唔估」樓價升跌。中原集團則認為,政府推出額外印花稅後,令業主更不願放售,造成「價升量跌」的畸形發展。





新鴻基    不同意:買家深思熟慮



就美聯指樓市「非理性亢奮」,新鴻基地產    (0016)副主席郭炳江昨在集團業績會上說,這與事實有出入。他說:「買家不是掃貨那種形式,係逐間逐間咁睇,傾好耐,我覺得佢口地係深思熟慮 。」



新世界發展    (0017)董事總經理鄭家純昨在業績會上表示,政府應制定長遠及連貫性的房屋發展政策,讓市場知道未來數年的供應量,畢竟就算賣地,亦需數年時間才可供應市場。他建議政府應取回土地供應的主動權,如定期賣地,並且希望政府能復建居屋及多建公屋,以解決中產及低收入人士住屋需求。他預計預算案出台後,由於沒有打壓樓市措施,中短線樓價及交投將會增加。


山頂豪宅天比高每呎9.6萬天價易手內地富豪 亞洲區最高呎價紀錄

 (星島)2011年6月9日 星期四 

(星島日報    報道)賣地前夕,山頂豪宅售價續攀上巔峰,菱電持有的山頂「天比高」最後一間洋房剛以每呎九萬六千三百六十二元天價成交,涉資八億元,成交呎價不但刷新全港豪宅新高,更晉身亞洲區最高呎價的紀錄,買家是市場炙手可熱的內地富豪。



  對於上址以天價成交,菱電副主席胡亮明昨日接受本報訪問時表示,該物業位處地段較特殊,擁有三百六十度迴環海景,望維港及南區景致,在本港可觀賞到上述景致的獨立屋相信少之又少,基本上「賣咗之後買唔番!」,他以「少少不捨得賣」來形容今番賣樓情況,不過,由於集團早前剛購入山頂普樂道八號法國    總領事館獨立屋,有它「填補空缺」(日後可發展類似的罕有獨立屋),故最終才願意割愛,否則絕對不會沽售。




  上述為普樂道十號洋房,面積八千三百○二方呎,造價九萬六千三百六十二元易手,涉資約八億元,該洋房並設有花園、私人泳池及車房。菱電已收取一成訂金,成交日期為八月十二日。據悉該項目僅餘的十二號屋,將由周星馳    保留自用。


  收訂一成 八月成交



  及後於○八年九月,天比高十六號示範屋,由百營環球資源主席兼行政總裁施展望以三億八千萬購入,面積七千二百二十九方呎,每呎逾五萬二千五百元,最終因金融海嘯,在○九年七月取消交易,及後於九月份,該物業再由英國    商人以三億五千萬元購入。可見豪宅價格急升的情況下,天比高洋房價格已較兩年前「翻一番」。


為子女置業 一代人供兩代樓

為子女置業 一代人供兩代樓
 (經濟日報)2011年5月17日 星期二



「我假假口地也是專業人士,沒理由住這裏…… 」70後兒子嫌樓價太低、衝口而出的這句話,這一次傷透林太(化名)的心。

Figleaves UK

子不懂感恩 傷透慈母心




嫌棄單位細 賣掉換大屋




美聯物業    營業董事郭玉滿指,粗略估計,現時近一半年輕置業人士,都是父母付首期,「父母會提到是他們付首期,讓子女供樓儲下錢,所以不要買太貴。」有父母出手的交易,較常見是買400多萬元的單位,以鐵路沿線大型屋苑為主,貪其保值,年輕人又愛有會所,她說父母通常都為子女付一半首期。

樓價超越97 入息反落後

據差餉    物業估價署資料,今年3月樓價指數已比97年超越14.6%,反觀統計處數字,15至24歲及25至34歲青年人,入息中位數仍比97年落後。





台灣花蓮縣瑞穗鄉拔仔山 蕭志雄山裡失蹤 搜救一星期告停http://blog.yahoo.com/vrindavan/articles/1231854

Homeschooling Support 支持自家教育自主學習

美研究﹕中國米鉛超標百倍 疑西方傾倒毒廢料所致 自食惡果


化學肥料的污染真面目 四川災民無法入住新居
相當於每名中國人背負 200 多公斤廢渣

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New research: Copper kills superbugs and other hospital-acquired infections

New research: Copper kills superbugs and other hospital-acquired infections

DIY Natural Toothpaste & Mouthwash

For a Beautiful Smile: 7 Natural Teeth Whitening Home Remedies

Home Remedies for Bee Stings

Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Home Remedies for Wounds

7 Effective Natural Hay Fever Remedies to Beat Ragweed Allergy Season

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Deadly levels of radiation found in food 225 miles from Fukushima: Media blackout on nuclear fallout continues

6 Reasons to Start Juicing from Around the Web

Curcumin Matches Exercise in Slowing Aging, Protecting the Heart

Deadly levels of radiation found in food 225 miles from Fukushima: Media blackout on nuclear fallout continues
Rice crackers and tangerines produced in the Shizuoka prefecture are testing high for both Cs-137 and Cs-134. Rice crackers, according to the data sheet, tested at 3.7 Becquerels per kilogram (Bq/Kg) of Cs-137, while tangerines tested at 1.46 Bq/Kg of Cs-134 and 3.14 Bq/Kg of Cs-137.

Green cleaning tips: Don't use lemon juice

7 Incredible Hikes (Slideshow)

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Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#10 Radiation)

2013 Auckland ITU World Triathlon Race Video Result

Dangers of Shaving your Pubic Hair?

Detoxification Upgrade #2: Ozonated Water

Black rice: Rare yet highly nutritious

Camu camu: An incredible source of vitamin C and flavonoids

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#1 GMOs)

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#2 Vaccines)

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#4 Pharmaceuticals)

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#6 Synthetic pesticides)

Top ten ways humanity is being murdered in the name of 'evidence-based science' (#10 Radiation)
(NaturalNews) In the name of "science," our world has built a network of deadly, unstable nuclear power plants that quite literally threaten the very future of human civilization. As the Fukushima accident shows, all these "scientists" who think they're so smart are actually incredibly myopic in that they couldn't even foresee an earthquake causing a tidal wave that would impact a nuclear facility built on the shoreline.

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The 10 worst toxins hidden in vitamins, supplements and health foods

What Could the Massacre of 40,000 Elephants Possibly Teach Us?

The 10 worst toxins hidden in vitamins, supplements and health foods

CO2 myth busted: Why we need more carbon dioxide to grow food and forests

Triathlon : Polyanski brothers prohibited from racing together

Turmeric equals exercise in its ability to prevent aging

Is your organic produce really pesticide-free?

A super weed with powerful nutrition

Top selling herbicide has been shown to kill human cells

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Bill Gates is the Sperminator

Bill Gates is the Sperminator

Microsoft buys eugenics technology from Merck, becomes drug development partner with top global vaccine manufacturer
February 02, 2012

Bill Gates funds technology to destroy your sperm
February 01, 2012 

How the Bill Gates Foundation is genetically manipulating nature and devastating our health
January 07, 2011 

Bill Gates says vaccines can help reduce world population
October 01, 2010

Bill Gates Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines and Health Care


McCartney Criticizes French Vegetarian Ban


Bill Gates Vaccines Deadly Vaccination Population Control

Bill Gates GM Food GMOs

Pro-Nuke Bill Gates On Nuclear Energy Power Plants

McCartney Criticizes French Vegetarian Ban
A government order in France requires all meals served in school canteens to contain animal products, with meat and fish served with regularity. French students also reportedly can’t bring packed lunches to school, so the government orders apparently are intended to make balanced vegetarian or vegan meals in schools impossible, or nearly so. 

Is Bottled Water Bad for Your Health?

Foods & Herbs with Antibiotic Properties

13 Ways to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation

Indoor and Outdoor Edible Gardens

VIRAHA, Moods of Separation
by Music of Yoga
Kishori Mohan : In Honor of our Beloved Srila Gurudeva's Disappearance Day, this album will be FREE for everyone to download through Sunday. Jai Srila Gurudeva.
Dedicated to the devotees who are experiencing separation from our beloved Gurudev, Nitya Lila Pravista Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaja.
released 08 June 2011 
Special Thanks to Radha Priya and Nitya for backups on Gurudev Krpa Bindu Diya. Special Thanks to Vijay for his awesome Mridanga drumming on the Hare Krishna track.
http://musicofyoga.bandcamp.com/download_tralbum         MP3 Direct Download Link

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Chinese nuclear disaster “highly probable” by 2030

Chinese nuclear disaster "highly probable" by 2030
He Zuoxiu
China is heading for a nuclear accident if it continues with current construction plans, says former state nuclear physicist and prominent critic He Zuoxiu.

Radioactive recliner chairs, apartment buildings and household goods are not as unusual as you may think - and it's about to get worse
Sunday, March 17, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright
The American government has developed a solution for all the excess radioactive metal from the medical industry and military: Make it into belt buckles. Or forks. Even cheese graters are fair game. 

C-section babies have abnormal immune function

More evidence suggests that desk jobs and excessive sitting are deadly
Excess sitting can significantly increase a person's risk of developing cancer, blood clots in the brain, and heart disease, which further makes the case that exercising and even just standing up more can literally mean the difference between life and death.

Shocking new cell phone radiation study reveals increased brain tumor risk for children

Nuclear medical tests can turn you into a nuclear bomb terror suspect in the eyes of the TSA

Six Ways To Tell If You're Staying in a Murder Hotel

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