
10 Life-Threatening Mistakes You Might Make With Your Doctor

Digestive enzymes enhance nutrient absorption, gut health and longevity 
Canadian firm ready to unleash genetically engineered Frankenapples in U.S 

President Obama's store sells hemp from Communist China while hemp farming in America remains criminalized 

10 Life-Threatening Mistakes You Might Make With Your Doctor 

7 of the World's Scariest Roads (Slideshow) 

GMOs cause animals to lose their ability to reproduce, Russian scientists discover  
Killing children with X-ray images - Death by procedure 

Determine your risk for cancer without the use of radiation

How now black and white cow? A glass of morphine milk?
A few thousand years ago, the majority of milk cows were the wholesome beta-casein A2 type until the genetically mutated beta-casein A1 strain appeared. Today, over 90 percent of US milk cows are the errant A1 type cows. 

Big Pharma shifting from deadly chemical drugs to bioelectric implants  

Seven toxic foods, drinks, and additives to cut out of your diet for good
Inflammation is the cause of nearly all disease - Here's how to prevent it 
Flame retardants are causing autism
PBDEs have been accumulating in the environment in lock-step with the accelerating rise in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

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India government outraged at Sikh shooting deaths of six people, but says nothing about Monsanto-linked deaths of 200,000 farmers

杭州陳經綸體校 6歲習泳日游至少5000至6000米 

生態災難 市民蒙在鼓 致癌毒膠粒60億粒遍港海 

影響健康 聚丙烯吸毒力強 顏色越深越毒 

刻不容緩 毒膠粒散11海灘 籲全民救海洋 

India government outraged at Sikh shooting deaths of six people, but says nothing about Monsanto-linked deaths of 200,000 farmers
Is there fluoride in your grapes?
Fluoride exposure is also problematic throughout the food supply, including in fresh food crops that have been sprayed with pesticides and herbicides made from fluoride compounds.

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Five -year-old girl found living with cows can only communicate by mooing


中國男子泳將三代人:張琳的陰影 孫楊1戰破60年尷尬 

Triathlon Live London 2012 

One from History: The British Vegetarian Long-Distance Olympic Champion

Five -year-old girl found living with cows can only communicate by mooing 

Mounting Evidence Shows Many Vaccines are Ineffective and Contribute to Rise of Outbreaks Caused by Mutated Viruses

THE SKY IS PINK by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar-nominated director of GASLAND addressing the urgent crisis of drilling and fracking in New York state  

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