



廣州 2013年02月06日  綠色和平調查廣東品牌蔬菜的生產品質,揭發品牌蔬菜農殘情況與非品牌蔬菜相若,當中「旺泰佳」的蔬菜更含有中國禁用農藥氟蟲腈,以及農藥毒死蜱超標。在其種植基地的蔬菜及水源樣本中,發現含有中國禁用農藥硫丹。

家居致癌物氾濫 世衛促限用
塑化劑雙酚A溴化阻燃劑高危 可致不育


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'Organic' from China exposed: The shocking truth about 'organic' foods grown in the world's worst environmental cesspool

10 Scientific Reasons Why You Need a Rebounder!

50 ways to love your liver: Home remedies to detox and keep the life in your liver
Innocent farmers being blamed for failure of Monsanto's frankencrops
'Organic' from China exposed: The shocking truth about 'organic' foods grown in the world's worst environmental cesspool

Eight Big Reasons to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods

Ducks develop severe wing deformities after eating human food

Feeding the birds; which usually involves throwing chunks of bread or other human food scraps at flocks of geese and ducks, is actually causing many of these creatures to develop severe wing deformities, a fact that was recently corroborated in a study conducted by the city of Sacramento.

"Feeding bread, seed, crackers, chips, popcorn or even bird seed to ducks is the equivalent of feeding your child nothing but candy," explains the official website of North Richland Hills, Texas, about ducks and the environment. "Ducks like the bread or other food, and will clamor for it much like a child will ask for candy. But the human food has no nutritional value for waterfowl; it fills their stomachs up so that they do not eat the foods they need in order to remain healthy."

Could Cell Phones Be Killing the Honey Bee?

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12 Best & Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Estrogens in Cooked Meat

12 Best & Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Family sugar remedy tested for healing people's wounds

Pouring granulated sugar on wounds 'can heal them faster than antibiotics'

Cleanest sources for chlorella revealed: Natural News publishes metals contamination test results for world's most famous superfood

Shock finding: Most probiotic supplements made with genetically modified flow agents, fillers

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